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Firefox Suggest - Perguntas Mais Frequentes

Revision 258010:

Revision 258010 by Manuela.Silva on

Revision 277459:

Revision 277459 by Manuela.Silva on

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Neste artigo, irá encontrar respostas para as questões mais frequentes sobre as "Sugestões do Firefox".
Neste artigo, irá encontrar respostas para as questões mais frequentes sobre as "Sugestões do Firefox".


{for not fx92}[[Template:update fx desktop]]{/for} __TOC__ = O que é Firefox Suggest? = [https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/firefox/firefox-news/firefox-suggest/ Firefox Suggest] is a new feature introduced in [[Find what version of Firefox you are using|Firefox version]] 92 that provides website suggestions as you type into the address bar. It serves as a trustworthy guide to the better web, with relevant suggestions to help you accomplish your goals. {note}'''Nota:''' Firefox Suggest is currently available in the United States. For users outside of the U.S., only local results (browsing history, bookmarks and open tab suggestions) are provided.{/note} {for fx99} = O que é a "Melhor" escolha? = Top picks are featured suggestions from Firefox and our partners that we think are most relevant to what you're searching for. [[Image:TopPick_wiki|width=600]] {for fx99}{note}'''Nota:''' As we continue this rollout, Top pick is currently only available to select users in the US.{/note}{/for} {/for} = O que está ativado por predefinição ? = Firefox already provides [[Search suggestions in Firefox|suggestions from your default search engine]] as you type into the address bar. Firefox also shows you [[Address bar autocomplete suggestions in Firefox|address bar autocomplete suggestions]] based on local data stored on your own computer, such as websites from your browsing history, bookmarks and open tabs. U.S. users will see this local data under a "Firefox Suggest" label in the address bar drop-down list. ;[[Image:Fx94FirefoxSuggestResults]] In addition to suggestions based on local data, Firefox Suggest results may also include ''contextual'' suggestions from the Web and occasional sponsored suggestions from Mozilla's partners, which are also on by default (any sponsored results will be clearly labeled).In some cases, these suggestions may be featured as a Top pick based on the relevance to your search. These are helpful suggestions from Firefox related to your search query and do not require new types of data. These suggestions from Firefox and Mozilla's partners will connect you with content from many sources, including Wikipedia, Pocket articles and product reviews. See [https://blog.mozilla.org/data/2021/09/15/data-and-firefox-suggest/ this Mozilla blog post] to learn more about Firefox Suggest and how it works. {for not fx94} = O que são as sugestões inteligentes? = Mozilla will be rolling out a new offering for the Firefox Suggest experience — “Firefox Suggest with smarter contextual suggestions.” To deliver a personalized web experience with smarter results that requires less effort from you, Firefox will retrieve additional suggestions from a Mozilla service in real time, similar to the way suggestions are retrieved from your default search engine. To generate relevant suggestions, Firefox will send Mozilla search queries (what you are typing into the address bar), and city-level location (what's nearby and relevant, determined from your IP address). Firefox also informs the service if you click on a provided suggestion. This feature requires access to new data, so it will require you to affirmatively opt in before it is enabled. It will initially be offered to a small number of U.S. users. :[[Image:Modal with Not Now]] To enable these enhanced suggestions, simply click on {button Allow suggestions} when you receive our notification prompt or {button Customize in settings} to choose the experience you want and the types of suggestions that will show in the address bar. = Que dados é que a Mozilla partilha com os seus parceiros se permitir as sugestões inteligentes? = Smarter suggestions may include content from partners, including sponsored suggestions. Before Mozilla shares any data with its Contextual Suggestion partners about which suggestions have been displayed or clicked, all personally identifying information is removed, and the data is sent through a Mozilla-owned [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server proxy] service rather than directly from your computer. To learn more about how Mozilla handles data, see [https://blog.mozilla.org/data/2021/09/15/data-and-firefox-suggest/ this blog post]. {/for} {for fx94} = Porque deveria ativar a «Experiência de Sugestão Melhorada» do Firefox? = Firefox is creating a trustworthy guide to the better