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I live in the UK and recently when going to the BBC.co.uk I get the website as BBC.com after a few seconds. I know that I usually see .com when overseas and this is norma… (xem thêm)

I live in the UK and recently when going to the BBC.co.uk I get the website as BBC.com after a few seconds. I know that I usually see .com when overseas and this is normal. Why has this started happening while I am still in the United Kingdom?

Được hỏi bởi herman1rg 1 ngày trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi herman1rg 5 giờ trước

Adds on Firefox start up

Past few times now every single time i boot up my PC, Firefox instantly opens itself and immidietly redirects me to a add. It's been casinos etc, i've disabled my addons … (xem thêm)

Past few times now every single time i boot up my PC, Firefox instantly opens itself and immidietly redirects me to a add. It's been casinos etc, i've disabled my addons just in case that is what was causing the issue also i do not have Firefox set to instantly open on PC start up either yet it does for some reason.

Được hỏi bởi sampapa12 9 giờ trước

Firefox updated to 127 even though I indicated not to

I first mentioned this in r/Firefox, and was asked to re-post here. My FF just updated to 127.0.1 even though I have "Check for updates but let you choose to install the… (xem thêm)

I first mentioned this in r/Firefox, and was asked to re-post here.

My FF just updated to 127.0.1 even though I have "Check for updates but let you choose to install them" and told it to wait. This was on a Windows 11 box. Everything seemed fine, but then one of my tabs crashed. I selected the reload tab option, at which point it informed me it could not load the tab because a background update had happened and I was now required to restart Firefox.

I'm not certain what version of FF I was on, I believe it was either 126 or 126.0.1.

Now, to be completely fair, I cannot with 100% certainty say that I clicked on the update later option. That said, as I _did not want to update then_, and I have put off the update before, it seems unlikely I would have made the mistake, but I wasn't recording everything I did so I can't play it back and prove it. My initial reaction was to associate it with the tab crashing somehow, as everything was working as expected right up until that moment.


Được hỏi bởi pobox3 1 tuần trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi pobox3 15 giờ trước

Firefox Can’t Open This Page To protect your security, www.nifc.gov will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window.

Edge and Chrome directly open embedded government pages, such as https://www.nifc.gov and https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/map, that "Firefox Can't Open." "To protect your s… (xem thêm)

Edge and Chrome directly open embedded government pages, such as https://www.nifc.gov and https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/map, that "Firefox Can't Open." "To protect your security," Firefox requires each to be opened in a new window. This is an incentive for users to switch to Edge or Chrome and stop using Firefox. All .gov pages should be safe to open even if they do not "utilize x-frame options or a content security policy to control whether other websites can embed them."

Được hỏi bởi fire 21 giờ trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi fire 19 giờ trước

Sharing a page on twitter does not happen. Please fix this

When I try to share a page on twitter, I get an error message that there is a problem with Firefox (can't remember the particular jargon). Try and share a page on twit… (xem thêm)

When I try to share a page on twitter, I get an error message that there is a problem with Firefox (can't remember the particular jargon).

Try and share a page on twitter if you want to see it all. Never works.

Please fix this.


Được hỏi bởi Chicago Dreamer 1 ngày trước

firefox icon

how can I get the firefox icon on my computer I have downloaded firefox but it did not leave an Icon on my screen ?

Được hỏi bởi evelyn13 1 ngày trước

Language changed permanently on https://www.facebook.com/

After following a link from a Google search to Facebook, my language on the Facebook login page was permanently changed to Polish. This only applies to this page and the … (xem thêm)

After following a link from a Google search to Facebook, my language on the Facebook login page was permanently changed to Polish. This only applies to this page and the language settings in Firefox are still correct. How do I change back?

Được hỏi bởi bjorn27 1 ngày trước

Full screen notification

I've just started using Firefox, and a few things have caught my eye. Is there a way to disable this? I don't want to see it every time I go full screen. It wasn't very n… (xem thêm)

I've just started using Firefox, and a few things have caught my eye. Is there a way to disable this? I don't want to see it every time I go full screen. It wasn't very noticeable in my previous browser because it was small and dark-colored.

Được hỏi bởi Berat 1 ngày trước

Latest version of Firefox browser don't allow NESN games to be watched

I've noted that latest version Firefox browser 128.0 64 bit does allow me to watch any NESN games baseball, football, basketball etc. Even private mode doesn't work. So s… (xem thêm)

I've noted that latest version Firefox browser 128.0 64 bit does allow me to watch any NESN games baseball, football, basketball etc. Even private mode doesn't work. So something really got messed up big time. I have no problem whatsoever when I use the Microsoft Edge browser.

Được hỏi bởi Nathan Keen 1 ngày trước

web pages opening at bottom of page on refresh

I have had issues where I am trying to open a new page or refresh a page and it stays at the bottom of the page. Example the Firefox help pages where I scroll to bottom c… (xem thêm)

I have had issues where I am trying to open a new page or refresh a page and it stays at the bottom of the page. Example the Firefox help pages where I scroll to bottom click on the next page number, and it goes to that page but stays at bottom. Or if on Hibid and want to look at a listing, look at the listing and then want to go back to the previous page, it opens the listing at the bottom of the page, not the top. Sometimes it will open the new page where ever it wants

Được hỏi bởi Wolf277 1 ngày trước

Firefox translator beta

how can I remove translation beta complementary translator off my address bar. I installed it and don't like it. Can't find a way to remove it. Windows10. Thanks Jea… (xem thêm)

how can I remove translation beta complementary translator off my address bar. I installed it and don't like it. Can't find a way to remove it. Windows10.



Được hỏi bởi jean-guy bernier 1 ngày trước