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Hello, I'm an adult that likes watching adult things and im having trouble doing so because my network or browser or other has me blocked from viewing anything related i… (читать ещё)

Hello, I'm an adult that likes watching adult things and im having trouble doing so because my network or browser or other has me blocked from viewing anything related in an adult way. I am close to fifty years old, how can i regain control of my search settings and possibly remove "safesearch" from my device? And no, i dint live in texas. Thanks

Задан Jon 3 дня назад

being scammed

Hello. I continue to be scammed for information. They are getting better but, too obvious! This time it's a Tractor Supply business endorsement, pertaining to winning a p… (читать ещё)

Hello. I continue to be scammed for information. They are getting better but, too obvious! This time it's a Tractor Supply business endorsement, pertaining to winning a prize. For what? AnyHow, has been an off and on ordeal for a couple years! Just tired of it. They have other business endorsements also, don't remember at this time. Thanks for your help!

Задан DogDue 5 дней назад