web, surfacing relevant information to users as they navigate the web. We're doing so by only collecting the data that we need to operate and update the functionality of Firefox Suggest based on our [https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/policy/lean-data/ Lean Data] and [https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/principles/ Data Privacy Principles]. When you enable the improved Firefox Suggest experience, it helps Firefox improve the overall search experience and suggest relevant information for users. To enable these suggestions, click {button Allow suggestions} when you receive our notification prompt or go to the '''Address Bar - Firefox Suggest''' section in Firefox settings to choose the types of suggestions that will show in address bar results. = Que tipos de sugestões eu posso esperar na 'Barra de Endereço'? = {for fx99}[[Image:Addressbar_suggestions|width=500]]{/for} {for fx99} *'''Melhor escolha:''' Featured suggestions from Firefox and our partners that we think are most relevant to what you're searching for. {/for} *'''Sugestões do mecanismo de pesquisa: ''' Suggestions from your preferred search engine. *'''Firefox Suggest:''' Sponsored and non-sponsored suggestions. {for fx99} = Eu não vejo as sugestões de 'Melhor' escolha. Porque é que eu não as posso ativar nas minhas definições? = À medida que nós continuamos com este lançamento, a "Melhor" escolha está disponível apenas para os utilizadores selecionados nos EUA. {/for} = Que dados a Mozilla partilha com os seus parceiros se permitir ou ativar “Experiência de Sugestão Melhorada do Firefox”? = Before Firefox shares any data with its partners about which suggestions have been displayed or clicked, it removes personally identifying information, and the data is sent through a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server Mozilla-owned proxy] service rather than directly from your computer. [https://blog.mozilla.org/data/2021/09/15/data-and-firefox-suggest/ Learn more about how Mozilla handles data]. {/for} = Quem são os parceiros da Mozilla? = Privacy is fundamental to Mozilla's mission and we only work with partners that meet our privacy standards for Firefox. For sponsored results, our preferred partner is [https://www.admarketplace.com/privacy-policy/ adMarketplace]. We also provide results from Wikipedia. Results from Wikipedia are not sponsored. = Como é que eu controlo as minhas definições de "Sugestão do Firefox"? = You can change the types of suggestions that are displayed at any time. To do so, follow these steps: {for not fx94} #[[Template:optionspreferences]] #Select {menu Privacy & Security} on the left and go down to the '''Address Bar — Firefox Suggest''' section. #;[[Image:Fx9201settingsAddressBar-FirefoxSuggest]] #*To enable or disable traditional [[Address bar autocomplete suggestions in Firefox#w_changing-your-address-bar-settings|address bar suggestions]], such as results from your own browsing history and bookmarks, select or deselect the associated checkboxes. #*To enable or disable contextual suggestions from the Web and Mozilla's partners, select or deselect the checkbox next to '''Contextual suggestions'''. {/for} {for fx94} #[[Template:optionspreferences]] #Select {menu Privacy & Security} on the left and go down to the '''Address Bar — Firefox Suggest''' section. #To enable or disable any setting, click its checkbox or toggle switch. #;{for not fx99}[[Image:Fx94settings-FirefoxSuggest]]{/for}{for fx99}[[Image:TopPick_FxSuggest|width=700]]{/for} #*The checkboxes are for traditional [[Address bar autocomplete suggestions in Firefox#w_changing-your-address-bar-settings|address bar suggestions]] based on local data, such as results from your browsing history or bookmarks. #*The toggle switches turn Firefox Suggest features on or off. For additional clarity, the grey information box will summarize your Firefox Suggest preference choices. {/for} Para saber mais sobre as definições de "Sugestão do Firefox", consulte [[How to customize Firefox Suggest settings]] article.
__TOC__ = O que é Firefox Suggest? = [https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/firefox/firefox-news/firefox-suggest/ Firefox Suggest] é uma nova funcionaldiade introduzida no [[Find what version of Firefox you are using|Firefox - versão]] 92 que fornece sugestões de <i>sites</i> da Web à medida que digita na barra de endereço. Este serve como um guia confiável para uma Web melhor, com sugestões relevantes para ajudá-lo a atingir os seus objetivos. {note}'''Nota:''' o Firefox Suggest está atualmente disponível nos Estados Unidos. Para os utilizadores fora dos EUA, serão fornecidos apenas os resultados locais (histórico de navegação, marcadores e sugestões dos separadores abertos).{/note}

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