How do I choose my server on Mozilla VPN?

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 203356
  • Created:
  • Creator: Joni
  • Comment: do not publish until release
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
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Mozilla VPN provides an encrypted tunnel to the web from any software or app on your Windows desktop or Android device. (Additional platforms coming soon.)

You can choose from servers in 30+ countries and register up to five devices.

  1. Open Mozilla VPN (you can open it from the Windows 10 app tray too).
  2. Sign in with your Firefox Account (only required the first time).
  3. Click the Connection menu.
    The image "connectionvpnwin" does not exist.
  4. Choose a server location from the list.

The template "vpnconnectiondevices" does not exist or has no approved revision.