Thunderbird Inbox Draft Flag keeps rechecking

Thunderbird Inbox Draft Flag keeps rechecking on only one of my 3 email accounts. This problem started recently, probably after the latest update to Thunderbird, which is… (read more)

Thunderbird Inbox Draft Flag keeps rechecking on only one of my 3 email accounts. This problem started recently, probably after the latest update to Thunderbird, which is now 115.12.2 x64 on my Win 10 22H2 desktop.

I installed the add-on FolderFlags so I could see and change the flags, but after I clear the Draft flag on the one Inbox, the flag is checked again after I restart Thunderbird.

The annoyances generated from this problem are making me want to change email application.

Asked by rafisher3 Duela 2 egun

Last reply by rafisher3 Duela egun bat

my emails are coming in but not out, Turn on SMTP authentication on reference: OB315

For no apparent reason I can receive but not send emails from yesterday. The message below tells me to check my SMTP settings. I have checked and rechecked, nothing has c… (read more)

For no apparent reason I can receive but not send emails from yesterday. The message below tells me to check my SMTP settings. I have checked and rechecked, nothing has changed, but somewhere it think it has. Any suggestions please? Regards Ilio Pieroni

Asked by Ilio Pieroni Duela 2 egun

Last reply by Ilio Pieroni Duela egun bat

Empty Calendars

I started up my machine this morning, for Thunderbird 115.13 (I could've sworn that I had a later version last night, but updates and version numbers are Mozilla's proble… (read more)

I started up my machine this morning, for Thunderbird 115.13 (I could've sworn that I had a later version last night, but updates and version numbers are Mozilla's problem, not mine) tells me that I can no longer use my profile with this fancy new version and need to create another one. After fuming about that idiocy for a while, I canceled the process and imported everything from my old profile.

It fouled up mightily on the passwords, but I got past that obstacle course.

Now, I see that my "Today Pane" is empty. Looking at the calendar, I see why: Thunderbird apparently pretended to import three calendars, but skipped all but two old events. I can create more empty calendars, but that is incredibly unhelpful. One calendar is local. One is an online ICS file published by an organization. And the third (the one that had two events picked up) is subscribed to an OwnCloud account's calendar, and may have worked. The first is obviously the most important, since I'd rather not spend time working out the database schema so that I can manually input every single event and appointment.

What hoops do I need to jump through to refill my calendar? I'm running on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, with the Thunderbird Flatpak (commit c2e09fc595198cf5c467ddad1fab56c0be512758584e16c3b933f2410968306a according to the command-line, if that gives any clues) installed. And again, I feel like that setup used a significantly later version of Thunderbird recently, so figuring out how to undo Flatpak's decision to downgrade would also presumably solve the problem.

Asked by John Colagioia Duela 3 egun

Last reply by John Colagioia Duela 2 egun

AUtomatically send message to folder when I star them

I want emails that I mark as important "starred" to automatically go to a separate folder when I star them. This would preclude the need to do it manually every time I s… (read more)

I want emails that I mark as important "starred" to automatically go to a separate folder when I star them. This would preclude the need to do it manually every time I star something.

Can I do this with filters or some other way? If so, how do I do this?


Asked by sguzik2 Duela 2 egun

Last reply by sguzik2 Duela 2 egun

Mozilla not working

My Mozilla was working and downloading emails yesterday and then last evening I checked for mail and then tried downloading mail and received a message saying that my acc… (read more)

My Mozilla was working and downloading emails yesterday and then last evening I checked for mail and then tried downloading mail and received a message saying that my account was being processed, please wait

hope you can help Karen M Rist

Asked by Karen Schmelzer Rist Duela 2 egun

Thunderbird "Copy to" feature not working now

The Thunderbird "copy to" option stopped working sometime in the last few weeks. I have historically (for many years) used his option to copy important emails to a "Lo… (read more)

The Thunderbird "copy to" option stopped working sometime in the last few weeks. I have historically (for many years) used his option to copy important emails to a "Local" account. I noticed today that this function is no longer working. It will not "copy to" any email even to a subfolder within the same email account. I am running window 10 and thunderbird which are both up to date.

Asked by vgrieshop Duela 2 egun

i just losr everything

I tried to go back to an older version an it said i would not loose everything whiich i lost all my addess book have to start all over again and do not want to i … (read more)

I tried to go back to an older version an it said i would not loose everything whiich i lost all my addess book

have to start all over again and  do not want to
 i uninstalled it totally now  i a screwed and have no restore point everything is gone 

cryimg here

Asked by Mary Duela 3 egun

Last reply by Mary Duela 2 egun

Problem wiadomościami z folderach

Dzień dobry, przy odtworzeniu profilu Thunderbirda na nowym komputerze z Windowsem mam problem z wiadomościami, a mianowicie nie wyświetlają się - jest lista, ale z pust… (read more)

Dzień dobry,

przy odtworzeniu profilu Thunderbirda na nowym komputerze z Windowsem mam problem z wiadomościami, a mianowicie nie wyświetlają się - jest lista, ale z pustymi polami (zdjęcie w załączniku). Po kliknięciu na wiadomość pokazują się nagłówki. Problem raz na jakiś czas pojawia się u mnie w firmie na różnych stanowiskach. Edytując plik folderu wiadomości zauważyłem, że koniec linii jest zapisany w CRCRLF, zamiast CRLF. Naprawa folderu z poziomu Thunderbirda nic nie pomagała. Rozwiązaniem okazało się usunięcie nadmiarowego znacznika nowej linii CR - napisałem sobie program do tego celu, który udostępnię w sieci, ale fajnie by było, aby ta funkcja naprawy była w samym Thunderbirdzie.


