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Firefox 128.0 (64 bit) has just installed (9/7/24) on my windows 11 machine and I can no longer log on to the Tesco grocery site.

I get the message:- Oops... It looks like something is not right If you are seeing this page it is because your browser has failed some security checks. You may still … (ďalšie informácie)

I get the message:- Oops... It looks like something is not right

If you are seeing this page it is because your browser has failed some security checks. You may still be able to browse our site to find the feature or store you're looking for.

The Tesco website works OK with Edge on the same machine and Firefox 127.0 on another machine. I think this is a known problem is there a fix/work around?

Otázku položil(a) chris.harries Pred 1 týždňom

Approve Password Boss plug-in!!!!!!!!

Three weeks ago Mozilla disabled the Password Boss plug-in for Firefox. We contacted the developers about this and a few days later they submitted new code for your appro… (ďalšie informácie)

Three weeks ago Mozilla disabled the Password Boss plug-in for Firefox. We contacted the developers about this and a few days later they submitted new code for your approval. It's been almost 3 weeks since then and NOTHING has happened! We used to use Firefox exclusively but had to move to Chrome because you disabled this plug-in (and we use it for EVERYTHING).

When will this be approved so we can install the Password Boss plug-in again? And why wasn't there ANY notification that you were going to do this? It crippled our work!

Otázku položil(a) Bill Artemik Pred 1 týždňom

How can I view a past Web Push Notification?

Hi When a site sends a Web Push Notification to my browser, it flashes up at the top of the screen for 2 or 3 seconds and then is gone. Sometimes I'm busy with somethin… (ďalšie informácie)


When a site sends a Web Push Notification to my browser, it flashes up at the top of the screen for 2 or 3 seconds and then is gone. Sometimes I'm busy with something else and once I see it, it's gone, or I just catch the first word or two.

How can I display the Web Push Notification again?

I'm running Firefox on Fedora Linux, if that matters.


Otázku položil(a) louis.vandyk Pred 1 týždňom

Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue

https://www.qianli.cn/ Peer’s Certificate has expired. HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false Certificate chain: BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----… (ďalšie informácie)


Peer’s Certificate has expired.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:


MIIF+DCCBOCgAwIBAgIQDsrm2CMWLJceuGGH8DSfdjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBu MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3 d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMS0wKwYDVQQDEyRFbmNyeXB0aW9uIEV2ZXJ5d2hlcmUg RFYgVExTIENBIC0gRzEwHhcNMjMwNDA0MDAwMDAwWhcNMjQwNDAzMjM1OTU5WjAY MRYwFAYDVQQDEw13d3cucWlhbmxpLmNuMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8A MIIBCgKCAQEAsLAgIWDq0900wurriva7S5DubRJDSXMtXEWowLd3bBLXqb+Px1u5 doSiUYdnPWruXWC2ErF/+TDnuiUA24fggHZO5F7g3239Ds5M4/wo8w3qcGQscpDo aDBFkAYER52K89G3OG9AQj+vhcsoITo1URnYOfdcd2xDyngDTj+8cuHrQmnoVyTr 0pthnV1BvLKb+AGCAF3r009lop+8nJeXp5ueIGrKZDNqAcaAjk4tS4TgmGsPVs5Q 1ykokmE4mYks2O2SQssstl8moRMeaOVIvk/LxjRReE/+IQzFg5QQ33ogrNURbjf7 rI1SzM8nMJL6sJ6eTrrBSLgKvC0oH9/KfQIDAQABo4IC5jCCAuIwHwYDVR0jBBgw FoAUVXRPsnJP9WC6UNHX5lFcmgGHGtcwHQYDVR0OBBYEFHMmIunzCGLpawy8trsX TQiIrotbMCMGA1UdEQQcMBqCDXd3dy5xaWFubGkuY26CCXFpYW5saS5jbjAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwHQYDVR0lBBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwEGCCsGAQUFBwMCMD4GA1Ud IAQ3MDUwMwYGZ4EMAQIBMCkwJwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWG2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuZGlnaWNl cnQuY29tL0NQUzCBgAYIKwYBBQUHAQEEdDByMCQGCCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8v b2NzcC5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20wSgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGPmh0dHA6Ly9jYWNlcnRzLmRp Z2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9FbmNyeXB0aW9uRXZlcnl3aGVyZURWVExTQ0EtRzEuY3J0MAkG A1UdEwQCMAAwggF8BgorBgEEAdZ5AgQCBIIBbASCAWgBZgB1AO7N0GTV2xrOxVy3 nbTNE6Iyh0Z8vOzew1FIWUZxH7WbAAABh0rqWlcAAAQDAEYwRAIgL5rjkdkVYGhN VlBkab0r0sr7nygDvQkv3beblSpNekQCIFcOxeezE72pAk7AGqWFdOpU9LwNqT8l EzBE4UXsxyYiAHUASLDja9qmRzQP5WoC+p0w6xxSActW3SyB2bu/qznYhHMAAAGH SupaDwAABAMARjBEAiBP0WiMdBY2MYWNyGvCfbT33gJ5O8lYE6alqGlrmFvshQIg KEfdNTe+K+UXNmy7OFCxmQOlpa8TOvLntLKRECq1iygAdgDatr9rP7W2Ip+bwrtc a+hwkXFsu1GEhTS9pD0wSNf7qwAAAYdK6lnYAAAEAwBHMEUCIQD73BPGA2+fLaZr AIxaDhfEIRzAxUW4BEZ3T7Uw9mt64QIgRF1wL8BUIwPllaWBbYQ8NWiqYDY+JDmh 3z3dFRZwkUowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAJ1kBnuAeQ9Gy2mENF4M0GVyfYTx xg6XZaIKIe2wE3+o88qSjc5loBGoauEpenoh1MKDhtu4Qjfe0RlGiAUpZeyfHaTk ucxjrEYlkthpIjPtnJA19veqyhZYecOojWYenQ+7Ya/uKhja9rATAtXafMm+PbCJ w8gr5mcZBC6zuy3yaPGeojMe4+sZXg5Qo1T1sUr2w3EkdU6pn4/kuSfjJ6FxNtMX t/Hjd8P4vdjM4X+TtjswZBechj1hV5lLbNTiG0LlchlYVPoxcFCcr18XkaMikYPj sBdqOEZyC421yzOw+wb3RGCohoNGE0qlEqTHC+7kzHb3+HLdqes43rr9UuY=




