A extensão Lightbeam para o Firefox já não é suportada

Firefox Firefox Criado: 02/06/2020

A Mozilla terminou o apoio oficial para a extensão Lightbeam em outubro de 2019 e não tem planos para retomar a manutenção no futuro.

A partir do Firefox 70, pode utilizar Proteção Melhorada Contra a Monitorização no Firefox para PC para saber quais os trackers que foram detetados e bloqueados pelo Firefox.

Tabela de conteúdos


Lightbeam, which was first published as an experimental release named Collusion, is an extension for Firefox and was released by Mozilla in 2013 to help users understand the array of first and third party companies people interact with every day across the Web.

Once installed, Lightbeam created a real-time visualization of the websites you visit and all third-party trackers active on those pages.

When the tracking reports were integrated with Firefox 70 as part of the Proteção Melhorada Contra a Monitorização no Firefox para PC, Mozilla decided to end official support for the Lightbeam extension.

Código Fonte

The Lightbeam source code is freely available and distributed under the Mozilla Public License v. 2.0. You are welcome to fork this project.

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