How does the remix button work?

Este artigo não é mais mantido, portanto o seu conteúdo pode estar desatualizado.

Everything that is made on is remixable. This means you can pull the curtain back and load a project in the editor, exactly the way it was built by its original author. This is called "forking" because you are cloning a branched version of the project that becomes your own after you've made changes to it.

When you see a make that you want to remix, click the green remix button at the top right corner of the finished project.

Webmaker remix button

You can also remix a make straight from one of the gallery tiles on, just hover your mouse over the thumbnail and hit the remix button.

webmaker remix tile

Another way to remix is to simply add /remix to the URL of anything made with tools.

What does it do?

Remixing a project makes an exact duplicate. The next time you save, it will be added to your collection of makes, with the new changes that you’ve added since hitting the remix button.

Why is this so cool?

Remix is an essential part of what makes the internet revolutionary compared to all forms of mass media before it. Being able to go under the hood, see how things work, and collectively make improvements is what makes the web unique and powerful as a tool for social change.

If you see something made on Webmaker that you think should be done different, you can remix it for the better. You can also give feedback on someone else’s work. Instead of telling someone what you’d do differently, you can literally show them.

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