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Missing folders

Hi This morning when I tried to send an email I got a message there was no disk space & so couldn't save copy to sent (I have 848 GB free on HD) I tried to copy some… (مزید پڑھیں)

Hi This morning when I tried to send an email I got a message there was no disk space & so couldn't save copy to sent (I have 848 GB free on HD)

I tried to copy some old sent emails to a folder I've used in the past (old sent) & TB crashed. When I restarted it, many of my subfolders were missing. They are all still showing in Local folders in profile. I deleted all msf files & restarted TB. Nothing.

How can I restore these folders? Hopefully that's possible! Thanks

Asked by Deb Skinner 1 ہفتہ پہلے

Last reply by Deb Skinner 6 دن پہلے

seeing second reply to sent emails

Using Thunderbird version 115.11.0 (64-bit) with Windows 7 OS and THREADING TURNED OFF. When I receive a second reply to an email I've sent via one of my email service p… (مزید پڑھیں)

Using Thunderbird version 115.11.0 (64-bit) with Windows 7 OS and THREADING TURNED OFF.

When I receive a second reply to an email I've sent via one of my email service providers that uses an outlook365 server, my thunderbird view hides it beneath the first reply unless I manually intervene by clicking on the "greater than" sign associated with the first reply. When I do click on the first reply the greater than sign spins clockwise 90 degrees and the second reply appears below the first as if it were in a subdirectory.

The above behaviour is very inconvenient because I am prone to missing the second reply and have trouble anticipating its existence. Admittedly the unread second reply does change the first reply's text property to "bold" but I much prefer to see the new message without having to manually click on everything bold to check.

Another email service provider I use also has an Outlook365 server but second replies to emails are not hidden in its associated thunderbird inbox?

Can anything be done in thunderbird to stop this "feature" or is it absolutely fixed by service providers?

Asked by u4207231 1 مہینہ پہلے

Last reply by u4207231 6 دن پہلے