History of How to manage your camera and microphone permissions with Firefox

How to
Revision history for:

Show Helpfulness Votes Chart

Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Mozinet a further clarification
Approved   Mozinet simplifications and minor edits including formatting
Approved M AliceWyman Empty edit to mark RFL
Approved   Chris Ilias purged pre-fx89 content
Approved   AliceWyman minor edits to Page Info Permissions section
Approved M AliceWyman linked to Site Permissions panel, added image, how to open Page Info Permissions
Approved M Fabi [Fx89] Microphone Permissions Panel
Reviewed M Mozinet Page Info dialog removed from Firefox 88
Approved M AliceWyman new images for fx87
Unreviewed   AliceWyman [[T:optionsorpreferences]], update for fx87 Permissions panel (need new image)
Approved M jscher2000 - Support Volunteer Clarify available operations because search bar cannot add sites.
Approved M AliceWyman Using Address bar to clear permissions, capitalization, other edits
Approved M AliceWyman updates for fx70
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman Formatting to fix numbering in lists
Approved M Michele Rodaro Other edits: feel free to approve or reject
Approved M Michele Rodaro Changing Microphone Permissions: camera > microphone
Approved MT Joni new article per request

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