Nejcesćej woglědane

Nastawk Woglědy Status
Send usage data on Firefox mobile browsers 2.467
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Co jo Firefox Klar za iOS? 1.084
Wašej startowej wobrazowce zwězanja z webbokami pśidaś 1.052
Add trusted websites to your allow list in Firefox Focus 958
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Add search engines in Firefox Focus for iOS 606
Pśełožowanje trěbne
How to opt out of studies on Firefox Focus for iOS 587
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Autocomplete web addresses in the URL bar in Firefox Focus for iOS 269
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Search suggestions in Firefox Focus for iOS 192
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Co jo Firefox Klar za Android? 141
Aktualizěrowanje trěbne
Autocomplete settings in the Firefox Focus address bar 98
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Switch to desktop view on Firefox Focus for Android 79
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Open a new private tab in Firefox Focus for Android 77
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Download the Beta and Nightly versions of Firefox Focus for Android 67
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Firefox Klar ako standardny wobglědowak na Android nastajiś 64
Block cookies in Firefox Focus for Android 61
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Safe browsing in Firefox Focus 60
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Add a search engine to Firefox Focus for Android 58
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Remove a search engine in Firefox Focus for iOS 49
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Change to desktop view on Firefox Focus for iOS 43
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Firefox Focus main Menu 41
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Change site permissions in Firefox Focus for Android 40
Pśełožowanje trěbne
How do you use Adjust in Firefox? 39
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Tracking Protection on Firefox Focus for iOS 34
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Change the default search in Firefox Focus on iOS 32
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Change your theme in Firefox Focus for Android 32
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Change your default search on Firefox Focus for Android 27
Pśełožowanje trěbne
HTTPS-Only Mode in Firefox Focus for Android 26
Pśełožowanje trěbne
What's New in Firefox Focus for iOS 24
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Firefox Klar za Android - Cesto stajone pšašanja 22
Search suggestions in Firefox Focus for Android 14
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Remove a search engine in Firefox Focus for Android 13
Pśełožowanje trěbne
How to opt out of studies on Firefox Focus for Android 11
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Change your theme in Firefox Focus for iOS 9
Pśełožowanje trěbne
How does Firefox Focus for iOS use the permissions it requests? 8
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Difficulties opening or using a website in Firefox Focus for Android 100 7
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Find words on a page in Firefox Focus for iOS 7
Pśełožowanje trěbne
How does Firefox Focus for Android use the permissions it requests? 7
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Drag links to and from Firefox Focus 6
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Find words on a page in Firefox Focus for Android 5
Pśełožowanje trěbne
GeckoView in Firefox Focus 4
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Set Firefox Focus as the default browser for iOS 3
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Delete an individual tab in Firefox Focus for Android 2
Pśełožowanje trěbne
Aktualizěrowanje trěbne