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  • Vyriešené

Persistent problem with Thunderbird not responding

For months I was experiencing the problem of "Thunderbird not responding" occasionally. It was a short duration issue (a few seconds to a minute). I reinstalled Thunder… (ďalšie informácie)

For months I was experiencing the problem of "Thunderbird not responding" occasionally. It was a short duration issue (a few seconds to a minute). I reinstalled Thunderbird several times without success. I read almost every comment available online about this problem and I tried many ideas and recommendations I found without success. Most recently the problem became so serious that it was not a nuisance any longer. It was nearly impossble to work waiting for minutes to open an email or to continue typing while preparing a message and being interrupted by the problem I am describing. I ran Thunderbird in safe mode and determined that none of the add-ons is causing the problem. I turned the firewall OFF and determined that firewall was not causing the problem. I then decided to run Thunderbird in Offline mode and found that the program works normally. Then while in Offline mode I decided to download more messages and the program asked me if I wanted to switch to the Online mode. I said yes. New emails were downloaded and without going back to the Offline mode I was able to work normally without any occurrence of the "Thunderbird not responding" problem. I have been using this workaround for several days now. I download a number of eamails. I try working in Online mode and I cannot do it. I switch to Offline and work fine. I switch back to Online mode and I don't see the problem any longer for the whole day. Do you have any idea as to the origin of my proble? I am running Thunderbird 115.10.2 64 bit on Windows 11. I had the problem originally using Lenovo T490s and more recenlt Lenovo X1 Yoga

Otázku položil(a) savvides48 Pred 2 mesiacmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) savvides48 Pred 2 mesiacmi

  • Vyriešené

Cannot send or receive GMail messages in Thunderbird

Good afternoon I have 2 accounts in Thunderbird - a gmail and a Yahoo. Both were running great from the time I set up Thunderbird about 2 weeks ago until yesterday when t… (ďalšie informácie)

Good afternoon I have 2 accounts in Thunderbird - a gmail and a Yahoo. Both were running great from the time I set up Thunderbird about 2 weeks ago until yesterday when the gmail account stopped sending and receiving. The Yahoo account is still fine. I have not received a message in Thunderbird in my gmail account since, although I have logged in on the web and confirmed that there are incoming messages in my account.

When I attempt to send a message from the gmail account I receive an error message - "Add Security Exception". If I click "View" nothing happens. If I click "Get Certificate" the section "Unknown Identity" changes to "No Information Available". However, when I cancelled the message I noticed a new error message appeared - "Send Error Message" and when I returned to the main Thunderbird screen I noticed a new tab appeared "Certificate for smtp.gmail.com".

As you can imagine, I seem to be getting nowhere with this and as I am only an intermediate user with computers I don't know where to go next. Subsequently, I sincerely hope that someone out there is able to help me. Any assistance would be very much appreciated.

The following are my Thunderbird settings for the gmail account :- Incoming Server Server type : IMAP Mail Server Server name : imap.gmail.com Port : 993 User name : [myname]@gmail.com Connection security : SSL/TLS Authentication method : OAuth2

Outgoing server Description : Google Mail Server name : smtp.gmail.com Port : 465 Connection security : SSL/TLS Authentication method : OAuth2 User name : [myname]@gmail.com

A copy of the error messages as well as the Certificate are attached.

Otázku položil(a) Mike Flint Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Matt Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

Inbox folder size on disk too big

Dear Support, suddenly my INBOX file has a size of 480GB - the mails in all my IMAP folders online is less than 4GB. How can that happen? Is there a fix or should I ju… (ďalšie informácie)

Dear Support,

suddenly my INBOX file has a size of 480GB - the mails in all my IMAP folders online is less than 4GB.

How can that happen?

Is there a fix or should I just re-create the account?

Best wishes, Johannes

Otázku položil(a) johannes45 Pred 3 mesiacmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) johannes45 Pred 3 mesiacmi

  • Vyriešené

email storage

I want to move a lot of gmails to the Bin but keep them in local folders. An answer to someone else's problem said to be sure the local folder contains a true copy and no… (ďalšie informácie)

I want to move a lot of gmails to the Bin but keep them in local folders. An answer to someone else's problem said to be sure the local folder contains a true copy and not just a link, by checking that I could read it, but how do I do that for several thousand emails? Maybe they are all true copies in at least in one local folder? I need to remove a large chunk of 25000 gmails in All Mail to free up space on my hard disk. I was having problems with Global Search and followed instructions to re-index everything. Apart from taking several hours to index All Mail, I subsequently found that I could no longer get 2GB free space by using Disk Cleanup, the best I could get was about 300MB, which is apparently too small for Thunderbird to compact All Mail, or for Dropbox to sync with my mobile phone camera photos. The All Mail file in C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\hgwapwu4.default\ImapMail\imap.gmail.com\[Gmail].sbd is 4.5GB, and Important is 1GB

