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Sync to reinstalled win11 system after computer crash

My Win 11 computer blue screened on me. So, I reinstalled the OS, with saving my data option. Now, after reinstalling Firefox, I can not get all my bookmarks. I have Fire… (了解更多)

My Win 11 computer blue screened on me. So, I reinstalled the OS, with saving my data option. Now, after reinstalling Firefox, I can not get all my bookmarks. I have Firefox, with my bookmarks, installed on another computer. How do I sync to grab those bookmarks?

Herb Warren

Herb Warren 于 51 分钟前提问

Send tabs: allow seldom used device in the list

Hi, I am a big fan of Firefox Sync in general, and of the "send tab to other device" feature in particular. I have Firefox on all my devices (Android phone, iPad, PC, wor… (了解更多)

Hi, I am a big fan of Firefox Sync in general, and of the "send tab to other device" feature in particular. I have Firefox on all my devices (Android phone, iPad, PC, work laptop and a laptop in a cabin) and while I'm browsing, I do send tabs to other devices a lot, because it's a cool stuff to checkout, but not in the moment, or not in that context: news articles or blog posts discovered on the couch but relevant to work, some items I see in the shop but I want to check dimensions prior to buying, some cool idea to check out while at the cabin, etc. My day-to-day browsing experience relies heavily on that feature.

My issue is that one of the device (laptop in the cabin) is used only randomly, with sometimes weeks between it's turned on again. And after around 2 weeks, that entry disappears from the possible devices I can send the tab too. I do understand where it comes from, as it allows keeping a clean and meaningful list, I can live with that, no worries.

But is there a way to "keep alive" a device beyond these two weeks? At the minimum, something on the mozilla account's device list, like a "confirm still relevant" button next to the "sign out" one.

Thanks Dietmar

derdide 于 6 天前提问