Update your sign-in technology before September 16th, 2024 to maintain email access. You will no longer be able to access your Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on September 16th.

Tell me how I can continue to use thunderbird with the above account and also Denis.Clarke.hotmail.com after September 18. I have 4 individual historic E mail accounts an… (emoñe’ẽve)

Tell me how I can continue to use thunderbird with the above account and also Denis.Clarke.hotmail.com after September 18. I have 4 individual historic E mail accounts and thunderbird joins them together. What do you need to do? To deal with threat below.

If you are receiving this email, you are currently using an email or calendar app that uses a less secure authentication method to connect to your Outlook.com email account. You will need to upgrade your third-party mail and calendar app to a version which supports modern authentication methods.

Oporandu Denis.ClarkeOjapo 2 ára

Mbohovái paha MartymozOjapo 9 aravo’i mba’e

Disable threading everywhere in Thunderbird 115.12.2 (64-bit)

I recently patched to Thunderbird 115.12.2, and discovered that threading has been turned on everywhere. Reading through the forum, I disabled threading by default in the… (emoñe’ẽve)

I recently patched to Thunderbird 115.12.2, and discovered that threading has been turned on everywhere. Reading through the forum, I disabled threading by default in the config editor via mailnews.default_view_flags, and manually went through every folder setting "View" -> "Threads" -> "Ignore threads".

However, it appears that disabling threading is only honored for the inbox. Setting "ignore threading" on any other folder is ignored, and Thunderbird continues to thread.

For example here is the "Sent Mail" folder with "ignore threads" set (see screenshot) and it still displays with threading. Apparently, "ignore threading" only works with the inbox. I would like threading disabled on all folders, not just the inbox. If there was a switch to disable threading universally, that would be easiest for everyone who dislikes threading.

Thanks in advance. John N. jnyhuis@gmail.com

Oporandu jnyhuis1Ojapo 23 aravo

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 23 aravo’i mba’e

Thunderbird 'all mail' folder with yahoo mail

I use Thunderbird for all my emails. With gmail accounts, Thunderbird has an 'all mail' folder but that folder doesn't exist for my yahoo mail accounts. Is there any way… (emoñe’ẽve)

I use Thunderbird for all my emails. With gmail accounts, Thunderbird has an 'all mail' folder but that folder doesn't exist for my yahoo mail accounts.

Is there any way to create an 'all mail' folder (or functionality) with Thunderbird/Yahoo ?

Thanks for any help ! John

Oporandu JohnnyRichGuitarOjapo 50 aravo’i

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 29 aravo’i mba’e

Outlook says that it will no longer let third party mail apps like Thunderbird to access Outlook email as of September 16, 2024?

Outlook says that it will no longer let third party mail apps like Thunderbird to access Outlook email as of September 16, 2024? What do you recommend? "Action Needed –… (emoñe’ẽve)

Outlook says that it will no longer let third party mail apps like Thunderbird to access Outlook email as of September 16, 2024? What do you recommend?

"Action Needed – You may lose access to some of your third-party mail and calendar apps

Update your sign-in technology before September 16th, 2024 to maintain email access.

The safety and security of your information is top priority for Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no longer support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which ask you to sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and password. To keep you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar app which supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods. If you do not act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able to access your Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on September 16th.

What do you need to do?

If you are receiving this email, you are currently using an email or calendar app that uses a less secure authentication method to connect to your Outlook.com email account. You will need to upgrade your third-party mail and calendar app to a version which supports modern authentication methods.

Microsoft provides free versions of Outlook for your PC, Mac, iOS, and Android devices which can be easily downloaded and connect to your email account. Using an updated version of an Outlook application will ensure you are connecting in the most secure way.

How can you set up your Gmail, Apple Mail, or other third-party mail application?

Various non-Microsoft applications will have their own steps for connecting to your Outlook.com email account using modern authentication methods. See our help article - Modern Authentication Methods now needed to continue syncing Outlook Email in non-Microsoft email apps. However, you may need to contact the creators of those applications to provide you with instructions. In many cases, simply removing and re-adding your account with the latest version of that application will configure it to use modern authentication methods.

Privacy Statement

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 USA"

Oporandu benjamin.kurataOjapo 6 ára

Mbohovái paha MartymozOjapo 1 aravo mba’e

Thunderbird text to speech to read emails for visually impared person

Hello My friend is visually impared and is having great difficulty seeing to read emails. Is there any way to use Thunderbird to get the emails and then read them with te… (emoñe’ẽve)

Hello My friend is visually impared and is having great difficulty seeing to read emails. Is there any way to use Thunderbird to get the emails and then read them with text to speech to audio. Or can anyone think of another way. I will have to be simple too. Thanks.

