Kukhonjiswa imibuzo ethegiwe: Veza yonke imibuzo

Unable to export Firefox bookmarks

Unable to export Firefox bookmarks. When I go to 'Manage Bk Mks' it states 'no items' (See attached Print Screen) yet all my bookmarks show in the left hand pane. … (funda kabanzi)

Unable to export Firefox bookmarks. When I go to 'Manage Bk Mks' it states 'no items' (See attached Print Screen) yet all my bookmarks show in the left hand pane.

Asked by Pooh Bear 17 imizuzu edlule

I can't drag images into an upload field from another tab

I have an issue that's been annoying the crap out of me and I haven't been able to find a solution. I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I want to drag an image from… (funda kabanzi)

I have an issue that's been annoying the crap out of me and I haven't been able to find a solution. I'm hoping someone here can help me out.

I want to drag an image from one tab into the upload field in another tab. This works fine in other browsers, but not in Firefox.

For example, I'm posting an item on Craigslist. I have pictures on the item in Google Photos. I would like to drag the image from the tab showing Google Photos to the upload field in my Craigslist post, but when I do, nothing happens.

I get the same behavior regardless of what web page I'm dragging the image from or what website I'm trying to upload to.

Asked by SlickStretch 1 ihora elidlule

Last reply by jonzn4SUSE 1 ihora elidlule

Error Mozilla crashes 7 times a day

I wiped out my computer and it is brand new yet I keep getting this mozilla error and it crashes mozilla, the computer is fine. The error is below, how can I fix this? A… (funda kabanzi)

I wiped out my computer and it is brand new yet I keep getting this mozilla error and it crashes mozilla, the computer is fine. The error is below, how can I fix this?

AdapterDeviceID: 0x2882 AdapterDriverVersion: AdapterSubsysID: 51621028 AdapterVendorID: 0x10de Add-ons: jid1-ZAdIEUB7XOzOJw%40jetpack:2024.6.13,support%40lastpass.com:,jid0-bnmfwWw2w2w4e4edvcdDbnMhdVg%40jetpack:0.6.3,formautofill%40mozilla.org:1.0.1,pictureinpicture%40mozilla.org:1.0.0,webcompat%40mozilla.org:125.2.0,default-theme%40mozilla.org:1.3,addons-search-detection%40mozilla.com:2.0.0,google%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,wikipedia%40search.mozilla.org:1.3,bing%40search.mozilla.org:1.6,ddg%40search.mozilla.org:1.4,amazondotcom%40search.mozilla.org:1.7,ebay%40search.mozilla.org:1.4 AvailablePageFile: 48672350208 AvailablePhysicalMemory: 47070597120 AvailableVirtualMemory: 138521921757184 BackgroundTaskMode: 0 BuildID: 20240624183754 CPUMicrocodeVersion: 0x123 ContentSandboxCapable: 1 ContentSandboxLevel: 6 ContentSandboxWin32kState: Win32k Lockdown enabled -- default value is true CrashTime: 1719777155 DOMFissionEnabled: 1 DOMIPCEnabled: 1 EMCheckCompatibility: true GPUProcessLaunchCount: 1 GPUProcessStatus: Running GpuSandboxLevel: 1 HeadlessMode: 0 InstallTime: 1719635987 JSActorMessage: RuntimeMessage JSActorName: Conduits LastInteractionDuration: 535 LastStartupWasCrash: 0 LauncherProcessState: 0 ModuleSignatureInfo: {"Microsoft Windows":["sapi.dll","TaskFlowDataEngine.dll","ktmw32.dll","wscapi.dll","CryptoWinRT.dll","windows.internal.shell.broker.dll","explorerframe.dll","ntshrui.dll","Windows.Security.Integrity.dll","directmanipulation.dll","wpnapps.dll","twinapi.dll","Windows.Globalization.dll","Windows.UI.Immersive.dll","Windows.UI.dll","dataexchange.dll","Bcp47Langs.dll","cscapi.dll","PCShellCommonProxyStub.dll","wininet.dll","icm32.dll","mscms.dll","twinapi.appcore.dll","CoreUIComponents.dll","directxdatabasehelper.dll","wsock32.dll","comctl32.dll","edputil.dll","iertutil.dll","urlmon.dll","OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll","AudioSes.dll","Windows.ApplicationModel.dll","NapiNSP.dll","pnrpnsp.dll","winrnr.dll","nlansp_c.dll","Windows.FileExplorer.Common.dll","srvcli.dll","linkinfo.dll","OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll","msimg32.dll","ondemandconnroutehelper.dll","textinputframework.dll","Windows.System.Launcher.dll","MMDevAPI.dll","dbgcore.dll","cryptnet.dll","version.dll","taskschd.dll","windows.staterepositorycore.dll","winmm.dll","npmproxy.dll","rasadhlp.dll","wshbth.dll","avrt.dll","FWPUCLNT.DLL","DWrite.dll","dcomp.dll","CoreMessaging.dll","dhcpcsvc.dll","dhcpcsvc6.DLL","winhttp.dll","msvcp110_win.dll","policymanager.dll","propsys.dll","netprofm.dll","WindowsCodecs.dll","uxtheme.dll","winnsi.dll","DXCore.dll","dxgi.dll","dwmapi.dll","dbghelp.dll","WinTypes.dll","windows.storage.dll","slc.dll","netutils.dll","winsta.dll","IPHLPAPI.DLL","dnsapi.dll","umpdc.dll","powrprof.dll","wtsapi32.dll","WTDSENSOR.dll","rsaenh.dll","kernel.appcore.dll","ntmarta.dll","sspicli.dll","mswsock.dll","gpapi.dll","cryptbase.dll","cryptsp.dll","ntasn1.dll","ncrypt.dll","msasn1.dll","cfgmgr32.dll","devobj.dll","profapi.dll","gdi32full.dll","crypt32.dll","win32u.dll","bcrypt.dll","bcryptPrimitives.dll","ucrtbase.dll","wintrust.dll","KERNELBASE.dll","msvcp_win.dll","rpcrt4.dll","user32.dll","imagehlp.dll","sechost.dll","shell32.dll","SHCore.dll","gdi32.dll","nsi.dll","shlwapi.dll","ws2_32.dll","advapi32.dll","kernel32.dll","msctf.dll","msvcrt.dll","psapi.dll","combase.dll","oleaut32.dll","imm32.dll","setupapi.dll","ole32.dll","clbcatq.dll","ntdll.dll"],"Microsoft Windows Software Compatibility Publisher":["msvcp140.dll","VCRUNTIME140.dll","VCRUNTIME140_1.dll"],"Mozilla Corporation":["firefox.exe","xul.dll","freebl3.dll","gkcodecs.dll","nss3.dll","mozglue.dll","osclientcerts.dll","nssckbi.dll","softokn3.dll","lgpllibs.dll"]} Notes: FP(D00-L1000-W0000100-T00) DWrite? 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useragent_locale: en-US This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

