History of View articles recommended by Pocket on your Firefox New Tab and homepage

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Unreviewed   AliceWyman Recommended by Pocket -> Recommended stories (changed in fx124 / bug 1873264)
Current M AliceWyman Intro: linkified "homepage and New Tab page"
Approved   AliceWyman empty edit to see if update to Template:pocketlocales for fx114 will display (KB software issue?)
Approved   AliceWyman shortened about:config steps
Approved   YD Added a step in the last section, removed unnecessary "Restart Firefox"
Approved M Mozinet updated settings instructions and the summary
Approved M AliceWyman Intro edit to add Template:pocketlocales
Approved MT Mozinet templates, usual wording, and correction
Approved MT Bithiah View articles recommended by Pocket on your Firefox for Desktop homepage

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