Asked by kamil16 Duela 3 egun

Last reply by kamil16 Duela 2 egun

"All mail" is missing in Search Messages window

I have used "All mail" option in Search Messages window to search and store in a local folder emails which were: - received recently and are unread - received in the past… (read more)

I have used "All mail" option in Search Messages window to search and store in a local folder emails which were: - received recently and are unread - received in the past 7 days - sent in the past 7 days

Since yesterday (2024-07-17), the local folder (and subfolder) for them emails received (both unread and within 7 days) has disappeared. The one for sent is still there.

Most importantly, there is no option "All mail" in the Search Messages windows.

For the steps I have already tried, I have multiple email accounts within I need to search. And Global Search is activated. I have TB 1 profile. I have deleted the global-messages-db.sqlite and re-created it.

Thank you in advance for your help

Asked by info.diokal Duela 2 egun

Cannot sign into email

I changed my email password with The Messaging Company but Thunderbird will not recognise the new password when I enter it into Thunderbird. I can access my email through… (read more)

I changed my email password with The Messaging Company but Thunderbird will not recognise the new password when I enter it into Thunderbird. I can access my email through the webmail for the Messaging Company but cannot access emails through Thunderbird

Asked by deniseallen Duela 4 egun

Last reply by deniseallen Duela 2 egun

The RETR command did not succeed.

I use email 365 exchange by Thunderbird POP. Today Thunderbird pop up error message "The RETR command did not succeed". I can't send-recive email. Please help me fix it. … (read more)

I use email 365 exchange by Thunderbird POP. Today Thunderbird pop up error message "The RETR command did not succeed". I can't send-recive email. Please help me fix it. Many thank!

Asked by Viet labol Duela 2 egun

Fail to copy email to local folder

Running Thunderbird 115.12.2 (32-bit) I have setup a Message Filter to automatically transfer an email to a local folder. The transfer is not working even when I start … (read more)

Running Thunderbird 115.12.2 (32-bit)

I have setup a Message Filter to automatically transfer an email to a local folder. The transfer is not working even when I start the filter manually. I then tried to right click on the email and copy it to the local folder, but that also did not work.

I thought the problem might be with the local folder so I deleted it. When I attempted to add a folder with the same name, I was told that a folder with that name already exists. Very confusing.

I have several other similar filters that work properly.

Is the any log information that could provide a clue to what is not happening.

Asked by hcampbell Duela 2 egun

Problem with Thunderbird

As of today, July 17, 2014, I cannot send messages on Thunderbird through Earthlink. When i send a message, I get an screen message that mentions being on the Vade Threa… (read more)

As of today, July 17, 2014, I cannot send messages on Thunderbird through Earthlink. When i send a message, I get an screen message that mentions being on the Vade Threat List. Further research informs me that Mozilla seems to regards Earthlink as an agent that spreads spam. I've been through Earthlink's preliminary process of troubleshooting, with no success. My situation has been elevated. Can you shed any light on what is going on?

Asked by abcwrite Duela 3 egun

Can no longer download RSS feed attachments

For many years I've been getting my various podcasts by subscribing to the RSS feeds with Thunderbird. The podcast then appears as an attachment to a RSS item, which I ca… (read more)

For many years I've been getting my various podcasts by subscribing to the RSS feeds with Thunderbird. The podcast then appears as an attachment to a RSS item, which I can right-click and download.

Until a couple of weeks ago, possibly after I updated TB to 115.12.2 64bit.

RSS feed items no longer visibly have attachments. If they have a download link, I can right-clicking on it and Save As, but nothing happens and nothing is saved. If I left-click on it a player gadget opens and starts playing. I then have to right click on that and Save Audio.

Examle podcasts that are giving me trouble:

Is there a config option I can set to restore the previous behaviour? I can't go on using TB for my podcsts as it is - it's too much of a pain.

Asked by philip.leriche Duela 3 egun

HELP, PLEASE. Email (receiving and sending) stopped working on the 12th

We have 3 email accounts, each for out business. 1 of them stopped working several years ago with no resolve but we didn't use it that much to make it matter. Now our ma… (read more)

We have 3 email accounts, each for out business. 1 of them stopped working several years ago with no resolve but we didn't use it that much to make it matter. Now our main email is not working. It stopped working on the 12th of July. We are not getting emails and our business RELIES on this. We are at a total loss. I've tried everything. I can send email from the main which is no longer working to the other one that still works but cannot send anywhere outside that. I'm not real knowledgeable with this stuff but I did empty the trash. We had 4 years of trash emails that needed dumped so I did that. Still notihing. The server is a POP3 and the port is correct. 110 is the default on all 3. The outgoing server (SMTP) what ever that is, is the default server for the email that is not working. WE ARE DESPERATE HERE. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP US.

Asked by Sean Duela 3 egun

Last reply by Sean Duela 3 egun

Client freezes

Hey newbie is here I download a clean client for MacOS and add 3 emails. I can open the client and leave for a few hours. But when I focus again on the client it starts … (read more)

Hey newbie is here

I download a clean client for MacOS and add 3 emails. I can open the client and leave for a few hours. But when I focus again on the client it starts freezing and loading something. How can I fix these freezes?

Asked by 1bdc68dd-5fc0-46a4-a5ae-199305f687b7 Duela 3 egun

My tasks - Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi, I would like to add tasks to ‘my tasks’ however, I do not know how to connect a remote calendar that will be synced across all logged in devices. Please give me detai… (read more)

Hi, I would like to add tasks to ‘my tasks’ however, I do not know how to connect a remote calendar that will be synced across all logged in devices. Please give me detailed instructions on how to add and select a calendar that supports tasks. I'll be gratefull for your help.

Asked by NJ M Duela 3 egun

Last reply by NJ M Duela 3 egun