Asked by Dr George Ackerman 4 amahora adlule

Last reply by cor-el 1 ihora elidlule

Blocking Ads

I do not have any ad blockers and have disabled "Block pop-up windows" in Firefox and turned off "Enhanced Tracking Protection" for sites but I still get the message that… (funda kabanzi)

I do not have any ad blockers and have disabled "Block pop-up windows" in Firefox and turned off "Enhanced Tracking Protection" for sites but I still get the message that I am blocking ads.

Asked by George Martin 2 amahora adlule

Last reply by cor-el 1 ihora elidlule

Firefox Youtube Grey Boxes when loading page on new tab

I have been dealing with problems with Firefox and YouTube for a long time. Every time I open a YouTube video in a new tab it would always give me this grey screen that … (funda kabanzi)

I have been dealing with problems with Firefox and YouTube for a long time. Every time I open a YouTube video in a new tab it would always give me this grey screen that goes away after a long time waiting.

I have tried:

  • Refreshing Firefox
  • Reinstalling Firefox
  • Troubleshoot Mode, which the problem persist in troubleshoot mode so its not an addon
  • Tried creating a new profile
  • User-Agent Switcher which doesn't work all the time.

I want to avoid going chromium-based browsers but this is making me consider.

Asked by allenjftipay10 2 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Last reply by allenjftipay10 1 ihora elidlule

MFA Setup with DUO Fails Secure Code Check

I'm trying to setup MFA with DUO Mobile app, and I get past the part where I scan the QR code successfully. However, when it requests that I then enter the code generate… (funda kabanzi)

I'm trying to setup MFA with DUO Mobile app, and I get past the part where I scan the QR code successfully. However, when it requests that I then enter the code generated by the app it rejects the code each and every time. My DUO app (on iPhone) is updated to the most current version as of today (6/30/2024), and my iPhone is updated to most current iOS version for iPhone 13, as of today. However, after multiple attempts the issue persists.

