How to upgrade to Monitor Plus?

Mozilla Monitor Mozilla Monitor Last updated: 02/26/2024 25% of users voted this helpful
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Monitor Plus is a premium feature from Mozilla Monitor, that warns you when your online accounts have been compromised when a data breach occurs, and automatically removes the exposures of your personal information on the data broker sites that are selling it. We help you fix exposures of your information from two different sources: data brokers and data breaches.

Note:Monitor Plus is currently only available in the US.

Is Mozilla Monitor free? Mozilla Monitor has a free version that includes a one time free scan and the option to track known data breaches to notify you if your online accounts have been compromised, providing guidance on how to proactively protect yourself going forward. And a premium feature: Monitor Plus. If you already have Mozilla Monitor and want to be on the plus side of the web, you can upgrade following these steps:

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Mozilla Monitor website at
  2. Sign in to your Mozilla account. If you don't have one, create it before proceeding.
    Mozilla account login
    Note: You can also sign in to Mozilla Monitor through your Google or Apple account.
  3. On the top right side of the screen, click Upgrade to Premium.
  4. Select a yearly or monthly plan.
    Monthly plan upgrade
  5. Enter your payment method and confirm your subscription by selecting the Continue to Monitor button.
    Continue to Monitor

Now you are part of Monitor Plus. Enjoy receiving automated monthly scans and removals from data broker sites!

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