Search suggestions in Firefox

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 157768
  • Created:
  • Creator: AliceWyman
  • Comment: updated images; Yahoo no longer a built-in engine in Fx57+, other edits
  • Reviewed: Yes
  • Reviewed:
  • Reviewed by: AliceWyman
  • Is approved? Yes
  • Is current revision? No
  • Ready for localization: Yes
  • Readied for localization:
  • Readied for localization by: AliceWyman
Revision Source
Revision Content

Many search engines (including Yahoo, Google, Bing and others) provide search suggestions, which are based on popular searches other people make that are related to a word or words that you enter. When search suggestions are enabled, the text you type in a search field is sent to the search engine, which analyzes the words and displays a list of related searches.

search suggestions 43Fx57SearchSuggestions

How search suggestions work

If you see a search suggestion that matches what you are looking for, click on it to see results for that search term. This can save time and help you find what you’re looking for with less typing.

Enabling search suggestions will send the keywords you type in a search field to the default search engine - unless you appear to be typing a URL or hostname. Search fields include:

  • the address bar (where search suggestions can be disabled separately)

The default search engine may collect that information according to the terms of their privacy policy, and users concerned about this information being collected may not wish to enable search suggestions. Search suggestions are disabled by default in Private Browsing mode. You must explicitly turn them on in a Private Browsing window to enable them in that mode.

Enabling or disabling search suggestions

Search suggestions can be enabled or disabled at any time by checking or un-checking the Provide search suggestions box in the Search section of Firefox's optionspreferences:

search sug settings 43Fx56ProvideSearchSuggestionsFx57SearchPanelsearch settings 59

  • To see search suggestions in the address bar, put a check mark next to Show search suggestions in location bar resultsShow search suggestions in address bar results. To show search suggestions before your browsing history, put a check mark next to Show search suggestions ahead of browsing history in address bar results.