
  • リビジョン ID: 107792
  • 作成日:
  • 作成者: marsf
  • コメント: 翻訳途中。
  • 査読日: いいえ
  • 翻訳準備中: いいえ


  1. Mozilla サポートのローカライズ
  2. ローカライズ作業をサポートするには
  3. 記事を翻訳する (この記事です)
  4. 既に翻訳された記事を更新するには?
  5. L10N guidelines for reviewing translated articles
  6. How to be a SUMO Locale Leader

このリストに何か足りないものや追加した方がよいものがあれば、Michał にお知らせください。


私たちは皆、ある時点で SUMO のローカライズの初心者でしたから、遠慮なく質問してください。質問すればするほど知ることができます。答えを得るには、話すのに適切な人々を見つけなければなりません。以下の場所で見つけられます:

あなたの言語のロケールリーダーにも問い合わせてみるとよいでしょう。彼らは、ロケールリスト のページからあなたの言語をクリックすると見つけられます。ロケールリーダーは、あなたの言語でアドバイスをもらったり、SUMO をあなたの言語にローカライズするための最新情報を得るのに最適です。


重要: 以下の情報はすべての言語にあてはまります。あなたの言語にローカライズするための詳細情報を得るには、ロケールリーダーに問い合わせてください。文章のスタイルや見るべきものを教えてくれるでしょう。
以下の説明を読む前に、この 4 分間の動画を観てください。記事の翻訳ページについて説明します:

  • 最初の記事のリストは、最もアクセス数の多い記事です。赤い三角形の付いた最初の記事を選んでクリックしてください。ページ左側の Editing Tools をクリックして展開し、Translate Article をクリックしてください。次に、あなたの言語をクリックします。
  • 赤い三角形の付いた記事が見当たらなければ (びっくり!)、「更新が必要」な記事を選んでください。この場合、既存の翻訳を更新することになります。詳しくは、既に翻訳された記事を更新するには? を通してお読みください。

  • 次に開いたページを下へスクロールすると、左側に英語版の内容が表示され、右側に翻訳作業用の編集ボックスが表示されます。


  • Start from the top. Give the article a name in your language, and make sure the slug looks correct.
    What is the slug? The slug is part of the url of the article, like: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/this-is-the-slug. It shouldn't exceed 50 characters. From the auto-generated slug, you can remove stop words and other unnecessary words. Make sure it stays human-readable (= easy to understand for humans) and has the most important information. Make sure that each word in the slug is separated with a hyphen, like in this-is-the-slug.
  • Translate the keywords for the article. If an article does not have keywords in English, add keywords for your language that you think would work best for this article.
    Why should I translate the keywords? An article must be easily findable. That's the role of keywords. All words in the title that are not English stop words such as "the" and "is" are already considered as keywords, so don't add them as keywords. Depending on your locale, translate some or all the keywords and eventually add synonyms, related terms, regional versions, usual typos, and usual anglicisms. DO NOT add too many keywords because each one of them will have less weight. For more info, see When and how to use keywords to improve an article's search ranking.
  • Then, translate the search results summary. Try to find a compromise between an accurate translation and the 160-character limit. If an article does not have a search results summary, add one for your language that you think would work best for this article.
    What is the search summary? The text paragraph that is listed on the search results page. Make sure it gives people who search for help a clear idea of what they can find when they click the article.
  • Finally, move on to the full article text. This part will probably take at least 5 minutes to go through, if not more. It is the most important part of the translation, so:
    • Remember to keep the Table of Contents marker in place, if it is used in the article. It looks similar to this: __TOC__
    • Remember to keep all the brackets and code elements intact, otherwise the article will not function properly. More details on that in the "What should I NOT translate?" section below.
    • Remember to keep the formatting of the original text - bold and italicized words, section headers, list elements, etc.
    • Be careful about the names of product user interface elements (for example terms like Settings or Add-ons in the text.
      Why should I be careful? The product user interface (also known as UI) is translated outside of SUMO. In order to know what is the chosen label for each UI component (for example, a button in Firefox or a menu in Firefox OS), use the Transvision glossary search.


It is very important that you do NOT translate several elements in the article content that are mentioned below. If they are translated, the article will be 'broken' - it will not function correctly in your language.
  • If you're translating a "Template:..." article, do not translate the title and the slug - just copy the existing English name into the title field for the localized version. (note: the ability to do this will be disabled in the future, so this point should be removed from the list when that happens)
  • If the document you're translating includes only one word: "REDIRECT", do not translate that article. It is a automatic redirect and it should already work for your locale.
  • Do not translate or change anything that is within brackets like these: {}. This applies to terms like note, for (including parameters like fx29 or linux, warning.
  • Do not translate the English article titles referenced in the page (they are framed with double square [[ ]] brackets). They will be automatically updated to your locale when you translate the target page into your locale.
  • Do not translate the elements of any URL. The only thing you can possibly change in a URL is the locale parameter (en-US). In most cases, you can change en-US to your locale (for example pt-BR for Brazilian Portuguese). Before you change it, make sure that the target page exists for your language! If it doesn't, depending on the situation you can:
    • keep the link to the English page,
    • use a different link to a page in your language, if that page makes sense in the context,
    • remove the link to the English page and not use any link in the localized version.

If you are not sure what to do, please ask for help on the l10n forum.

If you are unsure what something means, you should read about How to use "For" tags and テンプレートの使い方 to learn more about those elements. Also, remember to ask your Locale Leaders or other localizers for help.

  • When you are done, submit the article for review, and make sure you add a meaningful comment, as it will be displayed on the article history page.
    Remember that the review may take some time, so be patient and move on to another article, if you have the time. Reviewers will take care of reviewing your article as soon as they can. Thank you for your patience!
If you want to practice localizing SUMO, you can localize our "practice" article here.


If you follow the instructions above and finish an article... that's it! You translated your first article - thank you! We hope you find it easy enough to translate more than one :-).

If you enjoyed it and want to keep translating articles into your language, you should read the following article: 既に翻訳された記事を更新するには?

Remember that you should always ask your Locale Leaders or other localizers for help if you don't know or understand something. We all learn from one another and make each other greater - that's the essence of open source!

何か質問はありませんか? ローカライズの際に支援が必要ですか? L10n フォーラム で伝えてください。