How is Popcorn Maker different from other video editors?

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Popcorn Maker is unique from other digital media editing programs in lots of ways.

Here are some key differences.

Add data and context from the web

Traditional video editors produce what can be described as “flat” video. Each frame is predetermined by the creator and the viewer has no other way to experience it.

Popcorn Maker produces multimedia that can be influenced by data on the web. For example, you can do things like:

  • Add hyperlinks to text and popups for the viewer to click and go elsewhere on the web.
  • Flickr icon Pull in live images from Flickr by entering a tag. New images will show up every time someone uploads to Flickr with that tag.
  • Google maps Add maps from Google that the viewer can explore. You can even turn on streetview mode and walk around in 3D.
  • Add articles from Wikipedia, which update whenever the Wikipedia page is updated.

Update in a snap

Traditional video production requires long wait times spent encoding and uploading the video each time you want to ship an update. YouTube doesn’t allow you to update a video at all. When you want to update a YouTube video, you have to upload to a new page, leaving you stuck with a fragmented project with multiple URLs and outdated versions.

Popcorn URLs stay live, so any changes you make to your project are instantly rendered. You can make a living project where audiences come back as the story grows.

Remix button


Traditional video is locked behind a black box. You can’t go in and see how the video was made, and it can’t be easily remixed into new works.

All Popcorn Maker projects come with a remix button. If you can watch it, you can remix it! Learn more about how remix works.

It’s completely free!

Popcorn Resources

Popcorn lets you add media from various sources like YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, HTML5 Media and Audiour. All these online media sharing sites are free.

Free as in it doesn’t cost anything.

Also free as in freedom.

  • You have the freedom to view the source code of all your projects (hit the Project tab and click view source).
  • You can also create your own version of Popcorn Maker by forking the code on Github.

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