History of Automatic Conversion of Google mail accounts to OAuth 2.0 Authentication

Revision history for:

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Revision Status S Editor R Comment
Current M Michele Rodaro How to avoid… cookies: {for not tb102}{menu Preferences}{/for}{for tb102}{menu Settings}{/for}
Approved MT thomas8 Add and improve instructions for Outgoing Server (SMTP) vs. Incoming Server. Rectify and improve javascript instruction: javascript.enabled pref
Reviewed M Steve Chessin Need to check that javascript.enabled is true.
Reviewed M Toad-Hall Added info on both incoming & outgoing for setting OAuth. Also changed Settings to Preferences.
Approved M Denys Some formating changes.
Approved M thomas8 Restore proper saved login provider names ...google.com and other improvements
Approved M Michele Rodaro Added the ''Toggle'' [[Image:Fx71aboutconfig-ToggleButton]] button (the double-headed arrow icon)
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery clarify if '''javascript.allow.mailnews''' is not seen
Approved MT Michele Rodaro delinkified the token entries (now in bold); formatted "unordered sub-list"
Approved MT christ1 added a note about OAuth2 authentication token
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery add check for password entries
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery add javascript instructions
Approved MT thomas8 Per Jason's feedback, add info how to set or check if authentication method is set to OAuth2
Approved M Mozinet some details corrected
Approved M thomas8 Correct spelling of OAuth 2.0 in article title and subheader
Approved MT thomas8 Rework article structure and language, add formatting and direct support question link.
Approved MT Wayne Mery one more go
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery clean up language with thomasd
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery "then go thorugh the login process again"
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery reverse the order of thetwo choices. And make the steps and description more explicit
Approved M Wayne Mery point to Privacy panel - Remote content and cookie settings in Thunderbird
Approved M Michele Rodaro {menu Exceptions}/{menu Allow}/{menu Save Changes} -> {button …}
Approved M Wayne Mery greater clarity?
Approved M YFdyh000 oAuth to OAuth
Approved M Wayne Mery add instructions for making a cookie exception
Approved   Chris Ilias removed keywords
Approved   Mozinet oAuth 2.0 as in RFCs, reference website and Wikipedia
Approved   Wayne Mery change slug
Approved MT Wayne Mery remove trailing dash on the slug
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery more about cookies
Unreviewed   Wayne Mery I've made further edits on the initial draft, but there are a couple more things to be done
Unreviewed   Matt imitial content.

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