What just happened to my Thunderbird profile and why won't it start properly?

Ok, I just had issues with Thunderbird after a very long time of no problems. Last was the "Assembling message" prompt that seems to have gone away. Today, however, I ha… (baca lebih lanjut)

Ok, I just had issues with Thunderbird after a very long time of no problems. Last was the "Assembling message" prompt that seems to have gone away. Today, however, I have a brand new one that makes no sense to me.

On the PC this morning with no issues and e-mail was fine. Thunderbird told me there was an update so I applied it and shut down the PC. Came back about 6:30PM and fired up the PC and, when I started Thunderbird, it prompted me to create a new e-mail account! What? I checked my profile and it was still there and I even compared it to my last differential backup and it appears to be right. Not corrupted.

Using the profile manager, I see it still knows where the profile is located and I even clicked it, selected it and said use it but it again started with the "create a new account"! Tried the usual methods of creating a new profile, renaming, using the old data, etc. but, every time I try, it only gets me to the "create new account" interface.

I even went so far as to revert to a previous Windows restore point to get back to the previous version of Thunderbird but it STILL does not want to use the existing profile. Uninstalled and reinstalled Thunderbird and again tried to point to the old profile and no joy. It simply does not want to use the existing profile.

Normally when I build a new PC or reload Windows to start fresh, I am always able to point Thunderbird at my old profile like nothing changed and it always worked. Today, however, it does not want to use what I was using this morning.

Anyone else get this today?

Ditanyakan oleh qhorque 1 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh qhorque 1 jam yang lalu

Folder not appearing in Folder Panel

I imported my profile from a PC to a MacBook Air and it went quite well. However, one of the mail folders that I can see in my new profile on the MacBook is not appearing… (baca lebih lanjut)

I imported my profile from a PC to a MacBook Air and it went quite well. However, one of the mail folders that I can see in my new profile on the MacBook is not appearing on the Folder Pane when I open Thunderbird. It's part of my Local Folders so I tried to add a folder of the same name and it told me that there was already a folder by that name. So it's definitely there but just inaccessible through the Folder Pane. Is there a magic way to get all folders to show up?

Ditanyakan oleh P Weir 2 jam yang lalu

cannot sent out emails

WisperISP is the company that has the server for my email. They had a server migration a few days ago & now I cannot sent out emails. Talked with their Tech dept &am… (baca lebih lanjut)

WisperISP is the company that has the server for my email. They had a server migration a few days ago & now I cannot sent out emails. Talked with their Tech dept & all of the settings are correct. They do not know how to help me! Here are the settings: Mail Servers -Incoming & Outgoing :mail.wisperhome.com Security: both servers :SSL IMAP Users: Incoming mail server port: 993 Outgoing port: 465 POP3 Users: Incoming port: 995 Outgoing port: 465 Login info:Username- rae1649@wisperhome.com Password - regular email password Authentication - outgoing - normal password

Can you help me? thanks Ruth Ann Erdmann

Ditanyakan oleh rae1649 3 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh rae1649 2 jam yang lalu

Inadvertently deleted a profile using Profile Manager

and I immediately began scrambling to get it back. I found this somewhere: "Don't Delete Files" is the preferred option because it saves the old profile's folder and allo… (baca lebih lanjut)

and I immediately began scrambling to get it back. I found this somewhere: "Don't Delete Files" is the preferred option because it saves the old profile's folder and allows you to recover the files to a new profile. So that gave me hope because that's what I had clicked (unfortunately, it was right before I saw the cancel button over on the right). That's what I get for being in a hurry I guess.

Anyhow, after 4 days of reading support forums and tons of trial and error, I'm no closer to restoring that profile than when I first started (although I've learned a lot about what does NOT work).

Btw, both my profiles have always been set up as POP3 at Gmail, although if I ever get this current problem sorted out I'll be shopping for a different POP3 provider. But that's another story.

I know how to create a new profile with Profile Manager. And I found the Profiles folders under both Thunderbird folder as well as ThunderbirdOLD folder. Have I been on the right track so far?

In the Thunderbird/Profiles folder, I don't see a folder with the deleted profile name (except the new ones (duds) I've since created ). On the other hand, I don't see the name of the profile that I did NOT delete either, but somehow it seems to be working just fine. Maybe it's the ".default" folder or ".default-release" folder? I've only ever had two profiles and I may have created the non-deleted profile first, so did that one end up being named .default? -shrug- I have no clue.