Asked by Flash 2 amahora adlule

Last reply by cor-el 2 amahora adlule

security not secure my certifacate expired

i need help to get new certificate https://www.internet.umwalimusacco.rw/# Peer’s Certificate has expired. HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning… (funda kabanzi)

i need help to get new certificate https://www.internet.umwalimusacco.rw/#

Peer’s Certificate has expired.

HTTP Strict Transport Security: false HTTP Public Key Pinning: false

Certificate chain:


MIIGTzCCBTegAwIBAgIQDW/zNeNx8RGCBhu7RvQmDDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBg MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3 d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMR8wHQYDVQQDExZSYXBpZFNTTCBUTFMgUlNBIENBIEcx MB4XDTIzMDYzMDAwMDAwMFoXDTI0MDYyOTIzNTk1OVowJDEiMCAGA1UEAxMZaW50 ZXJuZXQudW13YWxpbXVzYWNjby5ydzCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCC AQoCggEBAL3TIuqmiAlkyYAG+072DwypqtGqR1LxpFErQMSgSN60eKGRkg8yeTIl FOfSVxUJWE1geOgxBS0sEmmIKXlaFXTUBhqCRIB6jv+OitZMqBK3VmB7km9av/2R eF7OZfbUUCmoQHfJrJAfU3qrEUAk+Mk+LhJUaUiqwfgxiFziB8MCPlGRnws9Ii6s 0pltodS6BoPIJiF6UmUyU/SQT6QabYfTnvCD4UoL1iWZHW6xFZlbqHacsMrXBTbE rdMswlLTuaLndcuJyuf22IKK20jnZHCVyk+/+WiES1u/S4A3qlDqIp4+wGyrVXpc vWWW/tM321lqPSEXg6E07bnj5/N7Z/UCAwEAAaOCAz8wggM7MB8GA1UdIwQYMBaA FAzbbIJJD0pnCrgU7nrESFKI61Y4MB0GA1UdDgQWBBSCCcvkepKe2jbdGp/9G1Vi PFYB5DBDBgNVHREEPDA6ghlpbnRlcm5ldC51bXdhbGltdXNhY2NvLnJ3gh13d3cu aW50ZXJuZXQudW13YWxpbXVzYWNjby5ydzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwHQYDVR0l BBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwEGCCsGAQUFBwMCMD8GA1UdHwQ4MDYwNKAyoDCGLmh0dHA6 Ly9jZHAucmFwaWRzc2wuY29tL1JhcGlkU1NMVExTUlNBQ0FHMS5jcmwwPgYDVR0g BDcwNTAzBgZngQwBAgEwKTAnBggrBgEFBQcCARYbaHR0cDovL3d3dy5kaWdpY2Vy dC5jb20vQ1BTMHYGCCsGAQUFBwEBBGowaDAmBggrBgEFBQcwAYYaaHR0cDovL3N0 YXR1cy5yYXBpZHNzbC5jb20wPgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGMmh0dHA6Ly9jYWNlcnRzLnJh cGlkc3NsLmNvbS9SYXBpZFNTTFRMU1JTQUNBRzEuY3J0MAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwggF/ BgorBgEEAdZ5AgQCBIIBbwSCAWsBaQB3AHb/iD8KtvuVUcJhzPWHujS0pM27Kdxo Qgqf5mdMWjp0AAABiQ3qfqgAAAQDAEgwRgIhANGvUsVm/6O4hVYUjDrW2hUVJZAn /sfyixA9uE8y8gjrAiEAoIBnPqseqkldYQ5SlcWLcoIyQRjLctWg7pDiltnC8C8A dgBIsONr2qZHNA/lagL6nTDrHFIBy1bdLIHZu7+rOdiEcwAAAYkN6n7RAAAEAwBH MEUCIQDHo32qLX3LwUY45Hup7Yve0u2yN8cARu3TEmwflD/BuQIgB2mSMR2DBpan SCyGrxUFVR7+83D3UjMty1Fg0OqAgVUAdgDatr9rP7W2Ip+bwrtca+hwkXFsu1GE hTS9pD0wSNf7qwAAAYkN6n6lAAAEAwBHMEUCIDTpwZtX7h491dIhdw8lz/2UnLpu Hu2w29KfHarUJkLEAiEA9mto8ZKG8J2117M7sLLelMIuWwWKLFi/K81OmtNDfIkw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAClNPHbav2t0+M6Fphe+aB8ocxL/iOLLDbJYx9OW u27UUKi9cE2Bm+bAW+G8T8DSkzukqAGmTlguSR5mVwsIwaqH/xZqKSPCkcLUNzCR 0+5r8L1M2ZkMT20o2UTsB9UJGN8Sdt6rweQCx7GNAvuC1y/a9uvUljdb241sLSz/ 0thmQBF+UlHR6pqsaQeZeLmLQKhAARbdxyHjz+mfhP+ZUpEoAX1mJuBNANHt8Rdj MgXz75qavZlO9PqmJQJixhkCLIw2MdKoXxkY89Qm8q+OJQepnop8peOnIWbYUd7V /fzuC9qfpQjYfv/dCGN46AFwdj9K5V9v4vffRnr2gSja6QQ=


