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Spike in data usage

Several times in the last 5 months, I received a notification on my Pixel 7 phone telling me that Firefox was, "using large amounts of data." The first time it was about … (了解更多)

Several times in the last 5 months, I received a notification on my Pixel 7 phone telling me that Firefox was, "using large amounts of data." The first time it was about 750 MB of data (in a 20-ish min period). Today, it was about 400 MB of data (also in a 20-ish minute period). Both times I was simply browsing news sites - catching up on the days news. Today, I was logged into the New York Times (I'm a subscriber) when I received the high data usage notification. I'm a dinosaur who is still on a limited - 2GB - plan, so gobbling up a quarter of my data in 20-ish minutes hurts. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this one?

I attempted to upload two screenshots showing my data usage - 1 showing the overall data usage - the spike. And the other showing Firefox usage. It is unclear to me whether or not the pictures uploaded. Also, I had written this query before but I'm not sure it submitted. If it did, I apologize for the repeat.

Tom Brinker 于 1 周前提问

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Data usage

HELP! My mobile data usage spiked as of June 20th and has continued at unprecedented levels almost every day since. My historic daily usage for the past many years has … (了解更多)

HELP! My mobile data usage spiked as of June 20th and has continued at unprecedented levels almost every day since. My historic daily usage for the past many years has been around 4 MB and is now 95MB. and busting through my 2GB/month limit. This is ALL due to Firefox! What happened? Something strange happened on June 19th, when my mobile date usage recorded three separate usage figures instead of the single usage figure for all days previously. June 19th showed 2 usage figures and June 30th showed 3.

199XEN 于 11 个月前提问

最后由 Paul 于 11 个月前回复

  • 已存档

Android app suddenly used 7GB of mobile data for unknown reasons and heated up phone.

Today I was out of the house for a bit, and towards the end of it, I noticed that my phone was really hot. I checked the notifications, and android had given me an alert … (了解更多)

Today I was out of the house for a bit, and towards the end of it, I noticed that my phone was really hot. I checked the notifications, and android had given me an alert that my phone had used 7 GB of mobile data (the alarm is set to notify me for anything past 1GB). This was presumably in the space of slightly over an hour - while I wasn't even using the phone actively at all. according to android's "application data usage", all but 52 bytes of that was all foreground usage. But the thing is, I'm confused what even it was using that much data on - I don't think it could have been autoplaying videos, since I think the tab it was open to was something like reddit. I'm wanting to know what could have caused it to use that much data in that short a time without me actively doing things which are that data-intensive. Could it be something to do with the fact I had quite a few tabs open? are background tabs constantly requesting data or something? could it be some kind of virus? I'm honestly not sure, but I'd appreciate feedback so that this doesn't happen again. I'm also unsure if there's any way to generate a diagnostic report of the app, or anything like that, so if there is, please let me know.

warmwhimsy 于 1 年前提问

最后由 Paul 于 1 年前回复