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I'm getting. samesite cookie errors on some websites on youtube using videodroid plugin

Here is the message". SearchTelemetry: Expected to report URI for https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=tokina+11-18 with ads but couldn't find the inf… (続きを読む)

Here is the message". SearchTelemetry: Expected to report URI for https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=tokina+11-18 with ads but couldn't find the information SearchSERPTelemetry.sys.mjs:1624:23

TypeError: linkMap is undefined     Links_onLinkChanged resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.sys.mjs:2003     PlacesProvider__callObservers resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.sys.mjs:697     handlePlacesEvents resource://gre/modules/NewTabUtils.sys.mjs:671 NewTabUtils.sys.mjs:699:19 SearchTelemetry: Expected to report URI for https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=tokina+11-18 with ads but couldn't find the informationbold text

Currently on firefox 128.02 macbook pro Sonoma 14.5

I've done some research but haven't yet found what I can do to remedy this error. It only happens on some websites but is repetitive and cannot be overcome by reboot of mac or firefox. I've only seen it the last couple of weeks so it may be due to a firefox change though I'm not sure. Thanks for any help!

13 時間前 に docmaas が質問

KP.org site problems

I can log into KP.org ok. Often while clicking on an option the screen goes mostly blank. click refresh and I only get a flash of the Kaiser screen. If I use Chrome the … (続きを読む)

I can log into KP.org ok. Often while clicking on an option the screen goes mostly blank. click refresh and I only get a flash of the Kaiser screen. If I use Chrome the site works as normal. Please see what you can do, Chrome is not my favorite

 Jerry Hirst

17 時間前 に Jerry Hirst が質問

17 時間前 に cor-el最後の返信

Elektronsko podaljšanje veljavnosti digitalnega potrdila

Imam dva potrdila, ženino, ki še ne mo kmalu poteklo in moje(Igor Kafol),ki bo kmalu poteklo, vendar ga ne morem (oz, ne znam) podaljšati. prosim za pomoč. Igor Kafoll … (続きを読む)

Imam dva potrdila, ženino, ki še ne mo kmalu poteklo in moje(Igor Kafol),ki bo kmalu poteklo, vendar ga ne morem (oz, ne znam) podaljšati. prosim za pomoč. Igor Kafoll

1 日前 に s51ik が質問

Firefox keeps crashing

The web browser does not open after restarting and logging into user profile on computer. It crashes and I have to keep refreshing for several minutes. Then I get a pop u… (続きを読む)

The web browser does not open after restarting and logging into user profile on computer. It crashes and I have to keep refreshing for several minutes. Then I get a pop up to refresh firefox. It happens everytime I log out of computer and log back in. The web browser wont start

Here is the code, please fix

AdapterDeviceID: 0x162b AdapterVendorID: 0x8086 Add-ons: formautofill%40mozilla.org:1.0.1,pictureinpicture%40mozilla.org:1.0.0,screenshots%40mozilla.org:39.0.1,webcompat%40mozilla.org:128.3.0,default-theme%40mozilla.org:1.3,addons-search-detection%40mozilla.com:2.0.0,google%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,amazondotcom%40search.mozilla.org:1.7,wikipedia%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,bing%40search.mozilla.org:1.6,ddg%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,ebay%40search.mozilla.org:1.4 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 8506310656 AvailableSwapMemory: 0 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20240704121409 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 3 CrashTime: 1721721528 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 EMCheckCompatibility: true EventLoopNestingLevel: 1 GpuSandboxLevel: 0 GraphicsNumActiveRenderers: 0 GraphicsNumRenderers: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1720569807 LastStartupWasCrash: 1 MacAvailableMemorySysctl: 89 MacMemoryPressure: Normal MacMemoryPressureCriticalTime: Unset MacMemoryPressureNormalTime: 1721721526 MacMemoryPressureSysctl: 1 MacMemoryPressureWarningTime: Unset Notes: FP(D00-L1000-W0000000-T01) WR? 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TelemetryServerURL: https://incoming.telemetry.mozilla.org TelemetrySessionId: fdcdb1fc-5351-413e-b39c-2ef8601d27fa Throttleable: 1 TotalPhysicalMemory: 17179869184 UptimeTS: 2.52724791 Vendor: Mozilla Version: 128.0 useragent_locale: en-US This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

1 日前 に Ale Z が質問

weather icon on home page not able to change to my location

Hi, I love the new, little weather app/temperature icon in the upper left of the Firefox home page. HOWEVER, I really want to change it to a city closer to me. I looked… (続きを読む)

Hi, I love the new, little weather app/temperature icon in the upper left of the Firefox home page. HOWEVER, I really want to change it to a city closer to me. I looked up how to do it, but the directions seem WRONG. I cannot hover and find any way to change locations. Is it because I'm on a Mac? or ?

