History of Allow or block media autoplay in Firefox

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Mozinet unified bold/italic, and minor edits
Reviewed M vsalazar9 i need to view the vidoe for an assignment. It is scholarly
Approved   Chris Ilias purged pre-fx70 content
Approved M AliceWyman addressed scroll issue (Bug 1642507)
Approved M AliceWyman Intro: removed pre-fx68 tempate and note
Unreviewed   AliceWyman addressed scroll issue (Bug 1642507)
Approved   AliceWyman (minor) Autoplay Sound -> sound
Approved M AliceWyman Site Settings: added image for =fx68 to note
Approved M AliceWyman Site Settings: added Page Info image to note (see discussion)
Approved M AliceWyman Site settings: added note about Page Info window; other edits
Approved M Marcelo Ghelman More detailed instructions
Approved M AliceWyman added images and other edits
Approved M AliceWyman updates for fx69 - see discussion
Approved M Lan Update for Fx70
Approved M AliceWyman A few small changes
Approved M AliceWyman edits to pending update for fx69
Approved M Wesley Branton Updated for Firefox 69
Approved M AliceWyman reordered sections, workaround when default setting does not work, other edits
Approved M Isotonic Added a fix for potential whitelisting problems.
Approved M AliceWyman template for not fx66, new images, other edits
Approved M AliceWyman Note for =fx66 that the feature will be turned on gradually (see discussion)
Approved   Michele Rodaro Minor edit: "Exceptions" button -> "Exceptions…"
Approved M AliceWyman added note for not fx66
Approved M Joni removed note
Approved M Joni Added markup to differentiate 66 and 65
Unreviewed   jbal4 updated instruction to reflect new UI in Firefox 66
Approved M Artist removed numbers next to images (#; ➔ ;)
Approved M AliceWyman edit to summary, shortened note
Approved M AliceWyman Always allow or disallow media autoplay: added steps; other edits
Approved M AliceWyman added "i" image, other edits
Approved M AliceWyman added "studies" to the note for fx63 (Bug 1475099 [Shield] Opt-Out Study: Block Autoplay) -see discussion
Approved M AliceWyman edits to search summary and note.
Approved M AliceWyman added note: This article describes a feature currently being tested in Firefox Nightly (see discussion)
Approved M Joni removed reference to Nightly
Approved M Joni added universal settings
Approved MT Joni new article to be linked in product
Unreviewed   Joni placeholder

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