History of Disable email forwarding - Stop receiving emails sent through your masks

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Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Dayani Lucia G.F. Updated as per Bug 1874267
Approved   Lucas Siebert Rewrote startline for clarity
Approved M Denys Some text & formatting fixes. Added instructions for the case of not having the Relay Extension. Added the Relay icon image.
Approved M Fabi Added premium to note
Approved M Fabi Minor edit
Unreviewed   Fabi reworded a few sections and added more steps to permanently delete a mask
Unreviewed   Fabi Updated for new experience / Please do not approve
Approved   Fabi Updated summary
Approved M Fabi Generate New Alias > Generate new mask
Approved M Fabi Generate New Alias > Generate new mask
Approved M Michele Rodaro Including templates in numbered list. Please, approve the templates as Ready For Localization ;)
Approved M Fabi Swapped the order of disable/delete so the content for disable comes first
Approved MT Joni new article

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