Oporandu george28.jamesOjapo 4 aravo

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 1 aravo mba’e

Missing Message Filters

Several upgrades ago, I created message filters in Thunderbird to forward emails received from specific senders to other email accounts that needed to get copies. While … (emoñe’ẽve)

Several upgrades ago, I created message filters in Thunderbird to forward emails received from specific senders to other email accounts that needed to get copies. While running version 115.12.1 32bit on Win 10, I had need to delete one of the filters. When I went to Menu Bar > Tools > Message Filters the Message Filters window does NOT show ANY filters regardless of which account (I have 20 and checked each) is selected. I have also searched my HDD, located all copies of msgFilterRules.dat and opened ones that might be related to the account in question. ALL of the msgFilterRules.dat files that I checked had only 2 lines.... version="9" and logging="no", except for the problem account where I had turned on logging and the .dat file showed "yes". I also went to yahoo and checked to see if I might have created the filter on the server side. However, according to yahoo, they discontinued the forwarding filter in 2021, so it's not happening there. I need to know how to find the forwarding filters and edit them.

Oporandu moremail2trashOjapo 16 aravo

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 2 aravo mba’e

Account SMTP authentication method

From Sept-16-2024 Microsoft will deprecate Normal Password and require OAuth2 authentication on its email accounts accessed from Thunderbird and other clients. I'm tryin… (emoñe’ẽve)

From Sept-16-2024 Microsoft will deprecate Normal Password and require OAuth2 authentication on its email accounts accessed from Thunderbird and other clients.

I'm trying to convert my hotmail accounts on Thunderbird to OAuth2 authentication.

Server Settings Authentication can be set to OAuth2 because OAuth2 is an option in that menu.

But SMTP Server Authentication cannot be set to OAuth2 because OAuth2 is not an option in that menu.

Both Connection Security methods ( Inbound and SMTP ), are set to STARTTLS.

See screenshots, thank you.

Oporandu Foxtrot7Ojapo 20 aravo

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 2 aravo mba’e

Add a salutation to Signature

Hello- I want to add some verbiage before my business card that I have add to my Signature. see image - How do I include the Warm Regards, name, number? I did add on "adv… (emoñe’ẽve)

Hello- I want to add some verbiage before my business card that I have add to my Signature. see image - How do I include the Warm Regards, name, number? I did add on "advanced composer" but cannot find how to use it in FF Thanks for the help

Oporandu libirmOjapo 6 ára

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 5 aravo mba’e

Sending emails

Hi Cannot send emails via Thunderbird. Sending an email via grahamg.d@ntlworld.com failed (as do my others addresses - not tested this time) with message "Mail server res… (emoñe’ẽve)

Hi Cannot send emails via Thunderbird. Sending an email via grahamg.d@ntlworld.com failed (as do my others addresses - not tested this time) with message "Mail server responded - Authentication Code Require (VM401). can you help please? Have been having email problems with Virgin Media for some time now and it has got worse I can receive emails

Oporandu grahamg.dOjapo 7 aravo

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 5 aravo mba’e

Email Storage

Thank you in advance for any help. I am using Thunderbird 115.12.2 I'm on IMAP. I having a working knowledge of Thunderbird, but not a whiz by any means. Since I hav… (emoñe’ẽve)

Thank you in advance for any help. I am using Thunderbird 115.12.2

I'm on IMAP. I having a working knowledge of Thunderbird, but not a whiz by any means.

Since I have both personal and business emails, I keep them historically. I delete what I don't think I'll ever need to refer to.

When my email storage, gets into the 90's, I get nervous. I go through and delete as many emails as possible, and sometimes manage to get the percentage to go down 1 percent.

So... I'm a little confused. I thought that perhaps this was syncing with the Comcast server, and that the percentage was not for any Thunderbird storage. Is Thunderbird storing on another server?

What should my settings be, so that I can maintain all my email on my computer? I don't need to store it on any server. I'm afraid to make any adjustments for fear of losing email on my computer.

Is there someone who can walk me through this process in steps I can understand? LOL

I know I am set up with IMAP.

Thanks so much!


