How Pocket handles user data

Pocket Pocket Poslední aktualizace: 10/23/2023 69% uživatelů považuje toto za užitečné
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Privacy at Pocket

At Pocket, we believe that privacy is fundamental, and we take great care when deciding if data should be collected, and if so, how it should be handled. When you use Pocket, everything you save to Pocket is private by default. You are the only one who can view the links you save, and you must be logged into your Pocket account to view these items.

Our privacy policy describes in depth how we handle user data. We recommend reviewing this policy if you would like to learn more about our commitment to privacy. In addition, a complete list of third parties that Pocket uses to facilitate one or more aspects of the products and services that we provide to you is available here.

You have control over your data.

  • If you’d like to export your Pocket data, click here.
  • If you would like to keep your Pocket account but delete all data that you have saved, click here.
  • Finally, if you would like to delete your Pocket account and all information associated with it, you can do so by clicking here.

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