Split tunneling - use Mozilla VPN with specific apps on Windows, Linux and Android

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 229397
  • Created:
  • Creator: Fabi
  • Comment: Split tunneling new location
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
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Mozilla VPN has a Split Tunneling feature which lets you choose which apps to connect to the VPN while allowing other apps to connect directly to the Internet without protection.

VPN must be off to edit app permissions.
  1. Open Mozilla VPN and tap the Settings vpn settings icon icon.
  2. Tap (or click) Network settings.
  3. Tap (or click) App permissions.
  4. Tap (or click) the switch next to Protect all apps with VPN
    split tunnel
  5. If you disable protection for all apps, put a check vpn choose app icon next to the apps you want to connect to the VPN.