Article Description

Contributors Contributors Última actualização: 06/20/2023 100% de utilizadores votaram que isto é útil
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Before contributors can write the content for a new article, they must fill out a description. By categorizing an article like this, readers can find the article more easily. Here is how to do this.

Note: All contributors can include a description (title, category, relevant product, etc.) when creating a new article but after the article is approved, the Description field can only be edited by reviewers. For more information about editing the Description for existing articles, see Edit a Knowledge Base article.
  1. The title should describe what the article shows the reader. Do not begin the title with the word “How.” Most articles show readers how to do something. If all procedural articles began with “How,” it would be difficult to alphabetize articles. Try “Joining a Conversation” rather than “How to Join a Conversation.”
  2. The slug is the link to the article. Keep it short. The slug for “Joining a Conversation” might become “joining-conversation.”
  3. Choose a category based on what this article is meant to do. Does this article show readers how to do something with a Firefox app? Choose How to. Does it help with a troubleshooting problem? Choose Troubleshooting.
  4. What is this article relevant to? Does it deal with Firefox? Firefox for iOS? Firefox for Android? Choose all that apply.
  5. In Topics there are drop down menus. If your article is relevant to Firefox, click the Firefox dropdown menu. Then click which parts of Firefox the article applies to, such as Learn the Basics, Firefox Sync and Privacy and Security Settings. Choose all that apply.
    Categories Categories2
  6. Most articles are related to other articles. Type in the beginning of the name of a related article. The computer will automatically find related articles that you can click.
    Note: Adding related documents is currently disabled (bug 1729134).
    Warning: You should refrain from adding related documents in new articles that will be pending review. This will result in existing articles linking to unapproved articles because the links are reciprocal.
  7. Add keywords. Keywords can improve search results by adding terms that are not included in the article's Search result summary.
    Note: It is not in your best interest to overload your keyword field with as many relevant keywords as possible. Doing so will lower the amount of points awarded to your keyword, resulting in your article's search ranking diminishing. For more information, see this article.
  8. In search result summary, type in a sentence or two that explains what the article is about. Try to include keywords in those sentences. This helps search engines find the article.

Knowledge Base guidelines

To see more guidelines on Knowledge Base contribution, click here.

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