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Url print

Hi, I have a domain network that use an app open it in mozilla firefox.when we want to print a page the url address of app print with page in top and bottom of the page… (ler mais)

Hi, I have a domain network that use an app open it in mozilla firefox.when we want to print a page the url address of app print with page in top and bottom of the page. 1- i want that url dont print with it page 2- how i distribute this config to all clients with group policy? Note: when i changed the margin options that url would be removed from print page.but i want do this for all page and clients.

Colocada por S.kh.hosseini 1 ano atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 1 ano atrás

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deploying firefox-add-ons via group policies doesn't work anymore after proxy-change

Hello, I used to deploy add-ons via group policies - this worked like a charm: Firefox esr (91.11.0esr x64), ADMX-templates in Sysvol\PolicyDefinitions, Group Policies: … (ler mais)


I used to deploy add-ons via group policies - this worked like a charm: Firefox esr (91.11.0esr x64), ADMX-templates in Sysvol\PolicyDefinitions, Group Policies: User configuration, administrative templates, mozilla, firefox, add-ons --> install add-ons --> https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/file/1234567/goodaddon-1.0.01.xpi

A few months ago, we had to change our network-configuration. We were using a proxy before, but our proxy had direct access to the internet. Now our proxy forwards everything to another proxy. Since about that time, add-on-deployment via gpo doesn't work anymore. It could be something else, but i suspect the proxy-change.

I tried to deploy unc-paths, internal websites and different syntaxes; none of this works:

  • http://internalwebsite/goodaddon-1.0.01.xpi
  • https://internalwebsite/goodaddon-1.0.01.xpi
  • \\\netshare\goodaddon-1.0.01.xpi
  • \\internalfileserver\netshare\goodaddon-1.0.01.xpi
  • file://///
  • file://///internalfileserver/netshare/goodaddon-1.0.01.xpi

As you can see I tried using internal sites, so that no proxy would be needed. And I also added these sites to the allowed add-on-installation-sites (computer configuration, same group policy). The sites are all accessible; if I enter these addresses as url, firefox can access the xpi-file.

I know how to pack add-ons into the firefox-setup-file; that still works. But first of all, firefox is already installed on most of my clients. Second, after a fresh installation of firefox with this self-created package, all add-ons are installed, but not activated. And I would like to restrict activation/deactivation of add-ons via gpo.

  1. 1 Are there other ways to deploy add-ons in a domain-network (e.g. script-based)?
  2. 2 Are there any logs where I could find out what exactly goes wrong?
  3. 3 Are there any other syntaxes I could try (group policy urls)?
  4. 4 Can anyone guess what the problem is (why it is not working anymore)?

Help would be very much appreciated.

Best regards.

Colocada por mozilla355 1 ano atrás

Respondida por mozilla355 1 ano atrás

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ESR 91 downloads files after it is blocked

Hi Anyone experiencing an issue with Firefox 91 ESR on Win10 with blocking downloads? We have the desktop blocked with controlled folder access and a plugin loaded wh… (ler mais)


  Anyone experiencing an issue with Firefox 91 ESR on Win10 with blocking downloads?  We have the desktop blocked with controlled folder access and a plugin loaded which stops downloads of most file types, but when clicked on, the box appears to save the file after regardless.  The user cannot select a file location, but if they just click save it saves to the desktop anyway.  Cannot seem to stop firefox doing this. Anyone know a fix ?


      Jon Dickens

Colocada por jon.dickens 1 ano atrás

Última resposta por jon.dickens 1 ano atrás

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Hardening Firefox browser

Hi, I am looking for a security Hardening guidelines for Firefox from Mozilla. Could you please guide me to the right direction where I can find one. Thanks Raju … (ler mais)

Hi, I am looking for a security Hardening guidelines for Firefox from Mozilla. Could you please guide me to the right direction where I can find one.

Thanks Raju

Colocada por raju.singanna 1 ano atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 1 ano atrás

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AutoConfig Alert

Good morning, I'm reaching out to see if I can get some assistance with Firefox on of our network. I'm System Admin at Goodfellow AFB. I've tried searching this issues … (ler mais)

Good morning,

I'm reaching out to see if I can get some assistance with Firefox on of our network. I'm System Admin at Goodfellow AFB. I've tried searching this issues on the web and found similar issues but solutions that were recommend online have not worked for us. Yes I have uninstalled Firefox completely and installed it from scratch. I know it has something to do with autoconfig file but not sure what exactly I'm looking for. Thanks.

Colocada por Chase Cathey 2 anos atrás

Respondida por jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 2 anos atrás

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Firefox gives error message when launching on MAC

Every time Firefox is opened it gives an error message (see image). I have tried: Deleting and reinstalling. Deleting Firefox folder in //users/xxxxxxx/Library/Ap… (ler mais)

Every time Firefox is opened it gives an error message (see image).

