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broken auto-hide addressbar/toolbar when scrolling in about:config

in any other open tab, auto-hide addressbar/toolbar properly goes into hiding as soon as i begin scrolling, portrait or landscape. ONLY IN AN ABOUT:CONFIG TAB, auto-hide… (続きを読む)

in any other open tab, auto-hide addressbar/toolbar properly goes into hiding as soon as i begin scrolling, portrait or landscape.

ONLY IN AN ABOUT:CONFIG TAB, auto-hide addressbar/toolbar requires that i 1) scroll all the way to end of page and then 2) vigorously & multiply scroll down, through the stuck bar. any upward scroll & i have to start from scratch. portrait & landscape.

this Android alpha cancer has metastacized to Android beta. danged annoying.

please fix this bug & don't regress it back in.

3 か月前 に wti0 が質問

3 か月前 に Paul最後の返信

  • 解決済み

Custom tab title bar color matches the source app but navigation bar color doesn't

This example should be straightforward, as you can see the title bar on the bottom has a dark blue color from the source app (Tusky) while the navigation bar is white. On… (続きを読む)

This example should be straightforward, as you can see the title bar on the bottom has a dark blue color from the source app (Tusky) while the navigation bar is white. On Tusky the navigation bar is the same dark blue as the title bar.

I'm not sure if Android allows getting the color of the source app's navigation bar, but anything could be better than a pure white one especially when the title bar is put on the bottom. I suggest Firefox to use either 1. Same color as the title bar 2. A slightly darker version of title bar color.

3 か月前 に Frank Xu が質問

3 か月前 に Paul が回答

YouTube sometimes redirects me to the YouTube app and signs me out on Firefox

I honestly don’t khow to describe this, but when I open YouTube, there’s a random chance for it to redirect me to the YouTube app and to add insult to injury, signs me ou… (続きを読む)

I honestly don’t khow to describe this, but when I open YouTube, there’s a random chance for it to redirect me to the YouTube app and to add insult to injury, signs me out of the YouTube site on Firefox too… I have no idea how to fix this, I tried everything I could think of

4 か月前 に GuyWithAHat が質問

4 か月前 に Infinity__最後の返信

Display long press options om the bottom of screen

Using android firefox latest. I just have a suggestion. I'm using the browser with the url bar and buttons on.the bottom of the screen, to be better reachable with my thu… (続きを読む)

Using android firefox latest. I just have a suggestion. I'm using the browser with the url bar and buttons on.the bottom of the screen, to be better reachable with my thumb. Now when I long press a link the popup with the options list appears in the middle of the screen, making me reach quite high/using both hands. If it appeared on the bottom it would be more comfortable to use.

Thanks for making firefox!

4 か月前 に Klemen Červ が質問

4 か月前 に Paul最後の返信


Why is there a repetition of 'customise homepage' menu. It appears both on home screen and in the menu bar. Very annoying very bad. Very much unexpected. Just dump this. … (続きを読む)

Why is there a repetition of 'customise homepage' menu. It appears both on home screen and in the menu bar. Very annoying very bad. Very much unexpected. Just dump this. We don't need this menu on home screen , let it be where it belonged.

4 か月前 に MSecure が質問

4 か月前 に Paul最後の返信

permanently block websites

How do we permanently block and keep a website from being able to return bk into a person's life after the site was the cause of an immense amount of financial and emotio… (続きを読む)

How do we permanently block and keep a website from being able to return bk into a person's life after the site was the cause of an immense amount of financial and emotional hardship. By having something that does this, like the Duck browser does, our clients, friends and family will feel more safe, right?

4 か月前 に Bonita Morales が質問

4 か月前 に Kiki最後の返信

Different news outlets on my home page

Why do I not have any control over which news outlets are on my home page. Every article is from Fox News and I am not interested in anything that News outlet is putting … (続きを読む)

Why do I not have any control over which news outlets are on my home page. Every article is from Fox News and I am not interested in anything that News outlet is putting out. I am a Democrat and the page all of the sudden the past few months have almost all been from Fox News which is obviously a Republican and Donald Trump loving News outlet. So I am wondering why do I not have the option like in the past where I could choose which news outlets I would like to read from? It's kind of creepy to me that I would be sent almost every article from Fox News. Is there any way to change it? I know it might sound like I'm a nut but I promise I'm not, I'm just surprised by this whole situation. Thanks.

5 か月前 に bareleethare が質問

5 か月前 に Paul最後の返信

Firefox v122 — Are the "about:config" configuration settings still inaccessible?

Hello everybody, Firefox v122 is running on an Android 8 tablet. 1. Are the "about:config" configuration settings still supposed inaccessible for this version? 2. Wi… (続きを読む)

Hello everybody,

Firefox v122 is running on an Android 8 tablet.

1. Are the "about:config" configuration settings still supposed inaccessible for this version?

2. Will these "about:config" configuration settings eventually become available again?

3. Is the interim solution still to install the Nightly version?

Thank you.

5 か月前 に foxxtrot が質問

5 か月前 に foxxtrot最後の返信

sepia reading mode cannot be turned off without compromising privacy

Dear sir/madam, The new sepia reading mode cannot be turned off easily without compromising privacy. If i click to set it to dark mode through controls , the next page i… (続きを読む)

Dear sir/madam,

The new sepia reading mode cannot be turned off easily without compromising privacy. If i click to set it to dark mode through controls , the next page is sepia again. But if i use the fast way, by clicking on the icon next to the url, it turns my page from a https to a http. It feels like the feature is not supposed to work like that. Now i think about it, any page that by default is https is darkmode, but any page that is turned into an https is turned sepia or not https anymore. I get that it strains the eyes less and i am certainly not against the feature itself, but i do enjoy pictures and video's in full colour and for me personally, dark mode reads better.

In other words, i love it as a feature not as a default and i don't think it was meant as one, but it cannot be turned off right now.

Kind regards Jen.

5 か月前 に E.T. Phone Home が質問

5 か月前 に E.T. Phone Home最後の返信


Nearly every time I swipe through my website collection one ends up getting deleted with the slightest sideways movement. A less sensitive delete would really help thanks… (続きを読む)

Nearly every time I swipe through my website collection one ends up getting deleted with the slightest sideways movement. A less sensitive delete would really help thanks

5 か月前 に rog b が質問

5 か月前 に Paul最後の返信

VPN for Apple tvOS

It has been a while since Apple introduced the use of VPN on their Apple TV hardware on tvOS. When will Mozilla offer an app for tvOS. Should be a prime use case for VPN.… (続きを読む)

It has been a while since Apple introduced the use of VPN on their Apple TV hardware on tvOS. When will Mozilla offer an app for tvOS. Should be a prime use case for VPN. TIA.

5 か月前 に mick28 が質問

5 か月前 に Paul最後の返信

Ugly "customise homepage" button with latest update

Since updating to v 122.0 (Android) today, my home page displays a permanent intrusive "Customise homepage" button on my Homepage (see attached picture). This is totally… (続きを読む)

Since updating to v 122.0 (Android) today, my home page displays a permanent intrusive "Customise homepage" button on my Homepage (see attached picture).

This is totally redundant when you can simply access this in 2 clicks from the taskbar. Why are such cosmetic features forced onto users? Customising my homepage is something I would do once, I don't need it to be slapped on my face every time I reach my home page.

Please advise, this is extremely annoying.

5 か月前 に hevinroyal が質問

5 か月前 に Paul最後の返信