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Edit a word in the name field of the bookmark library

I open "Manage Bookmarks." I open "Library." In "Search Bookmarks," I enter what I'm searching for, assume NY Times.' All the Times links are displayed. I see in the "Nam… (jàng ci lu gën a bari)

I open "Manage Bookmarks." I open "Library." In "Search Bookmarks," I enter what I'm searching for, assume NY Times.' All the Times links are displayed. I see in the "Name" field at the bottom that I misspelled a word in a displayed link; e.g., "Pul" instead of "Paul." I go to the "Name" field, add the missing "a", then click on an adjoining link. The edit does not take place - like it used to.

How do I edit the "Name" field in the library?

(NB: Firefox 96.0.2)

Asked by amurray3217 am na 1 at

Last reply by Terry am na 1 at