MIIEszCCA5ugAwIBAgIQCyWUIs7ZgSoVoE6ZUooO+jANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBh MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3 d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMSAwHgYDVQQDExdEaWdpQ2VydCBHbG9iYWwgUm9vdCBH MjAeFw0xNzExMDIxMjI0MzNaFw0yNzExMDIxMjI0MzNaMGAxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT MRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5j b20xHzAdBgNVBAMTFlJhcGlkU1NMIFRMUyBSU0EgQ0EgRzEwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC/uVklRBI1FuJdUEkFCuDL/I3aJQiaZ6aibRHj ap/ap9zy1aYNrphe7YcaNwMoPsZvXDR+hNJOo9gbgOYVTPq8gXc84I75YKOHiVA4 NrJJQZ6p2sJQyqx60HkEIjzIN+1LQLfXTlpuznToOa1hyTD0yyitFyOYwURM+/CI 8FNFMpBhw22hpeAQkOOLmsqT5QZJYeik7qlvn8gfD+XdDnk3kkuuu0eG+vuyrSGr 5uX5LRhFWlv1zFQDch/EKmd163m6z/ycx/qLa9zyvILc7cQpb+k7TLra9WE17YPS n9ANjG+ECo9PDW3N9lwhKQCNvw1gGoguyCQu7HE7BnW8eSSFAgMBAAGjggFmMIIB YjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUDNtsgkkPSmcKuBTuesRIUojrVjgwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUTiJU IBiV5uNu5g/6+rkS7QYXjzkwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMB0GA1UdJQQWMBQGCCsG AQUFBwMBBggrBgEFBQcDAjASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMDQGCCsGAQUFBwEB BCgwJjAkBggrBgEFBQcwAYYYaHR0cDovL29jc3AuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMEIGA1Ud HwQ7MDkwN6A1oDOGMWh0dHA6Ly9jcmwzLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9EaWdpQ2VydEds b2JhbFJvb3RHMi5jcmwwYwYDVR0gBFwwWjA3BglghkgBhv1sAQEwKjAoBggrBgEF BQcCARYcaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0NQUzALBglghkgBhv1sAQIw CAYGZ4EMAQIBMAgGBmeBDAECAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAGUSlOb4K3Wtm SlbmE50UYBHXM0SKXPqHMzk6XQUpCheF/4qU8aOhajsyRQFDV1ih/uPIg7YHRtFi CTq4G+zb43X1T77nJgSOI9pq/TqCwtukZ7u9VLL3JAq3Wdy2moKLvvC8tVmRzkAe 0xQCkRKIjbBG80MSyDX/R4uYgj6ZiNT/Zg6GI6RofgqgpDdssLc0XIRQEotxIZcK zP3pGJ9FCbMHmMLLyuBd+uCWvVcF2ogYAawufChS/PT61D9rqzPRS5I2uqa3tmIT 44JhJgWhBnFMb7AGQkvNq9KNS9dd3GWc17H/dXa1enoxzWjE0hBdFjxPhUb0W3wi 8o34/m8Fxw==


Asked by hategekap7 7 amahora adlule

Last reply by cor-el 2 amahora adlule

User name

I have been using [edited] @comcast.net as user name for Firefox account. I want to delete that email because I'm leaving comcast ASAP. I read instruction that say add … (funda kabanzi)

I have been using [edited] @comcast.net as user name for Firefox account. I want to delete that email because I'm leaving comcast ASAP. I read instruction that say add a new email name as a secondary account and then delete the primary one above. I entered [edited[ @gmail.com. I got a message that said that account already exists. Since I didn't know that or remember any password for it, I entered [edited] @gmail.com and said "forgot password." I changed it Now Firefox won't let me in using the [edited] @gmail.com account. Would appreciate any help you can offer.

