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google account, yubi key and thunderbird

I'm trying to get my google account working in thunderbird, but when i try to log in i would need to use my yubikey when I put it on and try to use it, it says "Chrome ex… (xem thêm)

I'm trying to get my google account working in thunderbird, but when i try to log in i would need to use my yubikey when I put it on and try to use it, it says "Chrome extention not found" there is a link to install it, but this link is a 404.

I'm on osx 13.4.1 and thunderbird version is 15.0.1 (64-bit)

Được hỏi bởi gorhgorh 11 tháng trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi pam.distasio 11 tháng trước