History of Personalize Firefox with colorways

How to
Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current MT Lucas Siebert Bug 1887767
Approved M Mozinet minor edits
Unreviewed   AliceWyman Updated content, removed obsolete sections of the article (see discussion)
Approved M AliceWyman How can I access Colorways? 108->Jan 16, 2023 - see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1801037#c7
Approved M Dan improved phrasing in the appropriate section regarding that it isn't possible anymore to access Colorways via Firefox View
Approved M AliceWyman updated warning with link to AMO Colorways
Approved   Artist minor change of phrases
Approved M Michele Rodaro {/note} -> {/warning}
Unreviewed   AliceWyman Colorways no longer available Jan 16, 2023
Approved M Fabi Added hyperlink to note
Unreviewed   Fabi Minor updates to the note
Unreviewed   AliceWyman warning banner edit (2022->2023)
Unreviewed   Fabi Added sunset banner
Approved M AliceWyman removed pre-fx106 content. Colorways for fx94,95,96 have expired (see discussion)
Approved   Mozinet capitalization, extra lines, italics, proper titles, and other minor edits
Approved M AliceWyman shortened search summary, updated link to renamed article, "Try colorways" button
Unreviewed   Mark Heijl minor edits to formatting
Approved M preacca Restore unreviewed fixes
Approved M preacca Fix logical structure of the document
Approved   preacca Fix typo
Approved M Fabi Minor edit
Approved M Fabi Summary update
Approved M Fabi Colorways 106 updates
Approved   AliceWyman How long are these Colorways themes available? edited Firefox 97 info
Approved M AliceWyman added "What’s New with Colorways?" link and other edits
Approved M Fabi Colorways now expires in Fx97
Approved   Abby Adding video
Approved M AliceWyman edit to last revision: added link to "How to set the home page"
Approved M Fabi Noted added
Unreviewed   Fabi Note added
Approved M AliceWyman new images: Fx94 colorways
Approved M AliceWyman small edit to last section
Approved M AliceWyman "Managing themes" link, template, other edits
Approved M Fabi Versions supported [clarification]
Approved MT Fabi New article

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