修正 RealPlayer 附加元件問題


RealPlayer 外掛程式讓你在 Firefox 中可以播放某些影片格式。有些網站需要這個外掛才能觀看內容,這篇文章說明如何安裝及如何處理相關問題。

下載 RealPlayer

RealPlayer 是 Real Networks 的產品,下載官方的 RealPlayer 外掛程式,請到 RealPlayer 網站

安裝 RealPlayer

  1. 如果你還沒下載安裝程式,先參照上一步下載好。
  2. 關閉 Firefox。
  3. 執行安裝程式。
  4. 當安裝完成之後,重新打開 Firefox。
  5. 在 Firefox 視窗上方在工具列上,點選 工具 選單,並選擇 附加元件打開附加元件管理員。
  6. 在附加元件管理員中點選 外掛程式 分頁,顯示已安裝外掛程式。
  7. RealPlayer 外掛程式應該會顯示成「RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit)」。


Webpages are blank after updating RealPlayer

This is caused by the RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin extension. To fix it, disable the extension.

The RealPlayer plugin will still work.
  1. At the top of the Firefox window, open the Tools menu and click on Add-ons. The Add-ons window will open.
  2. Select the Extensions panel.
  3. Select RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin.
  4. Click on Disable.
  5. Click Restart Firefox to start Firefox with the extension disabled.

Cannot download videos after updating RealPlayer

This is caused by the RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin extension. To fix it, disable the extension.

The RealPlayer plugin will still work.
  1. At the top of the Firefox window, open the Tools menu and click on Add-ons. The Add-ons window will open.
  2. Select the Extensions panel.
  3. Select RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin.
  4. Click on Disable.
  5. Click Restart Firefox to start Firefox with the extension disabled.

RealPlayer plugin is not recognized

If you installed RealPlayer before you installed Firefox, the plugin may not be recognized. You must copy some files to the Firefox folder.

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Program Files\Real\RealPlayer\Netscape6.
  2. Right-click the file nppl3260.xpt, and select Copy.
  3. Go to the folder C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components.
  4. Right-click any empty space in the folder, and select Paste.
  5. In Windows Explorer, go back to C:\Program Files\Real\RealPlayer\Netscape6.
  6. Right-click the file nppl3260.dll, and select Copy.
  7. Go to the folder C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins.
  8. Right-click any empty space in that folder, and select Paste.
  9. The required files have been provided to Firefox, and the RealPlayer plugin should now load when you restart the browser.

Control buttons vanish

If the RealPlayer control buttons vanish, you need to upgrade your installation of RealPlayer to the latest version. For more information, see Real Networks.

Based on information from RealPlayer (mozillaZine KB)


Illustration of hands