I have tried:

  • Deleting and reinstalling.
  • Deleting Firefox folder in //users/xxxxxxx/Library/Application Support & //Library/Caches then uninstalling Firefox.
  • Both above using older Firefox versions.

This issue is happening on all of the Macs in our org. We have no custom configurations. The pkg is installed via FileWave device management. It occurs whether installed through FileWave or manually.


Colocada por twolf2286 2 anos atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 2 anos atrás

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Extensions policy allowed not working (Intune ADMX)

Hi! Using Intune, we are setting some settings in Firefox. One that is a bit troublesome is the ExtensionSettings Currently looks like this: { "*": { "blocked_ins… (ler mais)


Using Intune, we are setting some settings in Firefox. One that is a bit troublesome is the ExtensionSettings

Currently looks like this:


 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "Blocked.",
   "installation_mode": "blocked"
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"
 "addon@darkreader.org": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"
 "@react-devtools": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"


I get the Blocked message if I try any of the allowed extentions like uBlock, Dark Reader or React Dev Tools.

I can add that uBlock had "force_installed" (With URL since that is required for force) and that worked fine.

Colocada por janfredrik 8 meses atrás

Respondida por janfredrik 8 meses atrás

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What does pref.browser.language.disable_button.remove do?

I am reviewing my user.js and pref.js files in anticipation of deploying policy settings in GPO. As a part of the review, I am trying to document what each of the prefere… (ler mais)

I am reviewing my user.js and pref.js files in anticipation of deploying policy settings in GPO. As a part of the review, I am trying to document what each of the preferences in those files actually do, in order to be able to see in the future why a setting was set the way it was.

I am presently at the preference "pref.browser.language.disable_button.remove". Based on the name of the preference, I would think that if set to true, it would disable the remove button in the Webpage Language Settings window. (Hamburger menu -> Settings -> General -> Language -> Choose your preferred language for displaying pages)

When I set it to true, it does not disable the remove button but when I use the remove button, the preference is set to false.

Am I misunderstanding the purpose of this preference or is there more to using this preference than just setting its value in about:config?

Also, I see there are a number of other preferences that contain disable_button but that only one, "pref.privacy.disable_button.view_passwords", has a GPO policy for setting. I would expect that these preferences containing disable_button would all work in a similar way just each for a different button in the Firefox GUI.

If it matters, I'm running Firefox 115.3.1esr 64-bit en-ca on Windows 10.

Colocada por Numbers 9 meses atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 8 meses atrás

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Configure policies for Firefox

Hi there, We would like to disable ECH on our browsers as it is interfering with our Anti-virus Website blocks. I have identified the settings that need to be changed in… (ler mais)

Hi there,

We would like to disable ECH on our browsers as it is interfering with our Anti-virus Website blocks. I have identified the settings that need to be changed in about:config and was able to configure 2 of them to be controlled via a registry key but was not able to for another 3 as their keys should be placed in a different Key in the registry. I have searched all over but cannot identify the name for this Key.

The settings I need to manage are in the image. I was able to configure the settings beginning with network.dns but I am not sure how to manage the settings beginning with security.tls.ech

Any help would be much appreciated

Colocada por Dhiren Hirani 8 meses atrás

Última resposta por Dennis Jackson 8 meses atrás

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Official Documentation required: Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)

My company needs to follow regulation on Export rules. I need to provide our ITAR regulation team "Vendor documentation" regarding the Export Control Classification Numb… (ler mais)

My company needs to follow regulation on Export rules. I need to provide our ITAR regulation team "Vendor documentation" regarding the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) for Mozilla Firefox ESR. They will not accept a blog or article. Any one from Mozilla able to provide this in an official capacity?

Colocada por Michael.Klein2 8 meses atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 8 meses atrás

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in a corporate environment, using Kerberos authentication to authenticate AD user to OKTA (IdP) via Firefox

We have used Firefox in our environment for well over a year in the configuration explained here: https://help.okta.com/en-us/content/topics/directory/ad-dsso-configure-b… (ler mais)

We have used Firefox in our environment for well over a year in the configuration explained here: https://help.okta.com/en-us/content/topics/directory/ad-dsso-configure-browsers.htm

OKTA is our Identity provider to do Single Sign on to our SaaS applications.

today when version 118 rolled out, this functionality stopped working. Can you help me to get this working again. Chrome and Edge are not affected, so we have options, but we would really like to use Firefox.