Otázku položil(a) msturdy77 Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) david Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

Very wrong attributions of email, strange possible crosslinks

Here is a very strange problem: 1. all my notifications about interac are attributed to only one person: INTERAC e-Transfer: A money transfer from X has been automatical… (ďalšie informácie)

Here is a very strange problem: 1. all my notifications about interac are attributed to only one person: INTERAC e-Transfer: A money transfer from X has been automatically deposited. Under correspondents I have Y, no matter what X is. 2. When I do a global search for INTERAC, all notifications show up, but attributed to Z, different from X and Y. Further, Z only sent me an interac transfer once, maybe 10 years ago. Indeed, if I global search for Z, none of the interac notifications show up. 3. this is ONLY on Thunderbird, not at the server.

Any ideas?

Otázku položil(a) gena4 Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) sfhowes Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

My .thunderbird folder on a PCLinuxOS desktop is almost 800Gb in size!

I've read a few historic suggestions about how to resolve this, but I haven't been comfortable with what solutions were suggested as they didn't seem to comprehensively a… (ďalšie informácie)

I've read a few historic suggestions about how to resolve this, but I haven't been comfortable with what solutions were suggested as they didn't seem to comprehensively answer the questions, I'm afraid.

Until this morning's attempts to resolve the "running out of disk space" warnings, I had two mail accounts on Thunderbird - my old Hotmail account and my new personal domain based account. Both accounts had old emails (3/4 years' worth) filed locally on my PC pending my satisfaction that the new mail account was working satisfactorily. To try and resolve the storage issue, I deleted all the locally stored emails from my Hotmail account from within Thunderbird, then deleted the Hotmail account, and restarted both my PC and Thunderbird.

The expected reduction on space occupied by the .thunderbird folder didn't materialise - at all.

How can I get back the space so I can continue working, please?

Otázku položil(a) tim292 Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) tim292 Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

Upgraded from 115.2 to 115.7 and have lost comcast connectivity. Cause: Atlanta airport Wifi?

I had 115.2.2 installed and all was good. I upgraded last night to 115.7 and things seemed ok but I am now on the road at Atlanta airport and I can neither send nor rece… (ďalšie informácie)

I had 115.2.2 installed and all was good. I upgraded last night to 115.7 and things seemed ok but I am now on the road at Atlanta airport and I can neither send nor receive email. In the lower left corner of the display it alternately is stuck on compuserve: connected to imap.AOL.com or my other server eberger35:connected to imap.comcast.net

If I try to send a message from either my compserve/AOL, or comcast, or gmail accounts I get this error message:

The message could not be sent because the connection to outgoing server (SMTP) smtp.comcast.net timed out. Try again.

If I try to send from the compuserve or gmail accounts the message will reflect that server SMTP has failed instead.

I think everything was working at home before I left, but I'm not sure if I checked mail after I upgraded. Perhaps the problem is the Atlanta airport Wifi, but I won't be at my destination till much later today and thought I would post this now in case someone has an answer. I will be able to get the reply on my iPhone. Thank you.

Otázku položil(a) eberger5 Pred 5 mesiacmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) eberger5 Pred 5 mesiacmi

  • Vyriešené

Thunderbird times out when sending emails

Good morning. I need help with sending emails in Thunderbird. The problem has existed for a couple of days now and is confusing as some emails are sent and others fail. … (ďalšie informácie)

Good morning. I need help with sending emails in Thunderbird. The problem has existed for a couple of days now and is confusing as some emails are sent and others fail. I am receiving mail OK. Details of my setup are :- I am using a HP All-in-one desktop running Windows 11 with Norton 360. My Thunderbird account settings: Server type: IMAP mail server User name: ****@gmail.com Server name: imap.gmail.com Port: 993 Connection Security: SSL/TLS Authentication: OAuth2 Outgoing Server (SMTP): Google Mail – smtp.gmail.com (Default) User name: ****@gmail.com Port: 465 Connection Security: SSL/TLS Authentication: OAuth2

The problem: I only recently set up Thunderbird and at first it seemed to working OK. However, now when I try to send a message, after some time, I the following error message :-

"Send Error Message Sending of the message failed. The message could not be sent because the connection to Outgoing server (SMTP) smtp.gmail.com timed out. Try again."