Oporandu mrwayyneOjapo 6 aravo

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 6 aravo mba’e

I can't set up Thunderbird to cope with 'modern authentication' on my Hotmail account, using a local Windows account on Windows 10

I use Thunderbird 115.12.2 (64-bit) with Hotmail, using a local account on Windows 10. Microsoft is introducing 'modern authentication' on Hotmail, and I want to be read… (emoñe’ẽve)

I use Thunderbird 115.12.2 (64-bit) with Hotmail, using a local account on Windows 10. Microsoft is introducing 'modern authentication' on Hotmail, and I want to be ready for this, but I cannot follow the guidance at https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/modern-authentication-methods-now-needed-to-continue-syncing-outlook-email-in-non-microsoft-email-apps-c5d65390-9676-4763-b41f-d7986499a90d

If I try to alter my existing Thunderbird Account Settings for my Hotmail account, the authentication method for Outgoing Server (SMTP) is shown as Normal Password but there is no option to change it to OAuth2. If I delete and recreate my Hotmail account in Thunderbird, I get an error message from Microsoft saying that I cannot log in because my browser is not set to allow cookies -- even though I believe I have set both Thunderbird and Firefox (my default browser) to allow cookies.

Oporandu d_drysdaleOjapo 1 ára

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 8 aravo mba’e

Updated from Windows 7 computer to a new H-P running Windows 11, downloaded Mozilla Thunderbird as I had used it on Windows 7, received all my In-Box e-mail but nothing in my Sent box. Help please!

Updated from Windows 7 computer to a new HP running Windows 11, downloaded Mozilla thunderbird from my old computer I had used it successfully for years, & received a… (emoñe’ẽve)

Updated from Windows 7 computer to a new HP running Windows 11, downloaded Mozilla thunderbird from my old computer I had used it successfully for years, & received all my In-box email but nothing was received in my Sent box. The Thunderbird application works as I sent myself an email and received same, but the entirety of my sent email history never arrived. What to do?

Oporandu billrempferOjapo 22 aravo

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 8 aravo mba’e

Unified Local Folders missing subfolders that show in "All" view; Some dupes appear in Unified Sent folder

I have two problems tha occur when using the Unified Folder tree view. 1) The view of Local Folders that appears in the Unified Folders view (which I use and require) h… (emoñe’ẽve)

I have two problems tha occur when using the Unified Folder tree view.

1) The view of Local Folders that appears in the Unified Folders view (which I use and require) has lost all subofolders except for Outbox. In particular, it does not show Sent Copies which is folder I rely on.

However, Sent copies and several other subfolders for Local Folders are visible in the All Folders View. As a workaround, I am currently set the tree view to show both Unnified Folders and All Folders to have access to Sent Copies in local Folders...but this is a pain because it means I have to scroll far, far, down in an excessively long folder tree to find Local Folders/Sent copies.

So the solution I'm seeking to number 1: Restore Sent Copies, and other normal subfolders, to the view of Local Folders that appears in the tree when the view is set to Unified Folders. (Closing TB, Deleting the Smart Folders from the Mail folder and re-starting TB does not solve or have any effect on this problem. See my conjecture at end below).

Second problem is: I'm seeing a big handful of duplicate emails showing up in the Unified Folder Sent folder. I've cleared up most of this problem by deleting Smart Folders from the Mail Folder in the profile...but this repair fixes most, but still permits a handful of duplicates to remain, especially in the Sent folder. I have been running TB happily for maybe 10 years. Current setup is Windows 10 on a Lenovo desktop....my two mail accounts are Hotmail and Gmail.

I'd be very grateful for assistance with these problems.

My conjecture about these problems: They arose in past month while there were a lot of starts and stops and edits of settings for TB in past couple months in order to keep TB connecting to Hotmail. That finally got solved a week or so gao... but my conjecture is that some program crashes thar arose while editing TB sedttings may have contributed --at least to the missing subfolders n the main or Unified view of Local Folders.

Oporandu KenmpOjapo 21 aravo

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 9 aravo mba’e

Using thunderbird with new domainhosting and webhosting provider

Heya:) I am a webdesigner and I'm currently designing a website for a client that uses Thunderbird for his mails. Previously, Domain, website, and email had been hosted… (emoñe’ẽve)


I am a webdesigner and I'm currently designing a website for a client that uses Thunderbird for his mails.

Previously, Domain, website, and email had been hosted with the former agency.

