History of Template:pocketlocales

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Unreviewed   AliceWyman Latest fx115 esr still has "Recommended by Pocket" (changed in fx124 / bug 1873264)
Unreviewed   Michele Rodaro "Recommended by Pocket" -> "Thought-provoking stories"
Current M AliceWyman Firefox "New Tab page" link removed (not needed)
Unreviewed   AliceWyman updated link to renamed article, deleted pre-fx115 content
Approved M Mozinet corrected "the U.K."
Unreviewed   AliceWyman Remove Sponsored Stories info? See discussion.
Approved M AliceWyman Sponsored Stories available in English and German only
Unreviewed   AliceWyman Sponsored Sories U.S.only - Need to confirm (see discussion)
Approved   Mozinet expansion of the summary
Approved M AliceWyman fx114 added Italy, France and Spain (bug 1827666)
Approved M AliceWyman Sponsored Stories removed - see discussion
Approved   AliceWyman Removed "Stay tuned."
Reviewed M Fabi [Fx89] Sponsored Stories > Sponsored Shortcuts
Approved   AliceWyman minor rewording
Approved MT Angela Lazar New template for Pocket locales

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