Ehechauka porandu heramoĩpyréva: Ehechaukapaite porandu

No stream in Utube but will in Edge

New Windows 11 computer will not stream on Utube. I have 2 others with W10 and they stream fine. Tried to use Edge (ugh) and it works flawlessly. Personally I think th… (emoñe’ẽve)

New Windows 11 computer will not stream on Utube. I have 2 others with W10 and they stream fine. Tried to use Edge (ugh) and it works flawlessly. Personally I think this is done by microshit.

Oporandu Jack3MOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha zeroknightOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

background-blend-mode is no longer functioning as it should with color option

Hi, I created a website with a pretty simple css in the body of the page. I have a background image, but its colors are too dominant, so I also added a background color … (emoñe’ẽve)


I created a website with a pretty simple css in the body of the page. I have a background image, but its colors are too dominant, so I also added a background color property to make the background more "pale". This approach worked perfectly in Chrome and I am 99% sure that I also tested this back then in Firefox and it worked as expected.

Now, only a white background is displayed in Firefox (Chrome works perfectly), which is interesting, because nor the image nor the set colour is white (well... the colour is white, but it is semi transparent). Did I miss something or is this an accidentally added bug in Firefox?

For your reference I attach a minimal working (in Chrome the paler background is displayed properly, in Firefox white page) example (note: change image url to whatever):


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
    <script src="script.js"></script>

    height: 100vh;
    width: 100vw;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    display: flex;
    margin: 0;
    flex-direction: column;
    background-image: url(./resources/splash.jpg);
    background-position: center;
    background-size: cover;
    background-color:  rgba(255,255,255,0.1);

I appreciate the help, Mark

Oporandu szalaimdOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha zeroknightOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Youtube live's not auto starting when counter runs out

Hi I've no idea which section this should go.. I'm having an issue when a youtube channel im following sets a live. When I get the card on the desktop for the 30 min time… (emoñe’ẽve)

Hi I've no idea which section this should go.. I'm having an issue when a youtube channel im following sets a live. When I get the card on the desktop for the 30 min timer, I'll click it.. sometimes it will open in a new tab (usually the card just disappears), that's another problem.. Anyway.. If I switch to the new tab at the time the live should have started, it shows the counter reset to 30 minutes.. if I F5 the page it will load the live.. Is there a way to auto start the live when the counter hits zero?

Hope that wasn't as clear as mud...


Oporandu Tracy ScottOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha zeroknightOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Is there any possible way to darken the Grey text on so many websites?

The Grey Text Fetish throughout The Web is ruining what little Senior Eyesite I have left. I don't want to switch browsers, but I'm not finding any way to darken text in … (emoñe’ẽve)

The Grey Text Fetish throughout The Web is ruining what little Senior Eyesite I have left. I don't want to switch browsers, but I'm not finding any way to darken text in Firefox. Help!

Oporandu dwgrishamOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha zeroknightOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

ff update messed up Google sign in

I updated FF per regular basis. Now I can't log into Google because my phone is no longer an option. A tablet is an option but it's physically inaccessible. All I did wa… (emoñe’ẽve)

I updated FF per regular basis. Now I can't log into Google because my phone is no longer an option. A tablet is an option but it's physically inaccessible. All I did was click update and restart. Nothing unusual about that. My phone can't access Google accounts either. I'm not the most tech savvy and so I have no clues how to remedy this situation.

Oporandu SCLBOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha cor-elOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

In Firefox, I want to load several tabs each time I start Firefox, but now the same tabs repeat when I refocus on Firefox

I had Firefox set to load 4 tabs when started. Something has changed recently and now it seems as if the same 4 sites keep repeating somehow. I have set the Home/Custom… (emoñe’ẽve)

I had Firefox set to load 4 tabs when started. Something has changed recently and now it seems as if the same 4 sites keep repeating somehow. I have set the Home/Custom URLs to these 4 sites, but cannot prevent them to load again when already loaded.