What is particularly confusing is that some messages are being sent. I have tried several fixes that I found from the Mozilla, Google and Norton web sites but none of the fixes resolved the issue. Any assistance would be very much appreciated.

Regards Mike

PS: I have 2 email accounts set up in Thunderbird. I just tried sending a test message from the Gmail account to the Bigpond account. From the Gmail account it appears to have been sent but in the Bigpond account an error message appeared as follows :-

"Could not connect to the mail server smtp.telstra.com; the connection was refused."

I don't know if this is a related issue or I have another one to resolve.

Otázku položil(a) Mike Flint Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) christ1 Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

My phone has stopped deleting emails from my laptop.

My phone has been deleting emails from my mozilla account and removing them from my laptop. Although I can still delete from my phone they don't delete from my laptop. Th… (ďalšie informácie)

My phone has been deleting emails from my mozilla account and removing them from my laptop. Although I can still delete from my phone they don't delete from my laptop. This system has been working for years and I've only just noticed the problem. I normally use my phone for this so I have about 3 months worth of emails still on the laptop.

Otázku položil(a) hallbrian5745 Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) hallbrian5745 Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

A few folders from gmail do not download the messages from gmail, most work fine

I installed Thunderbird and eventually got it working. I download with IMAP and upload with SMTP. TB did a great job downloading gobs of email from Gmail and converting… (ďalšie informácie)

I installed Thunderbird and eventually got it working. I download with IMAP and upload with SMTP. TB did a great job downloading gobs of email from Gmail and converting the labels into folders. In a couple cases, it created folders, but none of the emails with that label were downloaded into the folder. FOr example, there is a folder 'PE' and a subfolder " CD Ads'. Emails are present in both. However, in TB, 'PE' is lighter grey and italicized and empty.

The folder structure is not an exact match to the label structure. For example, in the labels, I have an 'Employment' label with 5 employers underneath it. None of the employers made it into TB.

I have a few other oddities too, but lets start with these. I did end up using a normal password to access the account, as 0Auth2 would not cooperate.

Thanks for you insites!

Cheers --Mark

Otázku položil(a) mark.w.abbott Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) mark.w.abbott Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

.eml file display error from sftp

Hello, I recently installed Ubuntu 24.04 with the version of Thunderbird (115.10.1) supplied with the distribution. I can no longer display mail saved as .eml in a remote… (ďalšie informácie)

Hello, I recently installed Ubuntu 24.04 with the version of Thunderbird (115.10.1) supplied with the distribution. I can no longer display mail saved as .eml in a remote folder (sftp). Thunderbird opens, but the mail window is empty. If I ask for the source code, this message appears:

Unable to read file at address view-source:file:///run/user/1000/kio-fuse-ouSeRu/sftp/myuser@myserver/mymessage.eml?type=application/x-message-display.

If I open from CLI I get this message :

JavaScript error: chrome://messenger/content/aboutMessage.js, line 218: NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED: Component returned failure code: 0x80520015 (NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED) [nsIMsgDBHdr.mime2DecodedSubject]

If I open the save file with a file editor I'm able to see the source code.

Could you please help me? Thanks

Otázku položil(a) rome.fr Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) rome.fr Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

Ghost gmail account still asks for authentication on thunderbird startup

I had an email account from my university that used gmail in the past but just recently disabled the email and migrated away from it. However, when I removed that email … (ďalšie informácie)

I had an email account from my university that used gmail in the past but just recently disabled the email and migrated away from it.

However, when I removed that email account from thunderbird and restart the app, the oauth dialogue to authenticate the disabled account each time. It would also keep opening that dialogue every 30 minutes. Any help is appreciated.

Otázku položil(a) Muhammad Ameer Rafiqi Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) ggbsde Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

Inbox Message Count

I am using a Mac with Big Sur (macOS Monterey, Version 12.7.5), and my email is POP, using Thunderbird Version 115.11.0.The message count of my inbox is wrong. It is two … (ďalšie informácie)

I am using a Mac with Big Sur (macOS Monterey, Version 12.7.5), and my email is POP, using Thunderbird Version 115.11.0.The message count of my inbox is wrong. It is two (2) more than it actually is. Right now there are ten (10) messages in my inbox BUT the message count of my inbox says twelve (12). Please correct.

