Firefox 挂起

  • 修订编号: 9806
  • 建立于
  • 创建者: MichelleChen
  • 备注: 2.11
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当一个程序被 挂起,它不再接受用户输入,也似乎不再执行任何操作。挂起的其它术语有“冻结”或“未响应”。

  • 挂起程序不同于已崩溃程序;分析 Firefox 崩溃 使程序结束。
  • 挂起程序不响应你的操作。在其它情况下, Firefox回应您对菜单和按键的操作, 不加载任何网站

该文章未明确提出如何解决挂起程序,或者建议的解决方案并未解决问题,请见 “基本故障排除” 你还应该扫描电脑看是否是病毒、间谍软件和其它恶意软件,并阅读 “我的问题是恶意软件造成的吗?”



如果您的计算机有英特尔奔腾4处理器和使用Windows 2000和XP系统,您可以禁用“超线程”:

  1. 右键单击用于启动Firefox的快捷图标。
  2. 选择 属性
  3. 选择 兼容性图标。
  4. 选择以兼容模式运行该程序
  5. 在兼容模式的下拉菜单中选择Windows98/Windows Me
  6. 点击确定
  7. 重启Firefox,看挂起是否已经消失。


SwitchProxy工具 SwitchProxy Tool 延期检查更新每次打开新窗口的时间。这是一个已知的问题。 如果您使用SwitchProxy工具,您可以禁用它来看挂起是否被阻止:

  1. 点击Firefox窗口顶部菜单工具栏工具 ,然后选择附加组件。出现附加组件对话框。
  2. 选择扩展面板 ,将会看到已安装的扩展名列表。
  3. 选择SwitchProxy工具
  4. 单击 禁用
  5. 点击 Firefox 菜单按钮 Fx89menuButton,然后选择 退出

    在屏幕顶部点击 Firefox 菜单,然后选择 退出 Firefox

    点击 Firefox 菜单 Fx89menuButton,然后选择 退出

  6. 重启Firefox。打开几个新窗口,看Firefox是否不再被挂起。





  1. 点击Firefox窗口顶部菜单工具栏工具,然后选择下载。下载窗口被打开。
  2. 点击清除列表。下载历史记录被清除。
  3. 下载一些示例文档,看挂起是否挂停止。



  1. 在屏幕上方的菜单栏里点击 Firefox 并(根据 macOS 的版本不同)选择 首选项设置点击菜单按钮 Fx89menuButton 并选择设置
  2. 选择常规主控制屏在Firefox 3.5)。
  3. 在下载窗格中,选择保存到文件,然后单击 {button 浏览 按钮。
  4. 浏览文件夹窗口,选择一个新文件夹位置。
  5. 关闭 设置 页。您做的所有更改都会自动保存。




  1. 点击Firefox窗口顶部菜单工具栏工具 ,然后选择清除私有数据...。出现清除私有数据对话框。
  2. 除了浏览历史记录取消所有框。
  3. 点击清除私有数据。清除浏览器历史记录. 详见清除私有数据

为避免该问题再次发生,您可以在选项窗口 - 隐私面板配置保留较少浏览历史记录:

  1. 在屏幕上方的菜单栏里点击 Firefox 并(根据 macOS 的版本不同)选择 首选项设置点击菜单按钮 Fx89menuButton 并选择设置
  2. 选择 隐私 面板。
  3. 至少保存XX天我的浏览历史记录文本框中,输入一个小于当前值的数值。该值定义Firefox保留浏览历史记录的天数,较小的数字表明保存较少的浏览历史记录。
  4. 关闭 设置 页。您做的所有更改都会自动保存。
  1. 点击Firefox窗口顶部菜单工具栏工具 ,然后选择清除近期历史记录...
  2. 清除时间范围下拉菜单中,选择 全部
  3. 点击详情旁边的按钮。历史记录清单将会显示出来。
  4. 选择 浏览 & 下载历史记录
  5. 点击清除按钮。清除近期历史记录窗口将关闭,浏览历史记录以及下载历史记录将被清除。详见清除近期历史记录

为避免该问题再次发生,您可以在选项窗口 - 隐私面板配置保留较少浏览历史记录:

  1. 在屏幕上方的菜单栏里点击 Firefox 并(根据 macOS 的版本不同)选择 首选项设置点击菜单按钮 Fx89menuButton 并选择设置
  2. 选择隐私面板 。
  3. 除了Firefox will:,如果还未设定,确保使用历史自定义设置被选。
  1. 至少保存XX天我的浏览历史记录文本框中,输入一个小于当前值的数值。该值定义Firefox保留浏览历史记录的天数,较小的数字表明保存较少的浏览历史记录。
  2. 关闭 设置 页。您做的所有更改都会自动保存。

Hang loading websites

Automatic proxy configuration file

If you're using an automatic proxy configuration file (PAC), Firefox may hang when you attempt to load sites that don't exist or that you haven't opened recently. To determine if you use an automatic proxy configuration file:

  1. 在屏幕上方的菜单栏里点击 Firefox 并(根据 macOS 的版本不同)选择 首选项设置点击菜单按钮 Fx89menuButton 并选择设置
  2. Click the Advanced icon.
  3. Click the Network tab.
  4. Click Settings. The Connection Settings dialog appears.
  5. If Automatic proxy configuration URL is selected, you are using an automatic proxy configuration file. Do not disable this setting, which will prevent you from accessing the Internet. Instead, provide this link to your network administrator.
  6. Click Cancel.

