Moderator - Managing account data

Privacy and Security Privacy and Security Utworzony: 09/19/2018 83% użytkowników uznało to za pomocne
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Mozilla Moderator is a panel moderation system for submitting and voting on questions. Its privacy policy is available here.

What data do you receive from my account?

Moderator can only be accessed by logging in through a vouched account. The only information stored in Moderator is:

  • Email address
  • Avatar/profile picture
  • NDA’d Mozillian status


We store questions submitted through Moderator.

How do I access my account data?

Because Moderator can only be accessed by logging in through a vouched account follow the instructions on - Managing account data.

How do I update my account data?

Because Moderator can only be accessed by logging in through a vouched account follow the instructions - Managing account data. .

How do I delete my account data?

To delete a your information in Moderator, file a bug under Product: Participation Infrastructure with Component: Phonebook. This will delete your email address, avatar, and NDA status and any submitted and stored questions. If you want to delete your account follow the instructions on - Managing account data.

How long do you keep my account data?

We keep it for as long as your account is open, unless you choose to delete it.

Czy ten artykuł okazał się pomocny?

Proszę czekać…

Osoby, które pomogły w tworzeniu tego artykułu:

Illustration of hands

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Zdobywaj wiedzę i dziel się nią z innymi. Odpowiadaj na pytania i ulepsz naszą bazę wiedzy.

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