Thanks so much for your help


Colocada por Scott Voll 9 meses atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 9 meses atrás

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Firefox conflict with Windows HTTPS (DoH) -> Requipred DoH

When setting Windows to "Require DoH", firefox will not resolve DNS addresses, regardless of which "Enable secure DNS" setting is picked in FireFox security settings tab.… (ler mais)

When setting Windows to "Require DoH", firefox will not resolve DNS addresses, regardless of which "Enable secure DNS" setting is picked in FireFox security settings tab.

I expected at least "Off -- Use your default DNS resolver" to work.

If Windows is configured to just "Allow DoH", Firefox has no issues resolving DNS addresses, for any of the Firefox policy settings.

For reference, you can find the DoH policy setting in windows group policy editor, here:


Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> DNS Client -> Configure DNS over HTTPS

(Have to enable it, then select Configure DoH options: Require DoH.)

you may need to issue a gpupdate /force for the setting to be picked up quickly.

Colocada por s189 9 meses atrás

Última resposta por Valentin 9 meses atrás

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What is the proper format for the ExtensionSettings policy registry key/value that is used to manage browser extension settings?

When looking at the ExtensionSettings page for Firefox or Chrome they both use an example that shows the registry key Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings… (ler mais)

When looking at the ExtensionSettings page for Firefox or Chrome they both use an example that shows the registry key Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings (REG_MULTI_SZ) being set to a long JSON string with every extension ID and the settings for that particular ID. For example...


 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "Custom error message.",
   "install_sources": ["https://yourwebsite.com/*"],
   "installation_mode": "blocked",
   "allowed_types": ["extension"]
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"
 "https-everywhere@eff.org": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed"


The problem with this method is that if I am installing an extension, and I overwrite what already exists in Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings then all of those other settings get removed. So even if I am a non-malicious actor and just make a mistake with my installer I can easily delete every other extension's settings. Instead what I have to do is during install I have to read the current value of Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\ExtensionSettings and then insert my extension's settings into the JSON blob.

So the examples that Firefox and Chrome provides do of course work, however they do not make very much sense to me. Why would it be formatted this way since all of those are additional key/value pairs and that is exactly what the registry excels at storing. So why put all of those into a single key/value instead of breaking them into multiple?

Additionally breaking them a part into multiple key/value pairs does work! So if instead of the example above I were to split them into multiple key value pairs it works just fine!


       "installation_mode": "force_installed",
       "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi"

So knowing that this way with multiple key/value pairs works why am I bothering to ask this question at all instead of just doing it the way that makes sense to me? Well the issue is that by breaking it up into multiple key value pairs it actually overrides the other method and makes it so that all those registry settings are ignored. So it doesn't delete them but it still leaves me with nearly the exact same problem.

While I believe "my" way is superior because it uses the registry in a more common sense route, if that is not what the majority of extension developers do then it doesn't matter and I should be conforming to the other way.

As I am typing this question up I did realize just how hard/annoying it is to properly format and make it clear and digestible what the multi key/value format of the registry would look like instead of being a JSON string. So perhaps that is the reason why all the documentation puts it all as one JSON string?

Colocada por perihwk+firefox 9 meses atrás

Respondida por Mike Kaply 9 meses atrás

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Intune OMA-URI extensions

I am trying trying to install the keeper extension via intune but am having trouble with the oma-uri. It looks right to me but I might be missing something. Prior to runn… (ler mais)

I am trying trying to install the keeper extension via intune but am having trouble with the oma-uri. It looks right to me but I might be missing something. Prior to running this I followed https://mzl.la/3vYAIYT and added the Firefox ADMX. Both run successfully but it does not add the extension. Firefox version 116.0.3

OMA-URI: ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Firefox~Policy~firefox~Extensions/ExtensionSettings

String: <enabled/> <data id="ExtensionSettings" value=' {

 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": Opps, this may have been a mistake reach out to IT.",
   "installation_mode": "allowed",
   "allowed_types": ["extension" ,"theme"]
 "KeeperFFStoreExtension@KeeperSecurityInc": {
   "installation_mode": "normal_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/keeper-password-manager/latest.xpi",

"default_area": "navbar"



Colocada por ParisTheGreat 10 meses atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 9 meses atrás

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Issues configuring browser extensions using Intune and ADMX templates

Hi All, I am trying to block the Last Pass extension in Firefox using Intune, and the ADMX configuration setting is not working on the endpoint. I've used the templates … (ler mais)

Hi All,

I am trying to block the Last Pass extension in Firefox using Intune, and the ADMX configuration setting is not working on the endpoint. I've used the templates found here

https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/releases / Target Extension "support@lastpass.com"

And have tried using the imported admx template as well as a single line OMA-URI.

I've worked with Microsoft, and they see the correct settings on the device as pushed out via Intune, so they said it is not on their end. Any ideas why blocking named browser extenstions is not working? I've configured a few other settings with Intune/ADMX templates and they work.