Anyhow, in the ThunderbirdOLD/Profiles folder, I also see ".default" as well as ".default-release" folders too. But in addition, I'm seeing a ".deletedprofile" named folder. So that's where I originally thought my several dozen email folders with several thousand emails and Address Book etc are hiding. But I've copied all the above mentioned folders into the several new Profiles I've created, on a trial and error basis but so far..... no luck. All I get when I open one is the new set up screen to set up a new pop3 account.... which I can do, but that's just starting from scratch without any of my saved data. I'm running out of ideas.

Where am I going wrong?

Ditanyakan oleh RWFant 2 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh RWFant 3 jam yang lalu

Thunderbird email account

My internet provider IInet has recently changed to The Messaging Company to provide email handling. I have changed over the messaging company as recommended but now find … (baca lebih lanjut)

My internet provider IInet has recently changed to The Messaging Company to provide email handling. I have changed over the messaging company as recommended but now find I cannot access Thunderbird as the password has been changed by the new company. Is there away of recovering my account? as I prefer the thunderbird application. As I cannot access my emails addressed to stewm@iinet.net.au any communication should be sent to my Gmail account stewmasters40@gmail.com

Ditanyakan oleh Stewart Masters 3 jam yang lalu

Every time i open thunderburd....

Hi. Why every time i run thunderbird and if i leave it open too often it bring me the error message for all hotmail/outlook mail accounts i have??? What the heck is hap… (baca lebih lanjut)


Why every time i run thunderbird and if i leave it open too often it bring me the error message for all hotmail/outlook mail accounts i have???

What the heck is happening and how i can solve this?

Ditanyakan oleh Gregory 2 minggu yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Gregory 5 jam yang lalu

Thunderbird Folders

Hi All, I'm using Thunderbird to manage Apple and Outlook emails. When I logged in this morning all my folders under the apple ID have disappeared. They still exist in we… (baca lebih lanjut)

Hi All, I'm using Thunderbird to manage Apple and Outlook emails. When I logged in this morning all my folders under the apple ID have disappeared. They still exist in webmail but not in the program. Cant work how to fix this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Andrew

Ditanyakan oleh as.johnson 5 jam yang lalu

Can't send or receive email

Can't send or receive email since Telstra changed authentication. After an hour on the phone with Telstra they claims settings are correct as I can access through webmail… (baca lebih lanjut)

Can't send or receive email since Telstra changed authentication. After an hour on the phone with Telstra they claims settings are correct as I can access through webmail, but not through Thunderbird.

In privacy and settings, Saved password ,Under saved logins nothing appears, ( I did "remove all" as instructed by Telstra but we can't figure our how to add it back.)

Can anyone instruct me how to fix this? Many thanks I appreciate your assistance

Ditanyakan oleh gyfbvss4jy 1 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh gyfbvss4jy 5 jam yang lalu

Recover Thunderbird email using old profile; current profile was lost.

I had to reformat a hard drive. Unfortunately, my current Thunderbird profile was erased. I have a 7-month earlier profile backed up, and my current emails are still avai… (baca lebih lanjut)

I had to reformat a hard drive. Unfortunately, my current Thunderbird profile was erased. I have a 7-month earlier profile backed up, and my current emails are still available from Spectrum webmail. Can I re-install the old profile, and download the newer emails from Spectrum to create a new profile? What is the safest way to proceed and not lose emails? Thanks!

Ditanyakan oleh jojotom01 5 jam yang lalu

Using Thunderbird 115.13.0 Not able to send emails. Can receive.

