History of Update Firefox to the latest release

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current   BD images added for better user navigation
Approved   AliceWyman shortened Intro (minor)
Approved M Chris Ilias s/a Firefox installer/the Firefox installer, and turn note about settings into its own section with numbered steps
Approved   Marcelo Ghelman download a Firefox installer before close Firefox
Approved M Mozinet reduced height of the last note frame, and minor corrections
Approved   Michele Rodaro minor edit: added space "Firefox[[T:optionsorpreferences]]"
Approved M Chris Ilias corrected link from previous revision
Reviewed M Chris Ilias Changed warning to note, simplified download links to one link. Removed malware bullet.
Approved   Mozinet pre-fx89 content & markup deleted
Approved M AliceWyman added warning about closing Firefox before installing from Mozilla's download page
Approved M Chris Ilias removed keywords, resized images, fixed repetitive use of the word "click", moved "window will open" to the result of the action that triggered it, simplified wording of steps
Approved M AliceWyman {for mac} removed link to Apple Silicon fx84+ article (to be archived?)
Approved M AliceWyman resubmitted last revision to Microsoft Store note (see discussion))
Reviewed M AliceWyman Edit to note: link to Microsoft article on how to check for Microsoft Store app updates
Approved M AliceWyman removed duplicate linux note
Approved M AliceWyman edits to pending revision
Unreviewed   AliceWyman added note about Microsoft Store installs for win10,win11 (see discussion)
Approved   Victoria Wang Clarifying Windows instruction to add "in the right side of the Firefox toolbar"
Approved   Victoria Wang Clarifying Mac menu bar to be at the top of your screen (as Apple does https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/macos/menus/menu-bar-menus/)
Unreviewed   Victoria Wang Added commas for clarity
Reviewed M AliceWyman {for win} -> {for win,win11} (bug?)
Approved   AliceWyman updated link to renamed article
Approved   Julie Updated the two screenshots from fx70 to fx91.
Approved M Julie Clarified step 2.
Reviewed M Julie Updated the two screenshots for Windows 10, from Fx70 to Fx91.
Approved M AliceWyman removed old video. It doesn't add value and the voiceover misses the step to click Help
Approved   AliceWyman minor edit to Intro
Unreviewed   v_voorhies Added a comma before "but". Fixed punctuation error.
Approved   AliceWyman minor edits for fx89, mac
Reviewed M romado33 Missing comma
Approved   John E Case Added Note: to Update Settings
Approved   AliceWyman a few other small edits
Approved   p18009423 If the update didn't start -> If the update did not start
Approved M adhistac If you didn't start, didn't complete or there was some other problem -> If the update didn't start, complete, or there was some other problem
Unreviewed   adhistac Corrected minor grammatical error
Approved   AliceWyman update manually -> check for updates at any time
Approved M AliceWyman added Apple Silicon note for mac with link to new article
Approved   AliceWyman video is not for Mac (on macOS, you open "About Firefox" from the Firefox menu bar, not the 3-bar menu)
Approved   Angela Lazar Added video
Approved   Rashid I edited the opening paragraph for clarity.
Approved M Bobby Updated macOS images and minor changes to Step 2.
Approved M AliceWyman new Linux images
Approved M AliceWyman removed Mac image added in last revision showing Firefox 71 "up to date"
Approved M RRobinson Minor text edits, updated About popups for MacOS and Firefox 70+
Approved M AliceWyman updated Images for Windows
Approved M hoosteeno Removed outdated parameters on download link.
Approved   Chris Ilias added back link to malware article
Approved   Random121 better usage of words
Approved M Michele Rodaro Deleted two {/for} (sentence not displaying properly)
Approved M AliceWyman linkified "malware", purged pre-fx60 content.
Unreviewed   Random121 added other programs
Reviewed M Random121 more detail
Approved M Joni added note that firefox will update upon restart
Approved M AliceWyman removed video which doesn't match the instructions
Approved   Joni added video as an experiment
Approved M Wesley Branton Updated Linux screenshots to Firefox Quantum
Approved M AliceWyman updated Fx57 menu and Help images
Approved M AliceWyman updated Windows images, other edits
Approved M Lan Minor correction (another picture is needed :)
Approved M AliceWyman added Mac image
Unreviewed   khdzstudio Updated for Mac OS Images
Approved M AliceWyman [Fx56] new instructions to change update settings
Approved M AliceWyman added Windows image for fx55 and other edits (still need Mac image)
Unreviewed   Ömer Timur {for fx55 and {for not fx55} added for restart button after update
Unreviewed   Ömer Timur added linux pic and changed restart button name "Restart to update Firefox"
Approved M AliceWyman updated win images, purged pre-fx45 content
Approved M Joni added warning about malicious updates
Approved   Joni experiment - added afterword
Approved M AliceWyman replaced www.mozilla.org with direct download link - see discussion
Approved M AliceWyman added back firefox/all link - see discussion
Approved M AliceWyman removed firefox/all link from warning - see discussion
Approved M AliceWyman edit to pending revision (see discussion) and removed old content
Unreviewed   ideato change link to /all again, see discussion
Approved M AliceWyman removed /all download link from warning note - see discussion
Approved   TalkingFirefox no change
Reviewed M Bolaram Paul Updated
Approved   AliceWyman shortened search summary to less than 140 characters
Unreviewed   TalkingFirefox Changed to on
Reviewed M nikk0uba nikko9uba@outlook.com
Approved M Lan Firefox 34: "Restart to update" changed to "Restart Firefox to update"
Approved M AliceWyman changed Firefox download link back to https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/ - see discussion.