Oporandu Fred BOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha cor-elOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Picture In Picture On Top of Full Screen Application

Last update disabled picture in picture mode -- on top of full scree applications. Please advise how to correct / adjust. This feature is vital to my work. Thank you fo… (emoñe’ẽve)

Last update disabled picture in picture mode -- on top of full scree applications.

Please advise how to correct / adjust. This feature is vital to my work.

Thank you for your time and help.

Oporandu JemmmaOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha cor-elOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Did not connect: potential security issue to my credit union. nothing wrong on their end

I keep getting this message did not connect:potential security issue. I went to my credit union and they find no problem with their website and I am able access my accoun… (emoñe’ẽve)

I keep getting this message did not connect:potential security issue. I went to my credit union and they find no problem with their website and I am able access my account on their computer. This just came up Friday

Oporandu cjc55Ojapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha cor-elOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Firefox starting when imac starts

I dont know why but all of a sudden when I turn my imac on I am having things start up and they never did before. So how do I keep Firefox from starting up when I turn im… (emoñe’ẽve)

I dont know why but all of a sudden when I turn my imac on I am having things start up and they never did before. So how do I keep Firefox from starting up when I turn imac on? I am getting really tired of having to shut off apps.

Oporandu verna21971Ojapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha cor-elOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

History is not being deleted

Despite many attempts at fixing including reinstalling FF, highlighting various drop downs in the history menu like the "everything section", every two hours etc. Nothin… (emoñe’ẽve)

Despite many attempts at fixing including reinstalling FF, highlighting various drop downs in the history menu like the "everything section", every two hours etc. Nothing seems to work and I end up deleting the history one by one. Thank you

Oporandu midogsrgr8Ojapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha cor-elOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

The latest update has broken my firefox

The most recent update, has caused my firefox to not work properly. Firstly i noticed that it reset all my extensions and themes and now i have noticed that it has affect… (emoñe’ẽve)

The most recent update, has caused my firefox to not work properly. Firstly i noticed that it reset all my extensions and themes and now i have noticed that it has affected some sites i was storing data on, for example, i use a site which keeps a track of all the camos i have achieved for Call of Duty MW3. This has now been reset. These can all be redone, but it is something i shouldn't have to do, with an update, as it has never happened before with a firefox update. The way it has been going, i am sure i will find more errors with firefox. Hopefully something can be done, maybe not in this instance but in future "Improvements", as it is not a good user experience!

Oporandu biggontourOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha jscher2000 - Support VolunteerOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Why does Which? via FF keep asking me about cookies?

Despite having logged into Which? via FireFox, and accepted all cookies I am asked again and again on every Which? page about cookies. How can I stop this? Is this Whic… (emoñe’ẽve)

Despite having logged into Which? via FireFox, and accepted all cookies I am asked again and again on every Which? page about cookies.

How can I stop this?

Is this Which? or FF?

Oporandu 4chrisamitchellOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha jscher2000 - Support VolunteerOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Startup - previously opened windows

Hello, Why doesn't "open previous windows" work? It can't be checked off in settings. It seems other people have this problem. Are there any fixes? I have a Windows… (emoñe’ẽve)


Why doesn't "open previous windows" work? It can't be checked off in settings. It seems other people have this problem. Are there any fixes? I have a Windows computer with Windows 11. It works on my Android phone, but not on my desktop.

Thank you, Tom

Oporandu TomOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha jscher2000 - Support VolunteerOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Latest Firefox has top part of browser window dimmed out even when it has desktop focus

I have the latest version of Firefox (124.0.1) that I'm using on macOS (14.4). The problem is that the whole top section of the browser (tab bar, location bar, and bookma… (emoñe’ẽve)

I have the latest version of Firefox (124.0.1) that I'm using on macOS (14.4). The problem is that the whole top section of the browser (tab bar, location bar, and bookmarks bar) is dimmed out a lot of the time. Including when the browser has desktop focus. This, as you might imagine, is very annoying.

