History of Using a Primary Password with Sync

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Revision history for:

Show Helpfulness Votes Chart

Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M AliceWyman How does my Primary Password workwith Sync? added link
Approved M Mozinet added internal link and minor edits
Approved M Dayani Lucia G.F. Mozilla account rebrand
Approved M Mozinet 'note' formatting for Tip paragraph, and correction
Approved M Chris Ilias removed Template:primarypassword
Approved   Mozinet reincorporated changes from the previous version of the article (edit conflict)
Unreviewed   Mozinet Minor corrections
Approved   Mark Hammond less is more!
Approved M Mark Hammond update for current mobile versions.
Approved M Fabi Updated link to renamed article
Approved M AliceWyman added Master Password to search summary, linked to Sync and Password Manager articles
Approved M Angela Lazar Replace Master password with Primary password
Approved M Matthew N. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=711636 was fixed on desktop years ago, the problem is only with a MP set on the Fx Android side
Approved M Joni minor change: added Lockwise
Approved M Joni added note per bug 1311131
Approved M Michele Rodaro links to master password articles (desktop and android)
Approved MT Joni changed upper case to lower case
Unreviewed   Joni needs review from Sync team

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