Otázku položil(a) attride Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) attride Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené

Doesnt't work on Yahoo mail

TB won't set up on Yahoo mail. Spent about 3 hours on the phone with one and sometimes two Yahoo techs and giving them total access to my computer so they could set up T… (ďalšie informácie)

TB won't set up on Yahoo mail. Spent about 3 hours on the phone with one and sometimes two Yahoo techs and giving them total access to my computer so they could set up TB but could not get it working. It was eventually suggested I contact you folks, so here I am. When sending an email, it just keeps running like it's sending but doesn't stop. Eventually displays the following:

Sending of the message failed. Unable to authenticate to Outgoing server (SMTP) smtp.mail.yahoo.com. Please check the password and verify the 'Authentication method' in 'Account Settings | Outgoing server (SMTP)'.

The techs and I went around an endless loop of re-entering PW and checking authentication settings. Any suggestions?

Otázku položil(a) grumby2 Pred 1 mesiacom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) grumby2 Pred 1 mesiacom

  • Vyriešené
  • Archivované

In infinite loop of crash closing - after sorting emails by stars - (Urgent to me)

I was using thunderbird. I accidentally hit the sort by star right above the email list. The application crashed closed. When I reopen it, it immediately crash closes. I … (ďalšie informácie)

I was using thunderbird. I accidentally hit the sort by star right above the email list. The application crashed closed. When I reopen it, it immediately crash closes. I can't even get an pointer arrow for long enough to exit myself.

On window 10. Thunderbird was up to date.

Tried - restarting computer. Signing out of TB in the crash report box. Can't get into safe mode.

Otázku položil(a) curls3 Pred 4 rokmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Toad-Hall Pred 4 rokmi

  • Vyriešené
  • Archivované

Thunderbird crashes on startup @ RtlpxVirtualUnwind | RtlVirtualUnwind

I accidently powered off system (PC with Windows 10) without closing programs, including Thunderbird. After restarting the system and opening Thunderbird, TB crashed. I h… (ďalšie informácie)

I accidently powered off system (PC with Windows 10) without closing programs, including Thunderbird. After restarting the system and opening Thunderbird, TB crashed. I have tried numerous fixes:

  • Installed the latest version of TB (from 78.11.0 to 102.8.0)
  • Opening TB in Safe Mode (disabling all add-ons, reset toolbars & controls)
  • Uninstall & reinstall TB

All result in the Crash Reporter dialog, with Report Contents. I can supply the report contents. (It wasn't obvious how to attach to this forum post.)

One KB item (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1337785) suggested that the issue may have to do with session.json file. Based on the file timestamp, that seems likely. But I don't know how to edit this file to fix the problem.

I also created a new TB profile, with does not crash on startup, but I cannot get email properly configured.

I have hundreds (maybe 1000s) of email stored in TB that I cannot access.

I would greatly appreciate any help!

Otázku položil(a) quigg2954 Pred 1 rokom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Wayne Mery Pred 1 rokom

  • Vyriešené

Junk filters always put a user in spam

Hi, I have a user who sends me an email to one of my email addresses and it always ends up in the Junk folder. I've repeatedly marked his emails as not junk but that doe… (ďalšie informácie)


I have a user who sends me an email to one of my email addresses and it always ends up in the Junk folder. I've repeatedly marked his emails as not junk but that doesn't seem to change anything.

Is there anything I can look at that will help me figure out why it happens, and hopefully find a way to fix it.

I'm on Betterbird in case that matters. I looked thru the release notes and there seems to be nothing tagged with the junk filter.

I noticed this in the X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details email headers: mlxlogscore=764 clxscore=1015

This person seems to be the only person that has this information in their headers. Is it added by the junk filter? Or is it something on the sender's side (he uses an icloud.com and a me.com address)?



Otázku položil(a) laurent11 Pred 2 mesiacmi

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Matt Pred 2 mesiacmi

  • Uzamknuté

Thunderbird Attachments

Has anyone seen a message similar to this when trying to attach a document, usually a pdf to an email? O:\XXXXXXXXXX.pdf could not be opened, because the associated help… (ďalšie informácie)

Has anyone seen a message similar to this when trying to attach a document, usually a pdf to an email?

O:\XXXXXXXXXX.pdf could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences.

Also, when someone send me an image file, I can't open it directly from the email. I have to download it and then open it. This isn't as big of an issue as the above, but I thought I'd ask it too.

Thank you

Windows 10 Thunderbird 115.10.0

Otázku položil(a) tseabrook Pred 3 mesiacmi

Posledná odpoveď od Matt Pred 2 mesiacmi