Ctrl-shift-M does not work anymore on my pc

I have installed windows 11 23H2 to my pc and Firefox 128.0 (64-bit) and after re-installation that I made to my pc and installed Firefox, the Ctrl-shift-M does not worki… (read more)

I have installed windows 11 23H2 to my pc and Firefox 128.0 (64-bit) and after re-installation that I made to my pc and installed Firefox, the Ctrl-shift-M does not working. A little research in google, drove me to refresh firefox, but the problem did not solved.

Any ideas of what I have to do to return this operation?

Thanks a lot.

Asked by digisolgr 1 day ago

Firefox keeps crashing

The web browser does not open after restarting and logging into user profile on computer. It crashes and I have to keep refreshing for several minutes. Then I get a pop u… (read more)

The web browser does not open after restarting and logging into user profile on computer. It crashes and I have to keep refreshing for several minutes. Then I get a pop up to refresh firefox. It happens everytime I log out of computer and log back in. The web browser wont start

Here is the code, please fix

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TelemetryServerURL: https://incoming.telemetry.mozilla.org TelemetrySessionId: fdcdb1fc-5351-413e-b39c-2ef8601d27fa Throttleable: 1 TotalPhysicalMemory: 17179869184 UptimeTS: 2.52724791 Vendor: Mozilla Version: 128.0 useragent_locale: en-US This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

Asked by Ale Z 1 day ago

Sync breaks Bookmarks

Hello, If I create custom "Recently bookmarked" like place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU&folder=UNFILED_BOOKMARKS&folder=TOOLBAR&queryType=1&sort=12&excludeI… (read more)

Hello, If I create custom "Recently bookmarked" like place:folder=BOOKMARKS_MENU&folder=UNFILED_BOOKMARKS&folder=TOOLBAR&queryType=1&sort=12&excludeItemIfParentHasAnnotation=livemark%2FfeedURI&maxResults=10&excludeQueries=1 and I sync my data with other device, this bookmark gets wiped on both devices. How this can be solved? Thank you

Asked by zapryan1 1 day ago

ALL add-ons and themes disabled

ALL my add-ons and themes are suddenly disabled (bookmarks, etc & all else seem to be normal) - I have so many add-ons I can't remember which were enabled & which… (read more)

ALL my add-ons and themes are suddenly disabled (bookmarks, etc & all else seem to be normal) - I have so many add-ons I can't remember which were enabled & which were disabled. Is there not a way to just restore them/Firefox back to the way it was?

Asked by WTM_W7 1 day ago

Malware on desktop Firefox

Please help me delete all my bookmarks on Firefox on my desktop. I think it’s malware as when I clicked on an old bookmark my screen froze with large type on it & a l… (read more)

Please help me delete all my bookmarks on Firefox on my desktop. I think it’s malware as when I clicked on an old bookmark my screen froze with large type on it & a loud voice over repeatedly saying my computer had been hacked. I called Apple & they helped me close my computer down. They said Firefox needs to help me delete my bookmarks on your/that browser. Please help!

Asked by qatarkat 1 day ago

Mozila crash reporter

Mozilla Firefox browser I am using on my kali linux but in just 5 min showing pop-up (mozilla crash reporter) then laptop will be stuck display not showing properly and l… (read more)

Mozilla Firefox browser I am using on my kali linux but in just 5 min showing pop-up (mozilla crash reporter) then laptop will be stuck display not showing properly and laptop can't start/on. How's the problem occurs? Show me solutions

Asked by Yash Bhosale 1 day ago

Having an issue with tabs opening.

For the past week links i click on will randomly not open in the tab nor will it be able to refresh(its greyed out), I'll have to close the tab and click again and it wil… (read more)

For the past week links i click on will randomly not open in the tab nor will it be able to refresh(its greyed out), I'll have to close the tab and click again and it will usually load that time.

I have already cleared the cache and cookies, refreshed AND re-installed Firefox and this problem is still occurring.

Asked by TheGreatAzbell 1 day ago

Memory hog

FireFox 128.0 (64-bit) is back to being a memory hog until everything slows to a crawl. Some releases were better and some are worse. I like FireFox but I am having a ha… (read more)

FireFox 128.0 (64-bit) is back to being a memory hog until everything slows to a crawl. Some releases were better and some are worse. I like FireFox but I am having a hard time getting my work done. Switching between different items slows to a crawl.

Asked by Bob 1 day ago

Last reply by Bob 1 day ago

Youtube is slow and makes laptop overwork on firebox recently

I have had my laptop for years, and I have used firefox for years. Roughly, in the last 2-4 months, all the sudden, opening up new youtube webpages, tabs, videos, takes a… (read more)

I have had my laptop for years, and I have used firefox for years. Roughly, in the last 2-4 months, all the sudden, opening up new youtube webpages, tabs, videos, takes a while, 5-20sec to fully load a new page, and when I open a new youtube tab, my laptop fan starts spinning loudly, for ~20-30seconds. Once the page is loaded its fine again. Basically opening up a youtube page is slow, and its acting like its same as playing a modern video game on my computer which is ridiculous. I have edge installed, although I rarely use it, and it does not have this problem at all, its fast, and laptop fan does not spin.

Asked by Will o 1 day ago

Autofill Saved Payment Information

When attempting to submit payment information if I am placing an order online, I try to use the autofill method with my saved payment method and my laptop's biometric sca… (read more)

When attempting to submit payment information if I am placing an order online, I try to use the autofill method with my saved payment method and my laptop's biometric scanner. But the issue is even after using the biometric scanner or entering a PIN number, I still have to manually enter the payment information because the field does not autofill. What do I need to do in order to fix this? I have updated my payment information and ensured the information is correct.

Asked by arlittle13 1 day ago

Firefox is running even when my computer is on sleep with the lid closed and shortening my battery life considerably even when I have few windows open

I am running very high CPUs with firefox and it is keeping my computer very warm even when the lid is closed and it should be sleeping and it seems to be the reason my ba… (read more)

I am running very high CPUs with firefox and it is keeping my computer very warm even when the lid is closed and it should be sleeping and it seems to be the reason my battery life is so short - no more than an hour or two at most.

/edit: moved thread from Firefox for iOS (for iPhone/iPad) to the (desktop) Firefox section as your Macbook has macOS

Asked by chapman.pamela 2 days ago

"This page is slowing down Firefox" new problem with a frequently used site

This problem is NEW ... I've been using Firefox with Bible Gateway for literally YEARS, and this problem has begun in the last two days. I tried to follow the advice unde… (read more)

This problem is NEW ... I've been using Firefox with Bible Gateway for literally YEARS, and this problem has begun in the last two days. I tried to follow the advice under other occurrences of this problem to others, and couldn't ... I don't get into code that way!

All I know is that I can no longer simply open a tab, go to that site, and use it; once that error shows up, no navigation on the page is possible.

Idk whether this is a problem for Firefox, or for Bible Gateway. I've contacted them, too.

But ... what can I do?

Asked by thiessen1956 2 days ago

Last reply by thiessen1956 2 days ago

Secure Connection Failed

Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to support.mozilla.org. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR Error code: PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR The page you are trying to vi… (read more)

Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to support.mozilla.org. PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR Error code: PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Asked by Jerry St. Marie 2 days ago