Where can I find my saved items?

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 01/05/2024 6% of users voted this helpful
Ten artykuł jest jeszcze nieprzetłumaczony. Jeśli wiesz, jak tłumaczyć artykuły dla SUMO, rozpocznij tłumaczenie. Jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak tłumaczyć artykuły dla SUMO, zobacz tutaj.

Once you save items to Pocket, you can view them from virtually anywhere.

Pocket for Web

You can log into Pocket for Web in your computer web browser to view your saved items. Pocket is compatible with all modern browsers, including Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.

To access Pocket for Web, click here.

On your mobile device

You can use Pocket on your mobile device with our iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, and Android apps. Click the links below to access the download pages:

If you're using Pocket on multiple devices, please ensure that you are logged into the same account on each.

Pocket for Kobo eReaders

Pocket is built-in to most Kobo eReaders. You'll be able to read offline articles on your eReader, and all types of web content on your tablet.

Be sure to get the latest software update to have Pocket on your Kobo!

Learn more about Pocket for Kobo eReaders here.

Czy ten artykuł okazał się pomocny?

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