History of Template:openProfileFolderTB

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Roland Tanglao update to 115
Approved M Denys Updated the menu image; changed some formatting
Approved M TyDraniu Linux button label + pre-tb52 purge
Approved MT thomas8 [take2] Corrected instructions, use app menu click path for all OS: Easier code & support. Remove useless app menu button clutter.
Unreviewed   thomas8 Corrected instructions, use app menu click path for all OS: Easier code & support. Remove useless app menu button clutter.
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery update to match https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/templateopenprofilefolder
Approved M Chris Ilias remove menu button from mac instructions
Approved MT Wayne Mery needs rfl
Approved M Tonnes fix fors
Approved MT Ryan Sipes Find profile folder location in Thunderbird

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