History of Template:lockwisesettings

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M AliceWyman new image for win; 3-dot menu width=40
Approved M Lucas Siebert Swapped out the previous image for a simplified version.
Approved M ErlingR Removed pre-fx89 content.
Approved M ErlingR Swapped text for image of three dot menu.
Approved   Mozinet Deleted the reference to 70 for Firefox in the Search result summary
Approved M AliceWyman added missing {/for}
Approved M AliceWyman updated Windows image for fx89
Approved M AliceWyman Lockwise -> logins; deleted pre-fx78 content.
Approved   AliceWyman updated Windows image for fx76
Reviewed M Underpass note to Alice Wyman
Approved M AliceWyman image for win
Approved M Underpass different menu entry for Windows. Probably we also need an image taken on Windows
Approved MT Joni correction
Unreviewed   Joni new template

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