Otázku položil(a) Golden Farm Pred 1 týždňom

Posledná odpoveď od TyDraniu Pred 1 týždňom

Website Claims Affiliation

Verification of website says part of innovation project with Mozzilla A new A.I. site popped up called Solo which lists it as "a Mozilla Innovation Project" focused on de… (ďalšie informácie)

Verification of website says part of innovation project with Mozzilla A new A.I. site popped up called Solo which lists it as "a Mozilla Innovation Project" focused on developing an AI website builder for solopreneurs for free. The site is SOLO.ai and I need to know if this is affiliated with the "Mozilla Innovation Project" that the site says is part of mozilla? The person that corresponded with me is a Raj Singh

Otázku položil(a) TS MP Pred 1 týždňom

Posledná odpoveď od James Pred 1 týždňom

  • Vyriešené

Firefox update 127.0.2 (64-bit)

Latest update (127.0.2) erased all my data. Gone are my bookmarks, passwords, sign-in shortcuts, history, etc. and I'm trying not to panic. Most of my passwords are bac… (ďalšie informácie)

Latest update (127.0.2) erased all my data. Gone are my bookmarks, passwords, sign-in shortcuts, history, etc. and I'm trying not to panic. Most of my passwords are backed up but my bookmarks are gone as is all my sign-in shortcuts, etc.

I always try to keep updated and never have had a problem with anything other than having to relearn a few new things; but this is a first for me.

Otázku položil(a) zebra5ive Pred 1 týždňom

Na otázku odpovedal(a) Paul Pred 1 týždňom

Temporarily uninstall all Mozilla and Firefox relative to the update of 6-20-24

Something went wrong and I have had problems ever since June 20, 2024. I have tried to delete every facet related to and I cannot get rid of Firefox. I have used ever U… (ďalšie informácie)

Something went wrong and I have had problems ever since June 20, 2024. I have tried to delete every facet related to and I cannot get rid of Firefox. I have used ever Uninstall I know available.

Otázku položil(a) Mr Bill Pred 1 týždňom

Back Button does not work at times and Bookmarks Sidebar disappears at times

The Back Button does not work at times. When I right click on the Back Button, many previous sites are shown. It would be nice if this was fixed so it works all the time.… (ďalšie informácie)

The Back Button does not work at times. When I right click on the Back Button, many previous sites are shown. It would be nice if this was fixed so it works all the time.

Also, at times the Bookmarks Sidebar disappears all on its own. Why is this?

Otázku položil(a) Wayne Carpenter Pred 1 týždňom

Unexplained Repeated Firefox Crash Reporter Popups

I have Firefox currently installed on my Windows 10 computer as a backup browser. Normally I don't run it and it isn't the default browser. However, for the past couple… (ďalšie informácie)

I have Firefox currently installed on my Windows 10 computer as a backup browser. Normally I don't run it and it isn't the default browser. However, for the past couple of days the Firefox Crash Reporter keeps popping up when I don't even have Firefox running. I can't see anything running in the Task Manager that looks as if it might be related to Firefox. Why on earth does this keep happening?

Otázku položil(a) Michael Fields Pred 1 týždňom

Posledná odpoveď od Paul Pred 1 týždňom

Weird message when using pocket

So, I've switched to Firefox as my main browser (I was using it before, but as a secondary option) and I've spotted this native extension called Pocket. When I pressed i… (ďalšie informácie)

So, I've switched to Firefox as my main browser (I was using it before, but as a secondary option) and I've spotted this native extension called Pocket.

When I pressed it, I was on YouTube Music already, so it automatically saved that url. Now, the reason of contacting support is more of concern than anything. When I pressed it, a weird message has been attached to it, so I am wondering why, as it is confusing to say the least. I've attached a screenshot with the saves, which also has the weird message and YouTube for comparison next to it.


Otázku položil(a) 321093798057623 Pred 1 týždňom

Posledná odpoveď od TyDraniu Pred 1 týždňom