Using Thunderbird 115.13.0 Not able to send emails. Can receive. I am in Canada. Get incoming email from Mail System (NOT MY ISP) Login from Country: US United States P… (baca lebih lanjut)

Using Thunderbird 115.13.0 Not able to send emails. Can receive. I am in Canada. Get incoming email from Mail System (NOT MY ISP)

Login from Country: US United States
Please use this url to enable SMTP sending for the new ip address

If you were not sending from this address then change your password IMMEDIATELY as it is known to a hacker g_safe_smtp: Login attempt from unknown address ( user=wsilvera@uniserve.com. Open this link in your browser to enable logins: http://mx0.uniserve.com/vfy?f=87c21422

My ISP says this is a Thunderbird issue, and they cannot help. Warren

Ditanyakan oleh wsilvera 6 jam yang lalu

Email List Design: Boxed vs. List

Hi, I recently setup a second computer and installed Thunderbird (Built 115.13.0 (64-bit)) again. I transferred all my preferences, but have this strange problem, that t… (baca lebih lanjut)


I recently setup a second computer and installed Thunderbird (Built 115.13.0 (64-bit)) again. I transferred all my preferences, but have this strange problem, that the appearance of the email list looks different. In the previously installed version it is a simple list with separators and in the new installed version every email is in a separate box. I included the screenshots as a reference.

I googled and searched the settings to align this, but unfortunately without success. Does anyone know how to change this?

Thank you!

Ditanyakan oleh Groot 12 jam yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Groot 6 jam yang lalu

When I try to access one of several email accounts, Thunderbird goes to Not Responding

I have had 5 email accounts set up with Thunderbird for several years. Just recently Thunderbird freezes when I try to access that email account. If I click on that email… (baca lebih lanjut)

I have had 5 email accounts set up with Thunderbird for several years. Just recently Thunderbird freezes when I try to access that email account. If I click on that email account a second time, I get a Not Responding error at the top of the screen.

I upgraded to 128.0.1esr, but no change.


Thanks, Tom

Ditanyakan oleh tom427 6 jam yang lalu

outgoing server smtp.gmail.com will not recognise my password for gmail

We have been asked to change server settings to OAuth2 on Thunderbird. I thought I had followed instructions properly from the internet but emails will arrive now but I c… (baca lebih lanjut)

We have been asked to change server settings to OAuth2 on Thunderbird. I thought I had followed instructions properly from the internet but emails will arrive now but I cannot send any. I keep getting a box asking for my password which then isn't recognised. Should I be going into my gmail account via Gmail itself rather than Thunderbird. We have 2 Gmail accounts and 2 outlook accounts coming into Thunderbird I am not a wizz kid at all this and only understand simple instructions. I am wishing I hadn't altered anything now!

Ditanyakan oleh Tudie 11 jam yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh Tudie 6 jam yang lalu

Sending emails with thunderbird

Hi, since yesterday trying to send emails just results in the display box "Sending message" (in German) but it never completes that. Receiving emails works fine. The SMTP… (baca lebih lanjut)

Hi, since yesterday trying to send emails just results in the display box "Sending message" (in German) but it never completes that. Receiving emails works fine. The SMTP entries all appear ok, I have not changed anything in terms of hard- or software. I use windows 10 and thunderbird 115. Sending email via the online interface of the service provider works fine too. This problem appears only when trying to send emails via strato.de but not with gmx.de. As far as I can see the settings are identical. Any ideas? Best regards

Ditanyakan oleh mz12 13 jam yang lalu

Jawaban terakhir oleh mz12 7 jam yang lalu

How to delete calendar item reminders for events that no longer exist

I have several calendar items that I deleted on my phone which removed them from Google calendar but the reminders continue to appear in the desktop app. I restored the … (baca lebih lanjut)

I have several calendar items that I deleted on my phone which removed them from Google calendar but the reminders continue to appear in the desktop app.

I restored the items, modified them, deleted them from the calendar that appears in TB but no luck.

The notices lock the app - I can't do anything unless I cancel them.

Any suggestions?


Ditanyakan oleh Daniel Mannisto 8 jam yang lalu

Getting email through Yahoo and coming in through Firefox, Thunderbird withour signing in to Yahoo

Need procedure to up date email that has been transferred to Yahoo from Cox.net Cox stated I can keep my email address and emails will come in through Yahoo. I do not h… (baca lebih lanjut)

Need procedure to up date email that has been transferred to Yahoo from Cox.net Cox stated I can keep my email address and emails will come in through Yahoo. I do not have a Yahoo account which is separate from the Cox.net email address

Need procedure to keep Thunderbird as email contact for emails. Confused!! Please define how to get back to original system of using Thunderbird and automatically open up my emails. Thx

Ditanyakan oleh marbak 10 jam yang lalu