Approved M AliceWyman Firefox download link - see discussion
Approved M Joni Updated download link per Growth team's request on 11/14/2014. I tried the link on different browsers and it does give me 33.1
Reviewed M Joni changed the download link
Approved M AliceWyman Firefox download link - alternate (see discussion)
Unreviewed   AliceWyman Firefox download link - see discussion
Unreviewed   Joni updated download link
Reviewed M Sayantan Altough firefox is set to automatically update but there is a option for notifications on email by agree to get firefox update news by click on this link https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ there is a option to put your email address...there you ca
Reviewed M Sayantan Altough firefox is set to automatically update but there is a option for notifications on email by agree to get firefox update news by click on this link https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ there is a option to put your email address...there you ca
Approved   user669794 removed share article
Approved M Joni added OS to search summary. this article wasn't showing up for people who were searching by operating system.
Reviewed M Joni added showfor for 10 and 17
Approved   Michael Verdi Added fx10 and fx17 to the ESR note. The rest of the article still works for them.
Approved   Michael Verdi Added a note for ESR users - English only
Reviewed M Dip Convert the article to the local language Gujarati.
Reviewed M Dip I have changed a English sentence into local Gujarati Language.
Approved M Michael Verdi Update for Australis fx29, shortened
Approved M Michael Verdi TEST - DON'T MARK READY FOR L10N - See discussion
Approved   Michael Verdi Added the change by sourav216721062 for users of Fx 11 and up
Unreviewed   Sourav Lahoti update provide stability to the browser along with security
Approved M scoobidiver showfor winxp, win7 & win8, fixed nits, wait 24H?
Approved M Michael Verdi updated {for} markup in Ideato's revision
Unreviewed   ideato update screenshots for 21, 22 with data choices
Reviewed   ideato update pictures for ff20, 21 (with data choices)
Reviewed   Ashish Namdev Hi , I have localized this article in hindi . it's almost done , some points are left due to less time i am submitting this much change ,will localize rest part soon.
Approved M scoobidiver drop support for fx35, Restart to Update button in Fx 15 (Win screenshots)
Approved M Swarnava Sengupta added the Share this article template
Approved M Michael Verdi New 160 character search summary
Approved M Michael Verdi Added section for fx36 about auto update to fx12, changed warning for 3.6
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi fixed a typo
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Fx 12 updates - new Advanced panel for Win, background update service option
Approved   fredy minor punctuation corrections
Approved M scoobidiver #** instead of ** in front of "Warn me..."
Reviewed   scoobidiver missing update checkbox, no option on Mac/Linux, .org instead of .com
Approved M AliceWyman removed outdated fx35 videos
Approved M Michael Verdi added fx10 screenshots for mac and linux
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Updated update options for fx10 and fx11, fx10 screenshot is win only, fx11 has win, mac and linux
Approved M Michael Verdi changed the link in Alice's additon to mozilla.org/firefox
Approved M AliceWyman
Approved M Michael Verdi Added the same warning for 3.6 users that we added to the home page.
Approved   rgnjilx Added "to" between "need" and "wait"
Reviewed   Jaimeleon20
Reviewed   carriecoy
Approved   scoobidiver changed keywords
Approved M Michael Verdi modified messaging about plugin updates
Approved MT Kevin Fixed a nit in verb agreement
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Reworded headings, combined troublshootings sections into one
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi updated for fx4+, removed fx3 content, unpacked complicated {for} markup, slight change to the intro
Approved   Kadir Topal removing single word
Approved M Michael Verdi fixing {for}
Approved M Cheng Wang Fix numbering
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Added major update steps and screenshots for Fx 4, small tweaks, made line about turning off auto updates into a warning.
Unreviewed   Cheng Wang Fixed a lot of numbering, added a warning when not updating fx
Unreviewed   Michael Verdi Updated screenshots and instructions for Fx 4
Approved   Michael Verdi Cleaned up formatting, added a summary
Unreviewed   Chris Ilias add note for Linux users with package manager versions

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