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Website will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it

Revisão 246202:

Revisão 246202 por jenlindner em

Revisão 280395:

Revisão 280395 por lsiebert em


Sumário de resultados da pesquisa:

This page explains the error: "Website will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it"
This page explains the error: "Website will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it"


If you see this error, it is probably because a website is trying to display another website without the consent of its owner. This is usually the result of a security misconfiguration. Websites can use [ x-frame options] or a [ content security policy] to control whether other websites may embed them in their own pages. They are important security tools designed to prevent [ clickjacking], which is an attack that allows malicious sites to trick users into clicking their links. To visit a site that has shown this message, you can open the link in a New Tab or New Window in Firefox. Note that in some cases, the embedding page will not work correctly without access to the blocked page. In this case, you will need to contact the owner of the broken site for troubleshooting.
If you encounter this error, it is likely because a website is attempting to display another website without the owner's consent. This issue typically arises from a security misconfiguration. Websites can utilize [ x-frame options] or a [ content security policy] to control whether other websites can embed them. These are essential security tools designed to prevent [ clickjacking], a type of attack where malicious sites trick users into clicking on something different from what they perceive. To visit a site that displays this error message, you can right-click the link and select '''Open Link in New Tab''' or '''Open Link in New Window'''. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the link into an already open new tab or window. However, be aware that the embedding page may not function correctly without access to the blocked content. In such cases, you may need to contact the owner of the problematic site for further assistance.

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