History of Installing Pocket for Android and Kindle Fire via direct download

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Mark Heijl One more click -> tap
Approved M Michele Rodaro Mobile devices: Click -> Tap ?
Unreviewed   Michele Rodaro Latest version of Pocket: 8.16.0 - May 15, 2024 (see https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/mozilla-corporation/)
Approved M AliceWyman Latest version of Pocket 8.8.0 December 4, 2023 (?) - see https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/mozilla-corporation/pocket/pocket-8-8-0-0-release/
Approved M AliceWyman Introduction, Note->Warning; added TOC, other edits
Unreviewed   AliceWyman 'Install Pocket via the Google Play Store' fixed bad link
Approved MT Lucas Siebert Fixed broken link (Kindle APK download link)
Approved MT Lucas Siebert Fixed APK download links
Approved M Lucas Siebert Minor formatting/ Added learn more links
Approved   Mark Heijl formatting changes
Approved MT Dayani Lucia G.F. Pocket Migration

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