Now we are gonna split this up into 3 different providers:

Webhosting: Squarespace Domain hosting: Cyon.ch E-Mail hosting: Would be great to keep using Thunderbird :)

How can I ensure that my client can still use Thunderbird? Do I just need to change some DNS-records? Otherwise I will have to switch to gmail :(

Oporandu Philipp ZimmermannOjapo 6 ára

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 9 aravo mba’e

Thunderbird reboot loop

I have a Windows 10 pc, which is current with all Microsoft and manufacturer (Lenovo) updates. Thunderbird won't run since the last update. It just gives a message sayin… (emoñe’ẽve)

I have a Windows 10 pc, which is current with all Microsoft and manufacturer (Lenovo) updates. Thunderbird won't run since the last update. It just gives a message saying, "Your computer must be restarted to complete a previous upgrade of Thunderbird. Do you want to reboot now?" After several reboots, I have given up. A support forum solution from 4 years ago recommends deleting a file (global-messages-db.sqlite) at a location (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\8charstring.default) that seems not to exist (hidden?) on my pc. What do you suggest? Thanks.

Oporandu smb21Ojapo 3 ára

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 9 aravo mba’e

Need to migrate folders and files from Outlook 2007 Thunderbird

Outlook.com and Microsoft inform me that in September 2024, Outlook 2007 will no longer work for email because it does not meet their spiffy new authentication thingy. T… (emoñe’ẽve)

Outlook.com and Microsoft inform me that in September 2024, Outlook 2007 will no longer work for email because it does not meet their spiffy new authentication thingy. They want me to quit using Windows 7, but I need it to run legacy productivity software for which there is nothing comparable. So, Windows 7 it is. I do have a dual boot system that includes Windows 10, but I don't want to mess with it for email if possible.

Microsoft suggested that Thunderbird would work, so I downloaded it. That's when everything went sideways. There is no utility to move my existing files and folders intact from Outlook 2007 to Thunderbird. I tried Thunderbird's Import but it refuses to cooperate. So, last chance for Thunderbird is contacting you.

Help me make a clean transition from Outlook 2007 to Thunderbird without losing contacts, folders and files.

Oporandu puzzles97Ojapo 1 ára

Mbohovái paha sfhowesOjapo 1 ára mba’e

Can't send email, 2 different SMTP servers both time out

Hello -- Not sure when this happened. Got 2 email accounts, account X and account Y. All was working fine until today, 6/27/24. Both have different outgoing SMTP server… (emoñe’ẽve)

Hello --

Not sure when this happened.

Got 2 email accounts, account X and account Y. All was working fine until today, 6/27/24. Both have different outgoing SMTP servers.

Now I am trying to send, it is asking for passwords, which I have and is 100% correct. In fact, if I put in wrong password it tells me, so I know it is communicating. When I put in the correct password, I get a timeout on BOTH SMTP servers.

I disabled Norton Firewall.

Works fine from another PC app (poppeeper) and from my android (k9 mail). Both accounts are IMAP.

Neither SSL/TLS or STARTTLS makes a difference. Nor did a re-boot.

TB 115.12.2 (64 Bit) on Windows 10

Sending of the message failed. The message could not be sent because the connection to Outgoing server (SMTP) mailroom4.hostrocket.com timed out. Try again.

Description: hostrocket Server Name: mailroom4.hostrocket.com Port: 465 User Name: ernie@e(redacted).com Authentication method: Normal password Connection Security: SSL/TLS

Anything change?

Oporandu Ernie BOjapo 6 ára

Mbohovái paha christ1Ojapo 1 ára mba’e

Microsoft Changes to Secutity

Hi, I've just had an email from Microsoft saying :- Update your sign-in technology before September 16th, 2024 to maintain email access. Is there a step by step tu… (emoñe’ẽve)

Hi, I've just had an email from Microsoft saying :-

Update your sign-in technology before September 16th, 2024 to maintain email access.

Is there a step by step tutorial on how to do this?



Oporandu pebbleridge13Ojapo 1 ára

Mbohovái paha davidOjapo 1 ára mba’e

Import doesn't include email

I converted my Outlook .pst file to an mbox file using SysTools PST converter When I try to import it into Thunderbird, it permits me to import only a .zip file from a … (emoñe’ẽve)

I converted my Outlook .pst file to an mbox file using SysTools PST converter When I try to import it into Thunderbird, it permits me to import only a .zip file from a previous backup, or a calendar file, or an address file. I need it to import the whole thing, especially the emails. How?

Oporandu dsalmon2Ojapo 2 ára

Mbohovái paha sfhowesOjapo 1 ára mba’e