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Email from Microsoft to update Authentication to Oauth

I recieved emails from Microsoft to update Authentication to Oauth as support for basic authentication will soon cease. Whilst I have not been experiencing any issues, af… (ďalšie informácie)

I recieved emails from Microsoft to update Authentication to Oauth as support for basic authentication will soon cease. Whilst I have not been experiencing any issues, after following the instructions, also provided here:


I now have an unusable Thunderbird client.

This is because I am having to keep authenticating my outlook accounts (I have about ~100 email accounts). They pop up one after the other for each account.

I believe I went through all the troubleshooting steps but to no joy.

I did notice however, when the "Enter your credentials....." pop up box appears and I go through the motions of authenticating my account and TB against my Microsoft account, the following entry appears under the Settings > Saved Passwords > Saved Logins > "Provider" column for that account:

oauth://login.microsoftonline.com (https://outlook.office.com/IMAP.AccessAsUser.All https://outlook.office.com/POP.AccessAsUser.All https://outlook.office.com/SMTP.Send offline_access)

The credentials include a very long auto generated password starting similar to "M.C533_BAY.0.U.-........"

A couple of things to note now regarding the oauth entry:

1. It possibly does not always get created when re-authenticating 2. After quitting TB and then re-launching TB, it dissapears

So the solution would be to somehow ensure this entry is created and it sticks even after quitting TB, since for those accounts that include this I do not have get the "Enter your credentials....." pop up box.

Is this something TB can investigate?

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