Don't know what's changed, I haven't done anything to Firefox that would make this happen. Wondering if this is a bug in the latest version that will be fixed, or if I need to pursue this. My plan would be to log out of my Mozilla account on the browser, reset all the settings, then log back into my Mozilla account in the hopes that this is something that won't survive that process; i.e. not saved in my saved settings.

I'm about at the point of stopping use of Firefox, which I really don't want to do, if I can't fix this due to eyestrain from squinting at dimmed tabs, etc. If this is a release-related problem, I can put up with it until it's fixed.

Oporandu MrDohOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha zeroknightOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Have Win 10 64 bit laptop. Is Firefox 124 a 64 bit application?

1) I Have Win 10 64 bit laptop. Is Firefox 124 a 32-bit or a 64 bit application? How would I know? 2) Will a 64-bit Java Runtime Environment be compatible with FF 124… (emoñe’ẽve)

1) I Have Win 10 64 bit laptop. Is Firefox 124 a 32-bit or a 64 bit application? How would I know?

2) Will a 64-bit Java Runtime Environment be compatible with FF 124 - if FF is 32-bit ?

       -----       "      -----                                                                               -  if FF is 64-bit ?

Conversely 3) Will a 32-bit Java Runtime Environment be compatible with FF 124 - if FF is 32-bit ?

       ---------------              "                  ---------------                           -  if FF is 64-bit ?

You can ignore the rest of my questions if you have no time for this.

Hint: Seeing as most software search functions are highly inadequate, I can only expect that AI will slow the workings of all software-operated system to a crawl or to a screeching halt. I see such an obvious lack of willingness to make software work for most people, instead of for the few geniuses who think everything goes without saying, that I have no confidence in software people anymore.

Software was once a promise, 40 or 50 years ago. Now it more and more becomes a promise unfulfilled. And nobody wants to do anything about it. It's not even recognized as a problem. Sadly, this happens in Community operated software like Mozilla just like in the big for profit Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc enterprises. I am trying to be as kind as possible in this.

Extra credit: 4) Why does the search term "Version" produce zero result in Firefox "Settings"? Seems like a very, very common term.

5) I am pretty sure that "Sharing Trouble-shooting Information" will not help you with answering my questions. How much do you want to bet on that?

6) Why can't search software answer a question with another question, asking intelligently for more detail

in order to decipher what the initial question might require to be answerable?

Oporandu Astonished_Firefox_UserOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha cor-elOjapo 3 jasy mba’e

Video playback (and other misc. webapp) issues, which do not occur when using a Private Browser window

I am facing an issue with my Firefox. This most commonly occurs with video playback webapps like YouTube Shorts. Intermittently, but often enough to be incredibly annoy… (emoñe’ẽve)

I am facing an issue with my Firefox.

This most commonly occurs with video playback webapps like YouTube Shorts. Intermittently, but often enough to be incredibly annoying!!) videos will stick while audio plays in the background. This does not always happen, but once it starts there seems to be some sort of cooling off period before things work again.

Reddit video player never works, seeming to silently crash - never showing the play button or video controls overlay.

I have had miscellenious other issue with other website that include forms to fill out and navigate where the elements like "next" or "submit" are completely unresponsive.

  • Refreshing the page does not fix it.
  • Clearing Firefox's cache and data did not fix it.
  • "Refreshing" Firefox did not fix it.

Strangely, the same video/page will always work on a Private browser window. I appreciate that these windows don't have extensions active, but I have activated every extension in private browsing and it still works.

The only extensions I have are:

  • Privacy Badger
  • uBlock Origin
  • Bitwarden

I have no idea what it is about my "normal" browser which is broken, and why things are fine in the private window, but this is immensely frustrating.

I really don't want to have to change to another browser (Chrome... ew...) but I need this fixed if I am to continue.

Oporandu Paul NaidooOjapo 3 jasy

Mbohovái paha zeroknightOjapo 3 jasy mba’e