Thanks! -Doug

Colocada por dgreene3206 10 meses atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 9 meses atrás

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update extension installed with GPO

Hello, I have a plug-in installed on multiple machines using group policy. The installation source is a link to <my_add_on.xpi>. My question is regarding the upda… (ler mais)


I have a plug-in installed on multiple machines using group policy. The installation source is a link to <my_add_on.xpi>. My question is regarding the updates approach. If I replace the source file with an updated version, but keeping the name/link the same. Will Firefox automatically update the plug-in? Only found brief docs here: https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#extensionsettings """

If you need to update the extension, you can change the name of the extension and it will be automatically updated. Extensions installed from file URLs will additional be updated when their internal version changes.

""" I don't point to a local file, but rather a URL. Does that make a difference. Or I'll have to provide the updates.json in the plug-in manifest that points to the latest version?

Thank you.

Colocada por pimenov 9 meses atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 9 meses atrás

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Assistance with managing extensions on Mac OS

Hello, I am trying to manage extensions in my organization. What would be the best way to block all extensions by default and allow only certain specific extensions? I … (ler mais)

Hello, I am trying to manage extensions in my organization. What would be the best way to block all extensions by default and allow only certain specific extensions?

I am following the Mac OS Extension Settings Policy and adding this to a configuration profile, but I am not sure how to manipulate it to suit my needs.

What would be the best way to go about this, and what would the plist file look like?


Colocada por Tyler Kozlofski 9 meses atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 9 meses atrás

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Firefox ESR 115.2.0 Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead - No advanced Button

Hello Guys, in our network we have several Fritzbox Routers which we remote administrate. If we connect to the routers with Firefox V115.2.0 we get a warning message - b… (ler mais)

Hello Guys,

in our network we have several Fritzbox Routers which we remote administrate. If we connect to the routers with Firefox V115.2.0 we get a warning message - because it´s a Fritzbox self-signed certificate and cannot be validated. No Problem - everything okay with the message. But in Firefox 115.2.0 there is no advanced button that lets you go futher to connect to the website. With Version 102.14.0 ESR the advanced button is there. The webinterface works fine with Edge and Chrome (with warning but with advanced button to continue)



Is this a bug?

Best Regards, Michael

Colocada por michael.reiter 10 meses atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 9 meses atrás

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Security issues with access to IP adress

I have seen many references to this problem that Mozilla does not seem to want to fix. I have to log in to my (remote) server regulary using the server IP address - ther… (ler mais)

I have seen many references to this problem that Mozilla does not seem to want to fix.

I have to log in to my (remote) server regulary using the server IP address - there is not a domain name.

Every time (cookies/history always cleared on exit) it presents the message "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" and then have to click advanced then accept the risk. Under previous versions I use, this could be stored so you do not have to go thrugh this process EVERY time on logging in to the server.

Everyone knows you can NOT assign a security certificate to an IP address so why does Mozilla not take this into consideration?

Will they change this in future versions?

Is there a work around (no config changes seem to work or chrome changes)

rgds JR UK

Colocada por firefox2030 1 ano atrás

Última resposta por Mike Kaply 10 meses atrás

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Problem with ExtensionSettings

Hello I have installed german Firefox Version 117.0 (Build-ID 20230824132758) on Windows 10. The following ExtensionSettings policy works as expected. The addons ublock … (ler mais)

Hello I have installed german Firefox Version 117.0 (Build-ID 20230824132758) on Windows 10.

The following ExtensionSettings policy works as expected. The addons ublock and TreeTabs are both installed automatically.


 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "My Message",
   "install_sources": ["https://addons.mozilla.org/"],
   "installation_mode": "blocked",
   "allowed_types": ["locale", "extension"]
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi",
   "default_area": "navbar"
 "TreeTabs@jagiello.it": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/tree-tabs/latest.xpi"


But I don't want TreeTabs to be installed automatically on all workstations. So I want to change installation_mode to allowed.


 "*": {
   "blocked_install_message": "My Message",
   "install_sources": ["https://addons.mozilla.org/"],
   "installation_mode": "blocked",
   "allowed_types": ["locale", "extension"]
 "uBlock0@raymondhill.net": {
   "installation_mode": "force_installed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi",
   "default_area": "navbar"
 "TreeTabs@jagiello.it": {
   "installation_mode": "allowed",
   "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/tree-tabs/latest.xpi"


But with this setting I'm unable to install it manually from https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/tree-tabs/ The message "An unexpected error occurred during installation." and a popup with the "blocked_install_message" "My Message" is displayed.

The same error occurs without the line (and the comma) "install_url": "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/tree-tabs/latest.xpi"

I don't know why this does not work. Please help. Thank you.

Colocada por ewomy 10 meses atrás

Respondida por Mike Kaply 10 meses atrás