Asked by sandrawhitfield 3 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Last reply by cor-el 2 amahora adlule

Unwanted Messages From Firefox

I am recently getting messages from FireFox on the right hand side of my screen. See uploaded image. The information is totally useless and interrupts my work. How can … (funda kabanzi)

I am recently getting messages from FireFox on the right hand side of my screen. See uploaded image.

The information is totally useless and interrupts my work.

How can I get rid of this junk.

If I can't, then after many years of Firefox, I switch to another browser as my default.

Thank you!

Asked by LaPaSaIndy 7 amahora adlule

Last reply by cor-el 2 amahora adlule

URL bottom left corner of firefox on youtube.com: inquiring about how much longer it will be until the bug is fixed

hey all. i'm inquiring about how much longer it will be until the URL bottom left corner of firefox on youtube.com bug i reported here is fixed: https://github.com/webcom… (funda kabanzi)

hey all. i'm inquiring about how much longer it will be until the URL bottom left corner of firefox on youtube.com bug i reported here is fixed: https://github.com/webcompat/web-bugs/issues/135606 . asking here because i asked on the issue page (the link) and nobody responded :(. thanks so much!

Asked by astrovink 3 amahora adlule

Setting bookmarks compared to chrome

I used to use chrome. There, when i add a bookmark, the title and the URL are prefilled. Which is very comfortable. Why is this not a feature in firefox? I always have to… (funda kabanzi)

I used to use chrome. There, when i add a bookmark, the title and the URL are prefilled. Which is very comfortable. Why is this not a feature in firefox? I always have to copy paste the URL and enter an own title. Chrome has become very slowly on some websites, while firefox does not slow down on those websites at all. So i want to stay with firefox. Good job, team. But the bookmarking UX is improveable.

Asked by bechm73 1 usuku oludlule

Last reply by cor-el 3 amahora adlule

Firefox stops responding when using dev panel on hh.ru site

When a user opens hh.ru / headhunter.ru (famous HR portal in CIS countries) in Firefox, and then opens dev panel and tries to interact with it, especially with the code i… (funda kabanzi)

When a user opens hh.ru / headhunter.ru (famous HR portal in CIS countries) in Firefox, and then opens dev panel and tries to interact with it, especially with the code inspect tool, the whole browser stops responding.

The problem persists even on a clean Firefox profile. Other browsers (Chromium-based) work well with the dev panel on the hh.ru site.

Asked by 333hronos 4 amahora adlule

Having connection issues to websites from search and links

For the past couple of weeks I have been getting the "Hmmm, We're having trouble finding that site" error screen quite often from both searches and links from other sites… (funda kabanzi)

For the past couple of weeks I have been getting the "Hmmm, We're having trouble finding that site" error screen quite often from both searches and links from other sites. It's always happened once in a while but it hasn't been anything bothersome. However recently it has become quite bothersome because it's happening a lot! However not all the time. It's not completely broken, just mostly. And it's happening while trying to visit sites that I know and visit frequently such as Amazon, Ebay, and even sites for local businesses that I trust and know are working. I'm not having any internet issues with my home wifi, nor am I having this issue with other browsers. I have however also noticed it on my Firefox mobile browser as well. I posted about this a few days ago and got some email back about an issue with my post. If this happens with this one and I'm unable to get this resolved I will just get rid of Firefox on my devices. FF has been a long time favorite and is usually set as my default browser but if stuff like this is going to continue, I can change that real fast. There are plenty of other browsers that work just fine and have decent customer support.

Asked by Ray Dunne 5 amahora adlule

Disappearing Bookmarks Sidebar

Everytime I load Firefox the bookmarks sidebar is not shown. Navigating thus View => Sidebar => Bookmarks I can bring it up. It will stay visible for … (funda kabanzi)

Everytime I load Firefox the bookmarks sidebar is not shown.

Navigating thus View => Sidebar => Bookmarks I can bring it up. It will stay visible for the whole of my browser session. However, after I've closed this session and started another. the bookmark sidebar is missing again.

How can I make the bookmarks sidr be available all the time?

FF 127.0.2 OS Windows 11 Pro v 24H2 Build(26100.994).