Can you help me? I'm using an iMac computer... everything works, it's updated, what could be wrong?

thanks, Kathy P.

2 日前 に kathyprice が質問

1 日前 に cor-el最後の返信

Firefox Sync authentication API

I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum, but there seems to be nothing else which seems to fit better. I have developed an iOS App which supports Firefox Sync since about … (続きを読む)

I'm sorry if this is the wrong forum, but there seems to be nothing else which seems to fit better.

I have developed an iOS App which supports Firefox Sync since about 10 years, so users of my App can directly access their firefox bookmarks. Within these years it seems that Firefox Sync has deprecated the BrowserID authentication method (which I didn't noticed because everthing worked fine) but only since recently the relevant API call "certificate/sign" is no longer working, so the authentication process will fail.

Therefore I'm looking for information how exactly I can implement the authentication now. Unfortunytely it is very hard to find reliable API documentation. Most API docs that are found seem to be heavily outdated and still list the no longer valid "certificate/sign" API call. Even the docs which already mention that Browser ID will be canceled in the future are also already outdated and half of the links lead to 404 pages.

So I would like to ask the following: Is there any definite valid up-to-date API specification for Firefox Sync and its authentication process available (suitable for third-party Apps which can not rely on Firefoxs own internal frameworks and code), and where exactly can I find it. And if a need to register an app ID/client ID and secret to be able to authenticate the App, how and where can I do this? Can anyone point me to the right direction?

Thanks for all the help...

2 日前 に alexander93 が質問

Firefox doesn't want to negotiate HTTPS with sites that have wildcarded site certificates.

My school library has a proxy server for connecting to subscriptions at various content providers. The site certificate is wildcarded, because the proxy server's name be… (続きを読む)

My school library has a proxy server for connecting to subscriptions at various content providers. The site certificate is wildcarded, because the proxy server's name becomes the domain for the particular site to which the authenticated user is connecting. This has been the recommended way for libraries to connect institutionally with commercial content providers since at least 2000. The attachment shows the response that I get when I connect to my library with Firefox. You aren't allowed the opportunity to tell Firefox to accept the certificate as legit and connect anyway, which is extremely annoying.

2 日前 に junk.ads9z が質問

  • 解決済み

Pressing Enter in empty search bar doesn't work anymore

I used to be able to press Enter in the empty Firefox search bar to bring up the (DuckDuckGo) search page and enter my search from there. Don't ask me why I like doing th… (続きを読む)

I used to be able to press Enter in the empty Firefox search bar to bring up the (DuckDuckGo) search page and enter my search from there. Don't ask me why I like doing that, but now after the latest Firefox update, 128.0, on my MacBook Air I can't do that anymore. I have to type in the search bar to bring up the search page.

I know it's a small thing but I wonder if it can be put back to the way it used to be.

1 週間前 に taina1 が質問

1 週間前 に jscher2000 - Support Volunteer が回答

Multi-Account Containers: proxy - username/password authentication

The Multi-Account Containers extension allows a proxy to be assigned to a container. The proxy address can be specified [type://host:port]. Is there any way that a proxy… (続きを読む)

The Multi-Account Containers extension allows a proxy to be assigned to a container. The proxy address can be specified [type://host:port]. Is there any way that a proxy which requires a username & password can be assigned to a container?

2 日前 に aztorch が質問

Logging in using my Gmail account

I just got a new Mac Powerbook so I'm starting over getting all my old stuff transferred here. I've been trying to sync my account and every time I ask for the code to b… (続きを読む)

I just got a new Mac Powerbook so I'm starting over getting all my old stuff transferred here.

I've been trying to sync my account and every time I ask for the code to be sent to my email address, it is NOT sending the code for me to use to log in!


3 日前 に 8gzbfr27sk が質問

2 日前 に Paul最後の返信

How do I prevent Firefox/duckduckgo from instead of opening a newspaper site (eg: www.nytimes.com), INSTEAD opening the site with "feed" in front of it (eg: feed://www.nytimes.com)?

How do I prevent Firefox/duckduckgo from instead of opening a newspaper site (eg: www.nytimes.com), INSTEAD opening the site with "feed" in front of it (eg: feed://www… (続きを読む)

How do I prevent Firefox/duckduckgo from instead of opening a newspaper site (eg: www.nytimes.com), INSTEAD opening the site with "feed" in front of it (eg: feed://www.nytimes.com)?

The web browser does this all the time, and I almost never want the site with "feed:" in front of it.

Advice on how to change the settings to prevent this would be welcome. I suspect this happened with an update but ever since has been continuous.

Only happens on my laptop, not on my iPhone. I have an Apple M1 chip MacBookPro, running MacOS Sonoma 14.5. My Firefox browser is the latest version.

2 日前 に Oliver Cooperman が質問