Duplicate Session Restore files

Firefox may be be slow to respond or hang if multiple copies of its Session Restore file have been created:

  1. 要打开你的用户档案文件夹:

    • 点击菜单按钮 Fx89menuButton ,再点击 帮助 并选择 更多故障排除信息 帮助 菜单中, 选择 更多故障排除信息 然后 故障调试信息 标签页会出现。
    • 应用程序概要 部分的 Profile 文件夹目录旁边,点击 打开文件夹在 Finder 中显示打开目录 按钮。含有您的配置文件夹窗口将打开。你的配置文件夹将打开。
    注意:如果您无法打开或使用 Firefox,您也可尝试 在不打开 Firefox 的情况下找到您的用户配置文件 中的指导。

  2. 点击 Firefox 菜单按钮 Fx89menuButton,然后选择 退出

    在屏幕顶部点击 Firefox 菜单,然后选择 退出 Firefox

    点击 Firefox 菜单 Fx89menuButton,然后选择 退出

  3. Locate and delete the sessionstore.js file and any copies, such as sessionstore-1.js, sessionstore-2.js.


Sites that use plugins such as Java, Adobe Reader, or Flash can cause Firefox to hang. For information on troubleshooting plugins and on determining whether a plugin is causing your problem, see the 解决插件引起的故障 article.

Hang switching tabs

Spybot S&D's "Immunize" feature can add a large number of entries into the Firefox cookie configuration file. This can cause slowdown while switching tabs.

  1. From the menu at the top of the Firefox window, select File and then select the Exit menu item.
  2. Open Spybot S&D.
  3. Click the Immunize icon on the left side of the window.
  4. Right-click in the Immunization list and choose Deselect all from the context menu.
  5. In the Firefox section, put a check mark next to each item.
  6. Click Undo at the top of the window.

Hang after prolonged use

Firefox may hang if left open for long periods of time. To fix the issue, restart Firefox.

If you regularly leave Firefox open so that you return to where you left off, you may want to use Firefox's Session Restore feature. When you exit the program, Firefox can remember your open windows and tabs. When you restart Firefox, you can optionally reload those windows and tabs.

To enable Session Restore:

  1. 在屏幕上方的菜单栏里点击 Firefox 并(根据 macOS 的版本不同)选择 首选项设置点击菜单按钮 Fx89menuButton 并选择设置
  2. Click the General panel (Main panel in Firefox 3.5).
  3. From the When Firefox starts drop-down, select Show my windows and tabs from last time.
  4. 关闭 设置 页。您做的所有更改都会自动保存。

Firefox is now configured to remember your windows and tabs. You can close Firefox without losing the currently opened web pages, which may prevent Firefox from hanging.

Hang deleting bookmarks folder

Trying to delete a bookmarks folder that contains many bookmarks and multiple levels of sub-folders can cause Firefox to hang. To work around this problem, delete unwanted bookmark sub-folders in small steps. .

Hang at exit

Sometimes when you close Firefox, it may stop responding and remain in memory, even though no Firefox windows are open. This can prevent Firefox from working properly the next time you open it or you may see a "Close Firefox" dialog box with the message, Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.. You must then end all Firefox processes or restart the computer before you can reopen Firefox. (See Firefox 已经在运行,但是没有响应 for other causes and solutions.)

If Firefox processes that remain in memory at exit are a recurring problem, try these solutions:

  • A problematic extension can cause the problem, which can be resolved by disabling or uninstalling the extension. For information on diagnosing and fixing problems caused by faulty extensions, see the 火狐扩展和主题的故障解决方法 article.
  • Sometimes Java applets can cause the Firefox process to persist after exit. Try updating Java to the latest version or, if you don't need the Java plugin, you can disable it from the Plugins panel of the Firefox Add-ons window. For more information, see Firefox 中使用 Java 插件.
  • Using certain Internet security software is reported to cause the issue on some systems:
    • If you use ZoneAlarm on Windows Vista, uninstall it and use another firewall product (or use the Windows Firewall).
    • If you use Avast! Antivirus, switch to another antivirus product if you also have ZoneAlarm installed.
    • If you use Norton 360 2.0, make sure that you have all available Norton updates (for more help, contact Norton Support) and that you have followed the instructions in the 配置诺顿360 article.
    • If you have upgraded Comodo Internet Security from a version prior to 3.10, the Comodo Safe Surf component from the previous version can cause Firefox to hang at exit. To resolve the issue, you can uninstall Comodo Safe Surf via Windows Control Panel, as its function is now integrated into the current Comodo application.

Based on information from Firefox hangs (mozillaZine KB)