History of Zoom in and out of websites on Firefox for Android

How to
Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Joni simplified and removed double-tap (doesnt work)
Approved   Joni website = web page. Thanks, Tonnes
Approved   scootergrisen Image(s) changed from inline to block level
Approved   scootergrisen newline + space fix
Approved   user917725 removed Template:ShareArticle
Approved M Swarnava Sengupta added new Firefox screenshot
Approved M user841578 added a tip under pinch gestures, per Verdi's suggestion here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-do-i-use-firefox-gestures-my-mobile-device/discuss/4729
Approved M scoobidiver maemo no longer supported
Approved M Swarnava Sengupta added the Share this article template
Approved M mluna updates for nativeUI
Approved M Jason reformatted pinch to zoom section, added some fun as well.
Approved   michellerluna fixed one typo
Reviewed   irhak 555-555-0199@example.com
Approved M Matt Brubeck You must double-tap to reformat text on zoom.
Approved MT Michael Verdi Broke into sections, new screenshots, added info about the text reflow option, made pinch to zoom android only
Approved   Michael Verdi added summary and keywords
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi removed comment - ready for localization

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