Asked by IanM 4 ezinsukwini ezidlule

Last reply by IanM 5 amahora adlule

cookies will not save after computer turns on

So I do not have the settings for cookies or history to be cleared i disabled that and I made sure it should save but no matter what I have to go through the struggle to … (funda kabanzi)

So I do not have the settings for cookies or history to be cleared i disabled that and I made sure it should save but no matter what I have to go through the struggle to sign back into everything. I've tried every fix like making a account then signing out or changing the settings nothing has worked. It's really annoying if anyone knows how to fix it that would be great

Asked by Fartblocker33 7 amahora adlule

Blurry images on Google Images

Firefox 127.0.2 (64 bit), Windows 10, all extensions disabled. Tested also with a clean portable version (same Firefox version). In private mode, on Google Images, … (funda kabanzi)

  • Firefox 127.0.2 (64 bit), Windows 10, all extensions disabled.
  • Tested also with a clean portable version (same Firefox version).

In private mode, on Google Images, large images (in the preview pane: if you click on an image in the search results) are sometimes (but not always) blurry. This is not the case in the "normal", nonprivate mode.

It works fine on Android, and other browsers also work fine. I have had this issue for a very long time now, but only now realized that it's a private-mode issue.

Example, which is reproducible for me: Search "site:linkedin.com new york" on Google Images and pick an image with a sufficiently large resolution.

Asked by shipman 1 usuku oludlule

Last reply by shipman 7 amahora adlule

FireFox Android spellchecker status

I really like FireFox mobile, but the amount of misspelled words is starting to become an actual problem for me. I use a Samsung S8 with Android 9 and whatever predictiv… (funda kabanzi)

I really like FireFox mobile, but the amount of misspelled words is starting to become an actual problem for me.

I use a Samsung S8 with Android 9 and whatever predictive text functions it has are turned off because I find them beyond grating and it's just not how I check for spelling errors.

The reasoning to this function being ommitted was (last time someone asked the question) due to space.

Why can't this be an official plugin that people can add?

I'm supporting FireFox entirely for ethical reasons (the only non-chromium browser that still cares about privacy) but I just can't type like this anymore.

Will something be done about this function missing?

Asked by smelly wolf 7 amahora adlule

Since Jun-22-2024, Windows 11 "this page isn't redirecting properly" prevents access to health care provider

I've been using Firefox since the very beginning, and try to contribute to support it and Thunderbird when I can. But today, in order to get messages from my health care… (funda kabanzi)

I've been using Firefox since the very beginning, and try to contribute to support it and Thunderbird when I can. But today, in order to get messages from my health care provider at Kaiser Permanente -- kp.org -- and get a document I needed for physical therapy, I had to sign in via Microsoft Edge in order to log in to my member account. On my Windows 11 Pro computer, I kept getting the message shown in the attached screenshot = "this page isn't redirecting properly".

I WAS able to sign in to kp.org from my mobile phone, but couldn't download the document from there. But at least I was able to send an message to my doctor asking them to send me the document via snail-mail.

At first I thought the problem was the Kaiser web site (which admittedly is pretty gawdawful). Didn't have time to pursue it last week, because I was attending an all-day class Mon-Fri. Finally today, when I got the same Firefox error message, I tried to access kp.org via Microsoft Edge. Sure enough, it worked.

Then I searched Mozilla support, and found a closed message thread indicating that the problem had theoretically been "solved" by some sort of programming fix as of June 12th or thereabouts.

I do NOT want to switch to a browser maintained by Monopolists'R'Us. I still bear a grudge because about 30 years ago they killed or marginalized two of my favorite programs (Lotus and WordPerfect) by giving away Excel and Word for free with Windows. Even if I LIKED Microsoft, the default user interface is cluttered with too many cutesy-poo widgets and AS (artificial stupidity) "help" that I do not want. But I'm an old lady (84), and if I need to communicate with my health care providers, I will have to use whatever method works, no matter how much it galls me.

Hope you guys can find a fix to this problem that works for EVERYBODY (including me). Thanks for your attention.

Asked by Mandy W 8 amahora adlule

  • Kusonjululiwe

File Menu on Samsung S9 Ultra

Greetings FF Community, New Samsung Galaxy S9 Ultra tablet running FF ver 127.02 on Android 14. Have no option to customize toolbar or even add the File Menu to the top o… (funda kabanzi)

Greetings FF Community, New Samsung Galaxy S9 Ultra tablet running FF ver 127.02 on Android 14. Have no option to customize toolbar or even add the File Menu to the top of Firefox as other resources in Firefox indicate. Using a Finite bluetooth keyboard, ALT key does nothing, using bluetooth mouse right click on empty space in address bar - no context menu appears, enabled in mouse settings. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Screen shots below of laptop and S9 Ultra. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Laptop with File Menu

S9 without File Menu

Asked by Jeff 1 usuku oludlule

Answered by Paul 1 usuku oludlule