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Manage optional permissions for Firefox extensions on Android

Revision 279718:

Revision 279718 by lsiebert on

Revision 280570:

Revision 280570 by lsiebert on


Add-ons extensions permissions optional

Search results summary:

Placeholder 1888239
Control data shared with Firefox for Android extensions by managing optional permissions.


Placeholder 1888239
Firefox for Android [[Update to the latest version of Firefox for Android|version]] 128 puts you in control of the data you share with Extensions. By managing optional permissions, you ensure that extensions only access what's necessary for their operation, safeguarding your privacy. When you [[Find and install extensions on Firefox for Android| install an Extension]], it might request permission to access certain data or features. Some extensions may need additional permissions to enable more features. The first time an extension attempts to use these features, you will see a prompt asking you to allow or deny these optional permissions. This way, you have the final say on what each extension can access, ensuring your data stays protected. ;[[Image:Extensions - optimal permissions overview|width=400]] =How to view and manage optional permissions= Follow these steps to manage optional permissions: #Tap the menu button [[Image:android menu icon]] . #In the menu, tap {menu Extensions} to view a list of your installed extensions. #Choose an extension to view more details. Here, you'll find specifics about what the extension can do and the permissions it requires. #;[[Image:Extensions - optimal permissions 1|width=400]] #Tap on [[Image:Extensions - optimal permissions - inline image|width=110]]. Here, you can see all permissions the extension has requested. #;[[Image:Extensions - optimal permissions 2|width=400]] #If there are optional permissions, they will be listed under ''Optional''. You can toggle these permissions on [[Image:Firefox android toggle|width=30]] or off [[Image:Firefox android toggle off|width=30]] according to your preference. #;[[Image:Extensions - optimal permissions 3|width=400]] For details about permissions for Firefox extensions, see [[Permission request messages for Firefox extensions]].

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